Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 419: conspiracy

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"I don't understand, I don't understand"

Li Gu rushed to Tian Zhai early in the morning and accompanied Tian Jiageng to the provincial party committee by car.

Pushing the door and entering the house, Li Gu shouted loudly when he saw Tian Jiageng sitting at the dining table, drinking porridge with side dishes.

"What's the matter, I can't tell you that this fake Zhuge can't understand." Tian Jiageng took chopsticks, pulled the porridge, ate it whole, put the bowl in his hand, and asked Li Gu what happened, making him so confused.

Tian Jiageng did not have a direct eye line in Donghua, and Li Gu could only know after the news of Shen Huai's resignation from Mei Gang and his request to be transferred to Yushan spread in Donghua.

However, this news spread in Donghua quite shockingly, and it spread very fast. Li Gu was still lying in bed early in the morning and received a call to know about it, so he hurried over to see Tian Jiageng.

Li Gu asked Tian Zhai's nanny to help him serve a bowl of porridge, sat at the table, and told Tian Jiageng the latest situation of Donghua: "I don't understand why Shen Huai should stand by and watch the Donghua Steel issue. Although Shen Huai and Tan Qiping had a deep conflict, Donghua City Steel encountered such a big problem. If he asked someone from the Song family to come forward to coordinate, and let Meigang merge Donghua City Steel, Tan Qiping would not necessarily refuse if he wanted to come. At present, Meigang is still dominated by state-owned and local shares, and the province has no excuse to stop Meigang from merging with Donghua Steel. Why did Shen Huai put on a posture that had nothing to do with him and made Tan Qiping even more embarrassed?”

"" Tian Jiageng drank the porridge numbly and asked Li Gu to continue.

"Shen Huai's decision to leave Meigang at this time means that it is no longer a problem for Meigang's No. 2 plant to be completed and put into operation," Li Gu said. Those who have the ability to digest Donghua City Steel. Could it be that the title of the largest steel company in Huaihai Province is not attractive to Shen Huai at all? I don’t think Shen Huai can’t see this. The steel output of the Provincial Steel Group reached 1.5 million tons this year. If it can take over the entire Donghua City Steel, including taking over the Donghua City Steel to the joint venture steel plant The total production capacity will exceed 2.4 million tons. Can't Shen Huai see how eager the provincial steel is to eat the steel of Donghua City?"

Tian Jiageng put down the bowl and thought about what Li Gu said.

Although the domestic steel market is still in short supply, and a large amount of steel needs to be imported overseas every year, in terms of the regional market, seizing the surrounding market means lower transportation costs and more effective market control, which means with higher profits.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Mei Steel is in direct competition with Donghua City Steel and Provincial Steel Group within the scope of Huaihai Province.

More importantly, which one is the largest steel company in Huaihai Province, Meishan Steel and Provincial Steel, will also involve the issue of the policy inclination of the provincial party committee and government in the future.

At present, Huaihai Province does not have any heavy-duty heavy industry enterprises.

If there is a steel enterprise that has the hope of being squeezed into the top ten or even the top five in the industry, it is not unimaginable that the provincial party committee and the provincial government will give full support to it.

The full support of the provincial party committee and the provincial government also means a large inflow of talents, funds and other resources in the province.

Resources are always limited. In the past, Meishan Iron and Steel did not receive much support from the province. In the final analysis, Meishan Iron and Steel in the past was still somewhat inconspicuous. There is no reason for the province and city to tilt its limited resources to Meishan Iron and Steel.

Once Meigang merges with Donghua City Steel, the total steel production

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Rebirth of the Abandoned Girl Jinghua

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It can quickly expand to 1.7 million tons, surpassing the provincial steel group with an annual production capacity of 1.5 million tons, and become the largest iron and steel enterprise in the province. , can't be said in every way.

"We don't care what Shen Huai's intentions are, just from the perspective of the provincial steel group taking over the problem of Donghua City's steel, whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages," Tian Jiageng asked Li Gu.

"From an overall point of view, it is beneficial for Provincial Steel to merge Donghua Steel. The steel industry is capital-intensive and has obvious economies of scale. The merger and integration of Donghua Steel by Provincial Steel should be positive. effect." Li Gu said.

"That's fine. If Zhao Qiuhua proposes that Provincial Steel come forward to solve the problem of Donghua Steel, then he should support it," Tian Jiageng said, "As for the rest, we don't think too much, and we can't specify Shen Huai's purpose. , is to drag the provincial steel into his bureau."

"Secretary Tian, ​​do you think Shen Huai's purpose is this?" Li Gu asked in confusion, "However, Provincial Steel still has advantages in terms of capital, technology and talent reserves, and it should be able to digest Donghua Steel with confidence. Yes. Shen Huai pushes Donghua Steel out at this time and asks Provincial Steel to digest it, what benefit will it be to Mei Steel?"

"You, you, sometimes you just think too much," Tian Jiageng said with a smile, "I can't understand it now, so I might as well wait some time to read it again. If Shen Huai has any intentions, it will always surface."

Song Bingsheng paced non-stop in the study, resting his chin in his hand, and his face was so yin that he could wring out water.

For half a month after returning from Yanjing, he watched the situation quietly, but he did not expect to see this result.

Tan Qiping arrived in Xucheng early in the morning and temporarily stayed at the municipal office in Xucheng, but he couldn't close his eyes overnight, so he arrived at Song Bingsheng's home in Xucheng early in the morning.

Xie Haicheng was also in Xucheng during this time, sitting silently on the sofa. He couldn't figure out what this kid Shen Huai was thinking. It seemed that they hadn't figured out Shen Huai in the first place.

Su Weijun did not come, but the presence of Su Weijun's son Su Kaiwen also represented Su Weijun's attitude to a certain extent. Su Weijun did not show up at this time, indicating that he supported Tan Qiping.

If the city can't digest and solve the problem of Shigang by itself, then there is no way to stop Zhao Qiuhua from intervening, and there is no excuse to stop asking the province and the steel for help. If the situation does not get worse, Song Clan will have to give up a certain territory and compromise with Zhao Qiuhua.

Zhao Qiuhua was already showing his fangs, and Tan Qiping didn't know how much he had to compromise to satisfy Zhao Qiuhua. I once thought that Donghua's management was impeccable, but I didn't expect it to be turned over by others in an instant.

"Shigang's question, can Haifeng and Evergreen Group take over?" Su Kaiwen asked in a voice.

Su Kaiwen had learned a lot from his father, and knew that once Zhao Qiuhua opened Donghua's hole, the whole situation would be unfavorable to them.

Zhao Qiuhua is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, the governor, the zhngyāng member, and the direct descendant of Premier Hu Zhicheng. He has been operating in Huaihai Province for many years. In Huaihai Province, the power accumulated by the Zhao clan was even stronger than Tian Jiageng, the provincial party secretary who had just arrived.

In Donghua, with the support of Zhao Qiuhua, Yu Chengzhen, the director of the Municipal Party Committee Organization, dared to jump out and sing the opposite of them. Once Zhao Qiuhua is called to Donghua for one or two heavyweights, and then they are asked to take the Shigang Group over as a bridgehead, the Zhao clan's power in Donghua will be greatly expanded.

Next, Zhao Xi will reach out to Meixi New District, and then even think about driving Tan Qiping out of Donghua and turning Donghua into their territory, which is not unimaginable.

Even for his own future, Su Kaiwen didn't want Zhao Xi to reach out too quickly in Donghua and expand his power too quickly.

In the face of Su Kaiwen's questioning, Xie Haicheng just

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Rebirth of the Abandoned Girl Jinghua

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pursed lips and smiled bitterly.

Although he and Sun Qiyi were able to scrape together a fund of 200 million yuan, the problem of Donghua City Steel was not entirely a problem of funds. Haifeng and Changqing Group, the 200 million capital was not picked up in vain to invest in Shigang, but how to ensure the safety of this investment, instead of swallowing Shigang's bottomless pit

If Shen Huai and Tan Qiping did not have such a deep contradiction, if Shen Huai was like Song Hongqi, he was a successor who was worth investing in resources for a lot of training, rather than a white-eyed wolf who was likely to bite back, the best solution would naturally be the merger of Meigang Steel, the capital injected by Haifeng and Evergreen Group into Meigang.

In this way, the Song Clan can quickly master a large steel enterprise that has entered the top ten in the industry, making Donghua City completely a site that the Song Clan cannot covet, helping the Song Clan to seize the commanding heights in Huaihai Province, so as to form a follower of Tian Zhao Er. A situation of rivalry.

It's a pity that all good ideas have to face cruel reality.

Shen Huai, the white-eyed wolf, not only stood by, but also stabbed them ruthlessly.

Xiong Wenbin's attitude changed, others didn't know, but Tan Qiping knew it well.

After the explosion accident on 12.9, he talked to Xiong Wenbin twice, which also aimed to ease the previous tension, just thinking that once the situation of Shigang was difficult to handle, he would let Xiong Wenbin return to Shigang to preside over the overall situation.

Although Tan Qiping didn't say it explicitly, he believed that Xiong Wenbin could see his intentions; he could also see that Xiong Wenbin was moving and did not mean to refuse.

Xiong Wenbin suddenly changed his attitude, was admitted to the hospital because of his illness, and stopped showing his face, asking Tan Qiping how to believe that Shen Huai was not behind the scenes

Tan Qiping now regrets it a little. He didn't tell Xiong Wenbin this meaning directly at first. Instead, he asked Shen Huai to take the lead and told him to lose the initiative.

Tan Qiping has many issues to consider. He not only has to clean up Shigang's mess, but also hopes that Su Weijun and Song Bingsheng can support him in making a compromise with Zhao Qiuhua. He also has to consider whether Song Xi's attitude and views towards him will change because of this crisis. .

He was worried that everyone in the Song Clan would question his ability to control the situation. That was the most fatal blow to him. Shen Huai's purpose was this.

Seeing the wry smile on Xie Haicheng's face, Tan Qiping knew that Haifeng and Changqing Group could not take over the mess of Shigang. What they need from him is the benefit, not selflessly pouring 200 million funds into the bottomless pit to help him solve the problem.

Tan Qiping thought about it for a long time and said, "Judging from the current situation, the city has no ability to solve the problem of the city's steel. I thought about it for a long time and came up with such a plan. I ask Governor Song and Mr. Xie to help me read the details."

Song Bingsheng nodded and asked Tan Qiping to continue to say that he now knew that his words would have no effect on Shen Huai, a wicked son.

"Shigang's current assets can be divided into two parts, one is the shares held in the joint venture steel plant, and the other is the steelmaking line of Shigang and its subsidiaries," Tan Qiping said, "if we do nothing now, it is called Provincial Steel. To take over the solution of Shigang's problems is equivalent to saying that the city should give Shigang's white to provincial steel. I wonder if Haifeng and Changqing Group will join forces to buy Shigang's joint venture steel plant. After obtaining the funds, Shigang will not be too passive in negotiating with Provincial Steel.”

Song Bingsheng looked at Xie Haicheng.

Xie Haicheng did not express his position easily, but said, "I will call Sun Qiyi to see if he has time to come to Xucheng."

Shigang is a mess, that is, for Shigang as a whole, Haifeng and Changqing Group do not have enough resources and capabilities to digest this mess.

But that doesn't mean Shigang doesn't have a piece of good meat.

joint venture steel

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel Netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Rebirth of the Abandoned Girl Jinghua

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Although the factory has not been fully completed, the current construction is in good condition.

Moreover, in order to ensure the construction of the joint venture steel plant, not only the Japanese side Fuji Steel has transferred a large number of management and technical forces, but also Shigang has invested the remaining best human resources into the joint venture steel plant to maintain the construction progress.

Moreover, the joint venture steel plant is located in the large industrial layout of Meixi Town. With the help of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf and the peripheral industrial chain formed around Meixi Steel, the future profit expectations of the joint venture steel plant can be guaranteed.

If you don't care about Shigang's other mess and rotten meat, Shigang's 35% stake in the joint venture steel plant can be said to be a sweet pastry.

The problem is that Shigang initially invested 120 million for the 35 shares of the joint venture steel plant. Haifeng and Changqing Group, if they want to get this sweet pastry, how much money should they spend?

This price is too high, of course Xie Haicheng refuses to do it; but looking at Tan Qiping's posture, it seems that he does not want the price to be too low.

Song Bingsheng was very anxious. Seeing that Xie Haicheng was interested in taking over the shares of the joint venture steel mill, he directly asked Tan Qiping: "What price can Donghua City agree to transfer these shares to Haifeng and Evergreen Group?"

"Shigang invested 120 million at the beginning. After more than a year of preparation and construction, the joint venture steel plant has been in a long time. It will be officially put into production and profit in three to five months. I think if it is less than 150 million , I have no way to say that other Standing Committee members agree with this plan," Tan Qiping said.

Song Bingsheng nodded, Shigang originally spent 120 million yuan, plus the interest, the total cost would not exceed 130 million yuan. Now Haifeng and Changqing Group have joined forces and invested 150 million yuan to take over the joint venture. The share of the steel mill is equivalent to the fact that Shigang can make a net profit of more than 20 million in this The joint venture steel mill project was facilitated by Tan Qiping.

Tan Qiping wants to ensure that Shigang cannot lose money on this project, which is not difficult to understand.

Of course, Shigang will not directly obtain 150 million funds from SITC and Changqing Group, but will transfer the previous 120 million loan debt and equity to the heads of SITC and Changqing Group at the same time. , and an additional 30 million yuan in compensation.

For Shigang, reducing the debt of 120 million yuan and obtaining an additional 30 million yuan in funds will also be of great help to ease the current crisis. Under this circumstance, Donghua City can take some initiative to solve the problem of municipal steel, even if provincial steel still needs to take over.

This plan can also get Tan Qiping to gain support from the Donghua City Standing Committee and regain some initiative.

Moreover, this plan is also beneficial to the Song Dynasty.

At present, it depends on Xie Haicheng's dissatisfaction with Tan Qiping's bid.

"Okay, I'll call Sun Qiyi and ask him to come and talk directly." Xie Haicheng said.

He knew that Tan Qiping's offer was not high.

The resources invested by Shigang in the joint venture steel mill are not only 120 million yuan, but also a large amount of human resources. This value is difficult to estimate, but it will definitely not be low.

Such a big production accident would not have occurred if Shigang hadn't taken away a large amount of backbone force from Meigang and its joint venture steel mills.

Moreover, the joint venture steel plant is about to be completed. Taking over the shares of the joint venture steel plant at this time means that the investment risk is greatly reduced.

Seeing what Xie Haicheng said so succinctly, Tan Qiping showed a rare smile these days. At least the situation didn't get out of control completely. Thinking of Shen Huai being so arrogant, he couldn't help but think bitterly: "Little bastard, if you think you are doing this, just do it." Can you flip me off? 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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