Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 59: dialogue

   In Kara's eyes, the head of the last person exploded, and finally he was relieved. She stood up, the sniper rifle was held in her hand, there was a hole in the gray-white dress, and the white skin was faintly visible. It was cut by the woman who rushed over with a knife, but she did not hurt Kara as she wished, and eventually lost her life.

   She is very strong, and Kara can admit it without hesitation. However, the so-called strengths and weaknesses are all based on a relative premise. Among those arms smugglers, she is indeed a rare strong, and the specifications and completeness of the operation are much higher than those of ordinary half-surgery. But she ran into a group of monsters from the military school, and she was destined to end in tragedy very early.

After disassembling the sniper rifle, Kara carried the leather box and walked over to put Cassia on his shoulders. When he returned to David's house, the sky was already dark, the cumulus clouds had not dispersed, and no star was visible. The darkness of the night Somewhat depressed.


   Cassia opened his eyes again, three days later.

   "Oh, awake." This was the first sentence Cara said when he opened his eyes. He woke up and took a long breath of relief, and then he felt much better.

"How long have I fainted?" Cassia rubbed his painful temples, his eyes were full of soreness, there was nothing in the stomach pouch, only gastric juice that could not be digested. He suspected that he could wake up because his stomach was so hungry. the reason.

   "Only three days have passed." Carla walked to the bed and opened the curtains. There was no glare from the sun outside. The weather has been gloomy these days.

   Many people say that the black dust storm is coming, and Cara also thinks so. Her keen sense organs allow her to capture subtle changes in air pressure. The flowing wind in the past few days has shown that things are moving in the direction that people say.

   Cassia sat up with her elbows supported, leaning against the head of the bed. The palm of the once **** flesh was wrapped in white gauze, which smelled of a mixture of various potions. Other small wounds were also cleaned and disinfected. In three days, under the automatic repair of the body, they were basically healed.

"Your injury is not as severe as you think." Carla said while sitting. In her pupils, Cassia's eyes were drooping, her face was pale, her ruddy color faded a lot, and she had lost a full circle. "The biggest problem is just bleeding too much, and then the two palms are broken and a few ribs are broken. Of course, the friction between the internal organs does not need to be counted, as long as you rest for a few days."

  Carla lightly said on the sidelines, and Cassia nodded after listening carefully.

   "Why did you get involved, I mean the explosion that day?" Seeing Cassia's eyes slowly regaining the desired look, Cara was full of interest in what happened that day.

   "What else is the high-pressure steam storage tank exploded." Cassia said, thinking about it now, I still feel how reckless and crazy the decision was. Had it not been for the operation on his body, the conditions at that time would have been enough to die hundreds of times.

",,,,,, can be considered to be involved for no reason, after all, those people were in a state of excitement at the time." Cassia talked about what happened that day, and even the student team found in the morning was all killed and faked The matter of traces was also mentioned by Cassia.

   Kara nodded his head, but also looked thoughtful.

   Both of them pursed their mouths and were silent for a while, only the sound of Cassia's heavy breathing.

   "Did something happen in these three days?" Still Cassia broke the lake.

"More things have happened, and the situation has changed one day. The smugglers are probably crazy. There are also some people who deliberately guided the situation. In less than three days, they almost turned the underground waterway network from inside to outside. "Carla said, looking a little excited.

   Cassia thinks that her contribution must be indispensable in this achievement.

"The fire fortresses of Fros were all broken by the team assembled by the arms smugglers yesterday. Among those gathered miscellaneous teams, yesterday I didn’t know how many student teams and powerful mercenaries got in to help. Otherwise, It is really not an easy task to capture the same firepower as a fortress. In short, Fros has long been in the mine, and the men who remain on the ground and in the underground waterway are all pretense." Kara said, "We are all Being deceived by Fros, his original plan may be to delay him as much as possible by relying on those abandoned children."

"Now we don't have to wander around in the underground water channel. The entrance of Fros has become a public place. Everyone has set the goal in the newly emerged mine tunnel." Cara continued, "Our goal Nolida It’s hidden inside."

   "The task is finally a bit eye-catching." Cassia sighed, a little disappointed, "I feel like the work these days has been done for nothing."

"Of course it is not for nothing. I will help you complete your transaction with that fat Feiston, and the situation has become clearer. You can also look at the basic situation of the student teams of these schools when you have time. Especially the Sunorte School People, they are the same as our goals, and we may have to be careful to **** them in the future." Carla was not comforting, "And if it wasn't for the steam explosion that you caused, maybe all of us are still in the dark by Frost. "

Kara laughed, "Without the few surgeons you killed, they wouldn’t be able to dig out a piece of meat from these stingy arms smugglers, and they would not be able to gather in just two days and eat them all in one go. All Frost's turf power. Otherwise, this matter will be delayed for a few days before there is a new turn for the better."

"Moreover, both sides suffered heavy casualties this time. This is good news for us. Floss only escaped from a small leader named Sapir, and all the elite troops around him died. The smugglers temporarily joined forces. In the army, let alone the number of ordinary men, the surgeons in their respective forces also died a lot in the siege Many students were carefully disguised and then hid. It was caused by putting cold guns from behind in the mixed team. They will definitely be our enemies in the future. Now they will consume a little major strength, which will help us in the future tasks."

   Cassia nodded, his face slowly returning to a little color.

"By the way, in the offensive team yesterday, I ran into Klitsch, that big man." Carla suddenly remembered, gestured to describe and said, "Their situation is not very good, now there is still left in the team. Four people, and Gustin entered the mine as early as five days ago, so far no news has come. But Klitsch and the others have discovered the special mark left by Gustin, they said it should be ancient Sting discovered something more important. He had to leave the entrance under the Frost workshop, otherwise he would not fail to meet them inside in advance. Later, we discussed that when they were ready, the three teams joined together and set off. Just tonight."

"Of course, you don't need to take part in the action the other day, just take care of your injuries. With your healing power, coupled with medication, it will take seven or eight days for the ribs to be fully joined." Cara stood up from the chair and said, " Give me all the work for now."

   "Thank you these few days." Cassia nodded, her face full of sincerity.

   "No, no, it's not free, just keep it here as an account. I will count on you to save me in the future." Kara said with a smile, the curvature of the corner of her mouth gave a comfortable feeling. The meaning of her words was ambiguous, and Cassia couldn’t guess the meaning of it, so she saw her walk out of the room, and then the door was gently pulled Welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest, The hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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