Strange game designer

Chapter 251 Map in the Ward

After dark, Lishan Hospital revealed its true face, and the nightmare-like scene in the video was gradually becoming reality. People trapped in the hospital cannot tell whether they are trapped in a nightmare and cannot wake up, or whether reality has turned into a nightmare.

"Go to the inpatient department on the seventh floor!"

The rate of alienation in the back building of Lishan Hospital is very fast. This is completely different from the ghost story scenes that Xuan Wen encountered before. Normally, ghost stories will gradually erode the real world after midnight. The back building of Lishan Hospital is more like a shadow world. buildings inside.

The Su Mo people who were running after Xuan Wen were already paralyzed. Not to mention the living outsiders in this place, the ghosts living in the building were also panicking.

The twisted Chen Meng, the strange-looking Mr. Yi, and the two child patients were all running faster than the other, and these ghost patients were also afraid.

Breathing heavily, Sumo didn't have the courage to observe the surrounding environment. He just kept his head down and ran until the person in front stopped.

Turning his head subconsciously, he saw the window of the corridor.

There were streaks of blood on the top of the transparent glass, and outside the window was the front building of Lishan Hospital.

Only then did he realize that the architectural style of the front building and the back building were exactly the same, just like twins. However, the front building was brightly lit inside, and the back building was like its shadow.

"I wonder how Brother Xiong and the others are doing? I hope they don't enter the back building." Su Mo was very kind, but at this time he was still worried about his brothers' safety.

"We're here! Follow me!" Xuan Wen's hand grabbed the safety door, and the blood vessels hidden in the door panel shrank painfully like leeches sprinkled with salt.


After breaking open the safety door, Xuan Wen finally entered the inpatient department on the seventh floor before the situation got worse.

"Isn't the exit on the first floor? Why do you come here?" The child patient wearing a game helmet muttered quietly. A new game was installed in his mind by Xuan Wen, and his personality was slowly changing. He no longer shouts and kills, and says those cruel and terrifying words, but it is impossible to return to normal even if there are more people.

"Everyone come in! Enter different wards and look for medicine together!" Xuan Wen wore headphones and heard all the sounds in the video. She knew how to escape, but the problem was that Lu Zang did not specify the shape of the medicine, so In order to find the right medicine, someone must test the medicine.

"Hey, you can't enter these wards without permission." Mr. Yi used to be an excellent nurse at Lishan Hospital and seemed to know something about the inpatient department in the back building.

Large-scale alienation has occurred. The iron guardrails are decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye. When rust falls on the ground, they turn into splintered fingernails. When you look up at the fences, they turn into spliced ​​fingers.

Things that were normal one moment will change the next moment. The only thing that feels real here is my heart that is about to beat out of my chest.

"Looking for medicine." Xuan Wen's tone changed. This was the first time she spoke like this since entering Lishan Hospital.

It didn't sound much different from before, but several patients and Su Mo's body began to act on their own, as if they were forcibly controlled by Xuan Wen.

After moving the fence made of finger bones and opening the door of the first hospital room, there was something lying on the huge white hospital bed.

It was covered by a rotten quilt, and the wall behind it was covered with infusion bags filled with various medicines. The tubes hung downward, like the hair of the medicine god, densely extending under the quilt.

"It's alive!" Su Mo saw the quilt moving, and the thing hidden under the quilt seemed to be very painful.

"Don't disturb the patient, we just need to find medicine." Xuanwen knew that Gao Ming was coming, which was one of the reasons why she left in a hurry. The doctors in Lishan Hospital seemed to have known that Gao Ming would come back half a year ago! Some things seem to be destined.

They looked around gently, and finally looked at the medicine bag at the end of the infusion tube.

"Is it that kind of medicine?" Chen Meng felt a little distracted since he arrived at the inpatient department on the seventh floor. He was very familiar with the layout here, as if he had lived here for a long time.

"It should be the forgotten medicine." After taking the medicine, you can wake up from your dream and return to reality. If the medicine bag is the medicine Lu Zang mentioned, then the thing under the quilt should have woken up long ago. Xuan Wen did not disturb the things under the quilt and motioned for everyone to enter the next room.

"Ward 7002."

Opening the door, all kinds of stinky smells rushed into the nasal cavity in an instant, which even several patients could not bear.

"If you can't stand it, just stand outside." Xuan Wen frowned. She felt something strange as soon as she entered the ward. The floor of the ward seemed to be covered with thick carpet.

Fingering with the toes of her shoes, Xuan Wen found that they were pieces of broken skin. Everything in the ward was shedding skin. The walls were cracking and falling off repeatedly. The bare hospital bed was shattered at the touch of a touch. Under the thick dust, , a lump suddenly bulged near the corner of the wall!

It looks like a football and a human head.

It moved slowly under the layers of shed skin, and its figure gradually became clear.

Head, fingers, torso, that thing suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the ward door like crazy.

With hands faster than eyes, Xuan Wen immediately exited and closed the door.

"How are people treated in this hospital?"

As night falls, the real weirdness begins to appear. The patients Xuan Wen met before can only be regarded as having mild symptoms here.

Fasten the door lock of the ward. The door locks of the inpatient department on the seventh floor are all on the outside. This arrangement should be to prevent patients from leaving without permission.

Looking towards the long corridor, the inpatient department was much larger than Xuanwen imagined, and every ward was very dangerous.

"Finding medicine is so difficult for me who has gained so many beliefs. How did Gao Ming, who was just an ordinary person, leave the hospital? How did he try medicine?" Xuan Wen couldn't understand, so she opened it again The door of Ward 7003.

There was no strange smell in the house, but Xuan Wen was still stunned at the door.

The walls, floors and beds of the ward are covered with formulas and reasoning processes, as well as various incomprehensible symbols.

Without letting other patients into the room, Xuan Wen stood on tiptoes at the door. She used her abilities to try to understand the formulas, but to no avail.

"This person seems to be calculating the probability of the real existence of the world?"

Walking around the house, Xuan Wen saw some fragmentary writing on the wall. The patient tried to reconstruct nightmares and analyze dreams. He recorded all the people, objects, scenes and events that appeared in the dream, and constantly reconstructed them, trying to perform an analysis. .

Those words and formulas are like a whirlpool. If you stare at them for a long time, your soul will seem to be sucked in.

"There are no patients in the room. Where are the patients living in this ward?"

Xuan Wen scanned the ward, and her eyes finally rested on a map in the center of the wall of the ward.

There are no maps for the other wards, but this one is special.

Approaching slowly, Xuan Wen stared at the map. When she saw a certain place, Xuan Wen's pupils suddenly narrowed.

"This is impossible!"

All the cities on the map are there, except where the vast sea is supposed to be, it has turned into an ocean!

"Hanhai? Hanhai is a non-existent city?"

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