Strange game designer

Chapter 231 The bold one

"The seventh and ninth security teams of the Hanhai Investigation Bureau have been assembled. I am team leader K." The security personnel arrived from New Shanghai, wearing red blood rings. The leader of the security team had long hair and was covered with tattoos. There were almost no tattoos on his body. A clean piece of meat.

"Isn't your team leader here?" Lord Jingtuo was a little disappointed. He urgently needed the power to quickly stabilize the situation.

"The captain and the other three teams are still on the road. The more players are immersed in "Perfect Life", the longer it will take to escape, but correspondingly, the more things they may master." K doesn't know at all. He's like a security officer from the Bureau of Investigation, more like a gangster.

"When your team leader comes, I will tell you the mission location and goal..."

"Don't bother me. You just need to tell me where the building where the abnormal incident occurred is." K's tone was calm. He was not a careless person. He just thought that this was all he needed to do.

Few people dared to interrupt Lord Jedta with words, and his face became serious.

"We have experienced things that you can't even imagine in the game "Perfect Life", so you don't have to use the standards of ordinary investigators to give us instructions." There was no trace of respect for the God of Jade in K's words. , although the status of the two parties is very different.

As if he sensed the danger, the tattoo of a pair of ghost hands on K's neck seemed to come alive. The ten fingers bloomed like lotus flowers, revealing a ghost eye.

"I need you to go to Lishan Hospital in the old city." Jingtuo Shen did not choose to conflict with K: "Situ An, the acting director of the Eastern District Investigation Bureau, betrayed us. He published a video of his last words, telling the citizens of Hanhai that he had hidden a legacy , now some people suspect that the inheritance is hidden in Lishan Hospital."

"Situ An's inheritance?" K had also heard about Situ An: "Do we need to fight for the inheritance?"

"Those idiots have no idea who Situ An is. This complete madman cannot leave a legacy, only disaster." God Jingtuo sneered: "There is a high probability that there is an anomaly hidden in Lishan Hospital that can break out at any time. The hazard level is at least Level 4."

"Level 4..." K's expression became serious.

"Situ An didn't dare to cause high-level abnormal events before. That was because he was still alive and wanted to gain benefits from both reality and the shadow world. Now he is most likely dead. With his character, he will definitely bring down the whole city. Buried with others." Lord Jingtuo gritted his teeth with hatred: "Of course, he may also have insight into the General Administration's plan and choose to fall to the shadow world in advance."

"We will go there as soon as possible to confirm." After K took over the task, he did not stop at the Eastern District Investigation Bureau. He took other team members and drove directly towards the old city.

"With the power of ghost patterns and personality, no wonder the aura of these guys is so different from that of ordinary investigators." The expression on Jingtuo God's face relaxed a little: "At this stage, the power possessed by the Investigation Bureau still occupies an absolute advantage. , the vast sea will not be in chaos."

It was already noon when Su Mo returned to his rental house. He took a long detour and lost the electric car delivering food.

He was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, he would see the scene of the new investigators being stuffed into the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

A sudden knock on the door made Su Mo turn pale in fright.

He didn't dare to speak and grabbed the fruit knife on the table, but he felt that this thing couldn't bring him any sense of security.

"Su Mo! Are you at home?" Li Ding's voice sounded outside the door. He is Su Mo's best friend and his college classmate.

"Is there no one? Is he in any danger?"

"How about we look elsewhere?"

Hearing the worried voices of his friends outside the door, he slowly let go of his solemn heart and hurried over to open the door.

"Holy shit! Why are you so weak? Are your kidneys overdrawn?" Li Ding seemed to have seen a ghost: "Weren't you fine yesterday? How come you seem to have aged ten years in just one night!"

"Su Mo, if you have difficulties in life, just tell your brothers. I can't guarantee anything else. It's fine for you to eat and drink more." Brother Xiong is the boss of their dormitory and usually takes good care of everyone.

"Yes, why don't you just move back to the dormitory." Lao Sao, whose real name is Li Shubai, is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, eating, drinking and playing. He is handsome and very carefree. He often borrows money from everyone for various reasons.

"Thank you for worrying, I have nothing to do." Before Su Mo finished speaking, Li Ding entered Su Mo's rental house with a lunch box and beer in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo didn't refuse. Everyone used to have dinner at his place.

"I didn't answer my call. We thought you were in danger. The vast sea is not safe now." Lao Sao hooked Su Mo's shoulder and said, "I bought you some delicious food to replenish your health."

"Where did you get the money?" Sumo knew better than anyone how difficult it was to make money.

"I know you are also in need of money. Today, my buddy came here to tell you a way to get rich." After everyone entered the rental house, Lao Sao closed the door, opened the beer, and drank a whole bottle: "It's great! It’s so fucking enjoyable!”

Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. Su Mo just felt that Lao Sao and the others were a little noisy: "If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly."

Seeing that Su Mo was not in a good mood, Lao Sao stopped hiding it. He took out his mobile phone to show the balance, and then took out a large gold ring stained with blood from his pocket.

"Did you rob?" Su Mo was shocked. He felt that his good friend had embarked on a criminal path.

"Don't talk nonsense, I picked this up." Lao Sao didn't hide anything. He really treated Su Mo and the others as brothers: "Last night there were a lot of rumors about weird stories and abnormal events on the Internet, and some of them seemed like It’s true, some houses became particularly weird and empty for no apparent reason, and then I went in to find some things.”

"You really want money rather than life!" Sumo thought about what he had experienced last night, and he felt that the old coquettish man was seeking death.

"No, what I want is gold and jewelry." Lao Sao took out his mobile phone and showed some of the supernatural places he had recorded: "We all need money very much now. Li Ding's mother is sick, and his father works three jobs, but he still has It’s not enough; Brother Xiong’s factory closed down, and his father was beaten by the workers; I owe an online loan, and I still have to pay it back a little bit.”

"No, those abnormal rooms are very scary!" Su Mo shook his head firmly.

"Listen to me, if the rumors about the disaster on the Internet are all rumors, we will not be in danger if we enter the house and just take money; if what is said on the Internet is true, then the disaster has already come, and we will have to face it sooner or later. It's scary. It's better to go there in advance and get used to it, isn't that true?" Lao Sao compiled a list: "Let's go to a place farther away from the school. Lishan Hospital in the old city has the medicine Li Ding's mother needs. Besides, the medicine is also We are going to smuggle out some necessities during the disaster tonight."

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