Strange game designer

Chapter 127 Yan Xizhi

Gao Ming was so frightened when the old lady looked at him that Yan Xizhi's eyes seemed to be able to see through all the secrets.

"Are you a new student?" Yan Xizhi stopped in front of Gao Ming: "Why are there so many people lying on you!"

Principal Yan's words frightened Ding Yuan. He really believed what Gao Ming said and regarded Gao Ming as Zhuo Jun's classmate. He knew that Gao Ming had a secret, but no matter what, Gao Ming should still be a living person.

"Principal Yan, if they stay with me and don't want to leave, doesn't it just show that I am very popular and can give them a sense of security and make them rely on me?" Gao Ming was not joking, he really thought so.

"Then don't you feel tired?" Yan Xizhi is wearing a suit. There is a certain determination in her eyes. Her eyes are sharp. When they meet for the first time, they will find her difficult to get in touch with.

"Compared with what you are carrying, what am I?" Gao Ming's eyes were soft, just the opposite of the old lady: "I heard about you when I was very young, and I want to be like you. Be tolerant, caring, selfless, and use your own power to help more people. That’s what I think, and that’s what I always do.”

Ding Yuan next to him couldn't stand listening anymore. He told Gao Ming everything about Yan Xizhi three minutes ago. The kid in the office building had murderous intent hidden in his eyes before. His attitude towards him and Yan Xizhi was simply shocking. They are two extremes.

"Why do you still see people serving food?" Ding Yuan did not expose Gao Ming. After all, no matter how abnormal Gao Ming's behavior was, he was still a living person of flesh and blood.

After listening to Gao Ming's words, the anger on the old lady's face subsided a little: "If my two useless sons are half as kind as you, I will be satisfied. Alas, I have spoiled them rotten."

The old lady touched Gao Ming's shoulder. She looked at the darkness beside Gao Ming: "Is that your pet too?"

"No, he is my best friend." Gao Ming knew that he could not hide it, so he took the initiative to admit: "He is a poor man, he was born blind and his ears were injured. After being abandoned by his biological parents, he was bought by human traffickers. Forced to beg on the street. It is covered in monster hair, but actually has a very gentle heart."

Gao Ming knelt down and hugged the big dog in the shadow.

The wet big dog was a little speechless, but because he felt that he could not defeat Yan Xizhi, he lay on the ground obediently. Although he had an extremely huge body, he looked very weak.

"How much pain does it take to grow such a dangerous shell." Yan Xizhi's heartstrings were touched, and she reached out and touched the big dog's head: "Child..."

Originally, the big dog just cooperated with Gao Ming and pretended to be pitiful, but when he was actually touched by Yan Xizhi, he felt extremely comfortable, and his body seemed to have been injected with power. In a trance, the big dog seemed to have seen his "bamboo mother" .

"Do you miss your mother?" Yan Xizhi hugged the big dog. The expression on her face was completely different from when she called just now: "You can stay here from now on. This school is your home, and I will guard it." Anyone who wants to take away the school here will have to step over my body!"

"Principal, you must also pay attention to safety, Situ An can do anything." Ding Yuan reminded carefully.

"I will go to the Hanhai Charity Federation when it gets light. I have never begged anyone in my life, but in order to save the school, I am willing to make an exception." Yan Xizhi was so crazy that her memory stayed before her death. She didn't even know that she was dead. , holding the cell phone that could never make a call, he kept calling the people he had helped before.

"Okay." Ding Yuan smiled bitterly: "Some teachers also want to make Situ An the principal. A small number of teachers who support you have been kicked out of the office building by him, so we want to work here temporarily and continue to maintain the operation of the school. ,May I?"

"Yes, of course it's no problem!" Yan Xizhi stood up and walked deeper into the corridor. The big dog jumped out of the shadows and followed the old lady closely, never leaving.

"Hey." Gao Ming walked over quickly and grabbed the big dog's long hair: "Please pay attention to your position."

"It's normal for good birds to choose trees to roost in." Ding Yuan seemed to know Yan Xizhi's special ability and said casually.

"Have you ever seen such a big good bird?" Gao Ming refused to let go and followed Yan Xizhi noisily to the utility room on the fourth floor.

The utility room at the end of the corridor looks small, with various items used for experiments piled in it.

In order to provide the best teaching environment for her children, Yan Xizhi went to other schools, and hers was no different.

Walking between the rows of shelves, Gao Ming slowly began to realize something was wrong.

They have been walking inside for a long time, but they still haven't reached the end.

"It was strange when I first came in. The utility room was not affected by the campus rules and Situ An's rules. It was independent of the two rules and was completely wrapped up in the resentment of the 'big ghost'." Ding Yuan's voice Very small: "According to our subsequent investigation, Yan Xizhi's first death scene should be in the utility room of the laboratory building."

Yan Xizhi died in the school he built. After his death, he still lingered here, worrying about those children. He put down his dignity and used his mobile phone that could not make any calls to find someone for help.

"My place is very big, you can bring other teachers here."

The shelves were filled with all the things Yan Xizhi had prepared for this school, as well as a large number of letters and essays written to her by the students. Perhaps the children's heartfelt efforts to stay were another reason why she was unwilling to leave.

She has paid so much for this school, and every item on the shelf is proof of it. It's no wonder that Situ An and the school's rules cannot affect this place.

After passing through countless rows of shelves, Gao Ming saw a simple desk and a few wooden chairs, where the old lady worked after her death.

The light of the desk lamp, warm but not dazzling, illuminated the lesson plans and various documents on the table. She had been busy repeatedly, wanting to do more things for the students.

"Thank you, Principal Yan. We will definitely stop Situ An and help you protect the school!" Ding Yuan opened his backpack and took out the suspicious items and investigation reports.

"It's not about helping me keep the school, it's about helping the children keep the school. It strictly prohibits commercial operations and only provides a learning environment for those children who need it most." Yan Xizhi sat on the side of the table, staring at her broken mobile phone. It was as if she was waiting for people who had helped her to call her back.

Ding Yuan didn't say much to Principal Yan. He pasted the campus maps on the wall and pulled Gao Ming to his side.

"We are hiding here now." Ding Yuan painted the utility room on the fourth floor of the experimental building blue on the map: "Blue represents the room where the 'big ghost' activities are, and it is also an area we can fight for. White represents the school rules. The shrouded area, black is the area where Situ An makes the rules."

Ding Yuan drew a route on the map with a blue pen: "We can't fight against Situ An and the school rules. What we need to do now is to bring the remaining living people into the blue area and protect them. But you have to remember Stay here, you must not let the replaced 'ghost students' come in! They are all enforcers of school rules, and once they come in, they may attract the student union!"

"It's difficult to identify students. Some 'ghost students' are well hidden." Gao Ming took out a red pen and said, "Why don't we make new rules and erase all the ghosts and people who don't abide by our rules."

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