Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2392: chain reaction (medium)

In the room without a door, everyone left, and Sisia sat on a chair that was found in the ruins and took a long breath of relief. This happens after every meeting, which can make me relax a lot and ease my mood. However, there are also disadvantages. The increasing pressure is still there and cannot be reduced in the slightest.

Cicia knew the reason, which was because her own learning ability was not enough to keep up. There is too much theoretical knowledge accumulated in her brain, and the information about combat is enough for her to study for a long, long time. The actual combat in recent months has helped her digest part of it, but the amount of comparison data is still small.

The main problem is that among those theoretical materials, some operations and thinking directions are not understood by Cicia. In the past, Sisia still doubted it, but as the intensity of the battle increased and she felt the danger herself, she realized that the theoretical data were all correct—the powerful enemy did choose the method described in the data, and she According to the countermeasures, countermeasures have also been achieved.

Later, when Sisia thought about the enemies Cassia encountered along the way, he suddenly understood why this happened. The samples referenced by the theory have been elite members of various stages from the very beginning, a group of various monsters with rich experience and fighting consciousness. However, most of the enemies I have encountered at present have not thought carefully to that level.

"Oh, I should have rested more before the heavy rain." She regretted, then leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes and rested. It's just that in the mind, the thinking continues, and all aspects of the action in a week are being silently calculated and simulated.


In the Far Sea Commonwealth, the coastal area of ​​the central ocean current zone, the thermal air flow from the polar sea vortex erodes the surface here.

Looking around, this area is a desert area without any plants. Yellow sand and mist-like dust are the main style, and the high temperature of tens of degrees makes the creatures that exist here always rare. Closer to the central ocean current belt, the sea breeze with water vapor makes the environment more relaxed. Although it still looks like a desert, you can occasionally see patches of solitary heat-resistant plants.

In the evening, the intensity of the sunlight weakened, and when the starry sky was about to usher in, the five cruiser-class airships flashed various lights, and with the gradually emerging night as the background, they slowly descended from small to large. In the desert, a piece of ground covered with yellow sand cracked four holes at the same time, showing four petals retracted, revealing a huge parking apron built under the ground.

As the five airships fell, they completely disappeared above the ground, and the cracked ground closed up, and the desert seemed to have returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened, silently bearing the erosion of residual heat.

The King of Steel, Defoni Phoenix, stepped off the airship, followed the route in his early memory, stepped on the mottled and rusted steel corridor, left the apron, and went to the nearby underground building—

A city of steel built under the ground. On the huge mechanical arms and hoisting devices everywhere, there are signs of paint drying and discoloration. The words "Kinetic Steel Manufacturing Institute" are written in the characters of the Far Sea Commonwealth. Many memories began to emerge in Defoni's head, and he couldn't help showing an emotional smile. This used to be where he stayed for a long time.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps coming from the side brought Defoney back to his eyes, and the emerging memory was temporarily interrupted.

"Master Defoni, I never thought that you would come here in person. I should have greeted you at the tarmac, please don't blame me." The person who spoke was also an old man with half gray hair, with a kind smile on his face, with a different kind of expression. intimacy.

Defoni waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to say this, "The situation is urgent. Staying in the factory on the mountain is facing too much pressure. Taking advantage of other people who have attracted most of the enemy's attention recently, I have the opportunity and time to Just come out and walk around a bit. But you, Maskel, please come out of your resting state and come here at this time,,,"

"Thank you very much for accepting my invitation." Defoni is sincere and grateful, "It is obviously an extremely dangerous job, but I still contact you,,,"

The old man named Maskell kept smiling, and while he was talking, he signaled Defoni to follow him, "I couldn't be free at first, after all, I have been busy for more than a hundred years, and finally thought that I could completely let go of everything and go to I rested and spent my old age quietly. But this kind of time was only less than the first year. After that, all the things I thought of were huge mechanical arms, roaring slamming sounds, and scalding steam. "

"Who let me do it for more than a hundred years? Whether it's life or work, it's all mixed together, and there is no possibility of separation."

"However." Maskell turned his head to look at Defoni, "I can think that you might contact me in the past few years, but I never thought that after contacting me, you would actually come here." He said , Maskel looked to the side, where he could see the logo of Kinetic Steel Works. Even though UU Reading has faded, the real and original color has always been in his heart and has never been forgotten.

Defoni took up the conversation and said with emotion, "The No. 0 manufacturing plant of Kinetic Steel Works, the original conception, original design, basic experiments, etc. of the Mechanical Dragon Project, all took place and completed here. I still remember the lively past At that time, many airships lined up and hovered in the sky every day, waiting to transport the goods produced. But in the end, the Mechanical Dragon plan was stopped, and this place was also seriously affected, and it was completely abandoned after being sealed. "

"I always thought that the first steel dragon of the mechanical dragon project would fly out from here, for this reason, Maskell, you still remember the ejection designed for it..."

"Ejection track, of course I know, I made the original design. At that time, you said that the mechanical dragon should be ejected like a red-tube airplane, and then flap its wings to fly. You said that it would be shocking—a huge shell A steel-like aggregate spurts out, stretches its body in the eyes of the enemy ten seconds later, spreads the wings reflecting the cold light, and will definitely make the enemy's head stop thinking for a few seconds." Maskell recalled with a little excitement life here in the past.

"Oh, it's just that we can't go back in the past after all." Defoni regretted.

"But the Mechanical Dragon Project has succeeded, and there is even the Ultimate Dragon Project, which is completely enough for you and me." Maskel comforted, "Even if it didn't fly out from here, it doesn't matter. "

(end of this chapter)

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