Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 430: beauties

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"When the county magistrate Shen and Zhang Yunshan served as the executive deputy magistrates, in addition to assisting and taking charge of the overall work of the county government, they were also in charge of agency affairs, government supervision, finance, taxation, finance, personnel establishment, municipal administration, transportation, garden construction, investment Financing, foreign affairs reception, government procurement, etc. I have discussed with the county magistrate Gao, and we agreed that your work in Tangzha District is very good, your ability is outstanding, and you are full of energy. I hope you can share a little more of our burden.” After the banquet, Cai Yunsheng, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, left, and Liang Zhenbao, Secretary of the County Party Committee, invited Shen Huai and the county head Gao Yang to sit down in his office.

Yushan County is poor, the county party committee and county government, the county people's congress and the county political consultative conference are all huddled in this long-standing yard to work. From the outside, it looks like the courtyard is very dejected, but Liang Zhenbao's office is still quite luxurious, and he doesn't feel wronged. .

Shen Huai sat on the brown sofa, resting his hands on the armrests, feeling the delicate leather, pondering the meaning of Liang Zhenbao's words, without making a sound.

Liang Zhenbao pondered for a while, and then said: "Xiang Gao and I are both old subordinates of Director Wu. Back then Director Wu was the secretary of the county party committee in Xiapu, I was the deputy director of the Organization Department, and the county magistrate Gao was the deputy director of finance. Under the leadership of the director, Xiapu County has developed very fast. Knowing that Magistrate Shen is coming to work in Yushan, Magistrate Gao and I were thinking that the presence of Magistrate Shen will definitely open up a new situation for the development of Yushan. Last month, when I went to the city, I specially went to visit Director Wu. I wondered if I might have a chance to talk to you about Yushan’s development plan. Unfortunately, you were not in the city at the time. I'm eager, you are now in Yushan, and you can talk freely about any development plans. Magistrate Shen, what do you think about the development of Yushan, Magistrate Gao and I will fully support you. "

When Liang Zhenbao spoke, Gao Yang looked at Shen Huai with a smile, as if observing his reaction.

Shen Huai didn't believe Liang Zhenbao's relationship. If he and Gao Yang were both from Wu Haifeng, everything would be easy.

Shen Huai heard from Liang Zhenbao's words that he meant to stand on the same front as Gao Yang, and thought to himself, he was really too aggressive before, even if he looked like he was kicking Tan Qiping to Yushan to sit on the bench, He hadn't completely eliminated the harm, but Liang and Gao, the two foxes, were very vigilant towards him.

"Before I came here, Secretary Tan asked me to talk. He asked me to come to Yushan. One is to strengthen exercise and the other is to strengthen learning, so as to overcome the shortcomings and shortcomings of being easily impulsive in my youth," Shen Huai pondered for a while, ready to speak, Said, "Now the county is putting so many burdens on my shoulders, and I'm worried that I won't be able to learn."

Liang Zhenbao and Gao Yang looked at each other, and both thought to themselves: Did this kid really clean up Tan Qiping, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee?

Liang Zhenbao and Gao Yang couldn't understand Shen Huai's words and deeds that he had the right not to arrest him, and also exposed his weaknesses. They could only think that Shen Huai was teaching Tan Qiping to be honest.

Thinking of this, Liang Zhenbao and Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they didn't know what Shen Huai's background was, when they thought about his temper and confidence to openly challenge the mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee, Liang and Gao felt uneasy when they thought about it.

Liang and Gao have spent half their lives immersed in the officialdom. Some of them are methods to treat and clean up people, but some of them are invisible.

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Biography of the Holy Spirit

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

Human means, put on a rampant Guo Jianglong like Shen Huai, will not work.

Liang and Gao were not so harmonious, but they both felt an urgent threat to Shen Huai's airborne landing in the city.

In the city, there are complexities in the city, and in the county, there are complexities in the county.

In such a situation, Shen Huai just came here and wanted to grab everything into his hands, so he didn't know what to do. Since Liang and Gao joined forces to advance by retreating, Shen Huai naturally also used a trick of "showing the enemy to be weak", insisting that he lacked experience and needed to learn and exercise, and was unwilling to take charge of so many tasks.

Liang Zhenbao was also slick on both sides, and pushed the decision to take charge of the work to the executive meeting of the county government for discussion. He could not understand Shen Huai's meaning, and he did not make a decision.

During the luncheon, Shen Huai met with the main leaders of the county standing committee, the National People's Congress, and the CPPCC. It was an opportunity for the county party and government staff to recognize his new face.

After leaving Liang Zhenbao's office and passing through the flower gallery, Shen Huai followed the county magistrate Gao Yang to the east building where the county government is located.

The county government building can't be called a building. It has only three floors. Fortunately, other county committees and bureaus are not crowded into the yard to work, but they look spacious.

Several deputy county magistrates and several directors of the government office also met during lunch. After arriving at the office, Gao Yang called and asked Feng Yumei, deputy director of the county government office, to take Shen Huai to the office to get acquainted with the situation first.

Walking in the aisle of the county government building, Shen Huai observed Feng Yumei, the deputy director of the provincial government office and director of the financial office that Gao Yang assigned to him during lunch to assist him in his work.

Although Feng Yumei had her hair tied in a bun, dressed in a dark suit and pretended to be old-fashioned, her beautiful face, plump and round figure, slender waist and wide buttocks all showed an attractive, round and jade-like mature beauty. It's beautiful." It's no wonder that Cai Yunsheng, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, mentioned in the morning how much he misses working in Yushan, where the conditions were difficult.

Shen Huai couldn't figure out Feng Yumei's age for a while, seeing that the corners of her eyes were still very smooth, without a trace of crow's feet. Shen Huai thought that no matter how well-maintained she was, she should not be older than thirty-four.

Shen Huai has a good attitude of "exile", and naturally he will not bring people to Yushan. His assistant, secretary and driver in Yushan are all arranged by Yushan County.

Seeing Feng Yumei open the door of the office, she backed away a little and let Shen Huai go in first. Shen Huai stood on Feng Yumei's side. In winter, everyone wore a lot of clothes. Only from the side, it was more obvious that Feng Yumei's upturned **** lined up the blue sweater in her suit. He advanced. In the house, Feng Yumei passed by, smelling the faint fragrance around her, and noticed that she was also observing herself.

Shen Huai was amused. Liang and Gao thought it was not enough for them to retreat. They also sang beauty tricks with him. Otherwise, because of his notoriety, Yushan County would not be able to send a beautiful female deputy director to cooperate with the young and **** young people. He works.

Since Feng Yumei may be the bait thrown by Liang and Gao, what is the relationship between Feng Yumei and Liang and Gao? Liang Zhenyu and Gao Yang are wary of him, but they are willing to let such a beautiful lover serve the tiger or say that there is another secret behind the scenes

Shen Huai stood calmly at the door and called

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Biography of the Holy Spirit

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

Looking at the situation in the office, this is the former office of Zhang Yunshan, the former executive deputy county magistrate and the current organization director. He was a soldier who was battling and battling water, and now Shen Huai is naturally replaced by him.

"This is the former Minister Zhang's office. It was cleaned up two days ago. There is a small room for rest." Feng Yumei walked to the side of the office by the north window, looking no different from the background wall, gently As soon as it was pushed, a door was revealed, "Ms. Shen, if there is anything you are not satisfied with, I will ask someone to change it in the next two days."

"Not bad, this is good." Shen Huai said.

"Yesterday, Director Shao delivered all your belongings to the county magistrate Shen first," Feng Yumei said. "The conditions of the county government guest house and the government dormitory are very bad. As early as two weeks ago, I reported this situation to the county magistrate Gao The county magistrate instructed us to rent another house for you in Chengguan Town. It is a small and quiet yard. You can guess that a learned intellectual like you, the county magistrate, will like it. Moved over there. I think it is very hard for you to travel to Yushan by car for a long time, county magistrate Shen. Today, should I accompany you to the place where you live to see if there is anything else that needs to be purchased? I will talk to you tomorrow. Shen County Magistrate, you report the work at work"

Shen Huai glanced at Feng Yumei, saw that her eyes were a little hidden, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'm going to have a rest today."

"Shen County Magistrate, wait for me." Feng Yumei looked away, turned around and left, leaving a pleasant breeze.

After a while, Feng Yumei brought two young people and introduced it to Shen Huai: "This is Wang Wei from the driver's class. There are not many cars from the county government. There is a sangta that is borrowed by the county radio and television bureau. For the county government, the car is in good condition”

"Is anyone using that běi jeep in the compound? How is the condition?" Shen Huai asked Wang Wei directly. The road conditions in Yushan County were very poor. He saw that the běi jeep was worn out, but as long as it was well maintained, it was better than Santana for climbing a **** or something.

"The car has been around for ten years. It was temporarily placed in the compound and the car can still run." Wang Wei said.

Shen Huai nodded.

Feng Yumei nodded when she saw Shen Huai, and she didn't know that he designated the old jeep as the car, and at the same time occupied both the Santana and the old jeep. Some meanings can only be pondered by her slowly, and she can't ask the words directly.

Feng Yumei then introduced another young man to Shen Huai: "Cao Jun is a college student who has just graduated this year and was assigned to our county government. The secretarial department is temporarily short of staff. Do you want Cao Jun to study with you, the county magistrate, for a while?"

Shen Huai saw that Cao Jun was tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Even if his work was not very mature, he was mainly assisting Feng Yumei, and he was not very picky, so he asked casually, "Which university did you graduate from?"

"Provincial College of Economics, the place where you have taught before, Mayor Shen." Cao Jun said.

Shen Huai's eyes narrowed, there are idiots in zhngyāng, and there are dragons and tigers in the deep mountains. It seems that the water in Yushan Mountain is deeper than he imagined, whether Liang and Gao take retreat as advance, unite the front, or Feng Yumei's beauty The plan, or Cao Jun's idle chess, shows that someone in Yushan has carefully investigated his details beforehand.

Shen Huai just smiled in his heart, thinking that Liang and Gao had a good reason for guarding him, but he didn't think he should do so many small things to him. Could it be that someone other than Liang and Gao is planning to collect and organize them on the 00 novel network. The copyright belongs to him. author or publisher.

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