Strange game designer

Chapter 221 Strange Tales Players


The water cup hit the ground, scalding boiling water and porcelain shards splashed everywhere, and blood flowed from the fingertips of God Jütuo, but he didn't seem to notice, his eyes staring straight at the screen.

No one around him dared to speak, they all bowed their heads and stood there.

No one thought that Situ An would dare to disclose this. He blamed all the crimes on the investigation bureau and even had the entire city buried with him when he died.

What's even more terrifying is that after watching Situ An's last video, some grassroots investigators in the Bureau began to waver.

In order to explore abnormal events, they disregarded their own safety and exchanged their lives for information.

They do not ask for money or power, but take pride in being born and go into contact with ghosts unarmed. It is not that they are not afraid, but there is something deep in their hearts that allows them to overcome their fear, and that is the belief and vocation given to them by the Bureau of Investigation. .

But now Situ An has lifted the curtain and let people see another side of the Investigation Bureau. Those investigators who had gone through life and death discovered that what they had exchanged for their lives was not the stability of the vast sea, but the satisfaction of the selfish desires of some people in the investigation bureau.

Faith is the investigator's only weapon when facing ghosts and monsters, and is the source of all courage, but now there is a problem with this source.

The director of the Investigation Bureau who was present was unable to express the pain in his heart. They knew the darkness within the Bureau, but overall nine out of ten investigators were still trying to protect Han Hai. Situ An was just throwing dirty water and sowing discord.

"Situ An!"

A cold voice came out from between his teeth. Lord Jingtuo touched the communicator he was wearing and gritted his teeth and said: "Send all the idle investigators to the Eastern District Investigation Bureau, contact the network security department, and have them clean it up within half an hour. All information, and the investigation results about Situ An will be disclosed immediately."

"Isn't it too late to make it public now?" Chen Yuntian sighed: "Even if Situ An has really done something very egregious secretly, are you doing what he wants by making it public now? People will think it is smearing and spreading rumors?"

"What do you think?"

"Don't fight, find ways to ease the situation, let citizens stay at home, and reduce casualties." The wrinkles on Chen Yuntian's face became more and more obvious: "Our enemies are not brainless monsters. They are smarter than us and are best at disguise. and manipulating people's hearts, this battle started very early, but we all only saw the superficial abnormalities and did not discover the real danger."

Another director, Cen Coffin, stood up: "Old Chen is right, the secret replacement in the shadow world is the most troublesome. There may have been many people in this city who have been changed, such as Situ An."

"This is a game between two worlds. Hanhai just happens to be standing on the cusp of the storm. I want to ask Xinhu and Hanjiang immediately..." Chen Yuntian wanted to ask for help, but did not dare to delay it any longer, but Jingtuo God did not Let him continue talking.

"Other cities are also having a hard time. Xinhu has tried its best to help us. As for Hanjiang... that city may not be on our side." God Jingtuo wiped the blood from his fingertips: "Hold your faces The restlessness and exhaustion are far from despair now. Even if the citizens are temporarily deceived by Situ An, it doesn’t matter. The only one they can rely on is the Investigation Bureau, and the only god they can believe in is us."

When God Jingtuo called the citizens of Hanhai "them", Chen Yuntian and Cen Coffin felt a little uncomfortable, but it was hard to say anything.

The video screen on the big screen was switched, and Situ An's final monologue was deleted and replaced by the Eastern District Investigation Bureau. Immediately afterwards, Jingtuo God received Fu Ling's distress message.

The Eastern District Bureau of Investigation has completely lost control. All the investigators guarding it have been wiped out, and the entire building has become a strange story.

Fu Ling's anxious tone on the phone was in contrast to the live footage of the Eastern District Investigation Bureau in the video. The interior of the building was brightly lit and peaceful, and the protesting crowd outside the building maintained basic order, with investigators guiding the team forward. I don't see anything wrong with handing out umbrellas at all.

"Wait a minute, you said that the investigators guarding Queen's Street are not from the East District?" Jingtuo God obtained surprising information from Fu Ling's information: "Then where do these investigators come from?"

"So many investigators disappeared in the shadow world, but they are back! They turned into ghosts and came back!" Fu Ling shouted anxiously, as he was running wildly in the building, looking for his two sons.

After Situ An made such a fuss, the whole city's eyes were focused on the Eastern District Investigation Bureau. Looking at the video broadcast in real time, Jingtuo God's pupils suddenly narrowed.

There was a middle-aged woman in the crowd who took off her raincoat and hat. She looked excitedly at the camera. There were no eyes or nose on her face, only four mouths!

As if to prove that the disaster Situ An said was correct, an abnormal event occurred in front of everyone. The four-mouthed aunt's body bent at an inhuman angle, and a weird laugh came from her mouth.

Everything seemed to have been agreed upon, and countless ghosts appeared in the shadows of the streets. Their bodies were deformed and terrifying, and they exuded a sinister aura.

The protesters on the street were like frightened sheep. They didn't care about anything and began to run away.

Cries and screams resounded through the night sky, and the extremely real scene was extremely shocking. Crowding and stampeding, not only the panicked citizens, but also the order of the vast sea fell.

The investigators did not come out to protect the citizens. Lord Jingtuo sent most of the people out to arrest Class 13. Those who stayed in the East District were entangled by Xia Yang and could not protect themselves.

Despair is spreading, everyone is running, but no one can find an exit.

Children screamed, and a girl standing on the roadside got separated from her parents. She was knocked to the ground and could not get up at all.

It won't be long before the child is likely to be trampled to death by the crowd running for his life in panic.

Severe pain came from everywhere. She shouted for her mother, and her vocal cords were about to tear. When she felt that she could no longer breathe fresh air, a pair of hands picked her up.

"Do not be afraid."

A gentle voice came from behind the psychological observation mask. Gao Ming was like a rock in the sea. Despite the surge of people, he did not move a step.

More and more people wearing strange masks came out, and when the Bureau lost control of the situation, these strange players took over the game.

Countless citizens saw this scene. When disaster struck, it was those people wearing strange masks who faced the ghosts head-on.

As if he had noticed something, he held the little girl's life in his arms and looked at the surveillance camera in front of the Eastern District Investigation Bureau. He seemed to see the Lord Jingtuo behind the screen.

"Don't you want to arrest Class 13? I am Qian Junran, the English class representative of Class 13, and I am right here."

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