Strange World Survival Manual

Chapter 113 Do you want to kill me?

"Click..." In the darkness, a somewhat harsh sound came from the stairs.

When the sound rang out, a figure on the stairs paused for a moment. Then he looked up upstairs. After seeing that there was no movement, he continued to move.

But this time his steps were very light, and although the stairs made noise, it was very slight.

When he got upstairs, he walked quietly to a room, and then he stretched out a finger to poke a hole in the window paper.

Then he looked inside and saw a man dressed as a scholar lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

"Hehe..." The figure let out a slight laugh, and this laughter also revealed his identity. This person was the old man who received Li Si today.

When the old man saw that Li Si was asleep, he felt relieved and took out a bamboo tube from his arms.

This bamboo tube is relatively thin, no more than the thickness of a little finger. There are two stoppers at both ends of the bamboo tube, as if there is something inside.

And when the old man took out the bamboo tube from his arms, what he couldn't see was a pale little boy leaning in front of the hole, looking at him with a pair of dark eyes.

After taking out the bamboo tube, the old man gently pulled out the plugs at both ends of the bamboo tube, and then carefully inserted it into the hole in the window paper.

After inserting it into the hole, the old man held the bamboo tube in his mouth and blew air into it. What surprised him was that the bamboo tube seemed to be blocked and he couldn't blow.

Then he pulled out the bamboo tube and carefully checked both ends, but found nothing unusual.

"What a ghost." The old man muttered, then took out another bamboo tube, unplugged the plugs at both ends, checked it again, stuffed it into the hole, and blew air into it.

But this time, he was even more surprised. He still couldn't blow in, which made him feel a little unreal, as if he was in a dream.

After all, he had already inspected the bamboo pipe just now, and it must be possible to blow into it.

What he didn't see was that when he stuffed the bamboo tube in, there was a little boy in the room, holding the bamboo tube in his mouth like him.

The old man pulled out the bamboo tube and then checked it again. His face looked a little unhappy. He didn't understand why he failed twice in a row.

"What are you doing?" A voice came in his ear, but this voice startled the old man, because this voice was the voice of the scholar before.

He turned around stiffly, only to see the scholar standing behind him at some point, looking at him with a half-smiling expression.

"You want to kill me?" Li Si asked.

The old man looked at Li Si and swallowed. At this time, he also understood that he was in big trouble. After all, a person who could stand behind him silently must be a practitioner, or even a practitioner. The master of the family.

He now regrets not listening to his daughter and not being more cautious.

And at this time, a child's head slowly fell on the old man's shoulder.

When the broken head fell on the old man's shoulder, the old man's face suddenly turned pale. Then the gray color gradually became thicker and he slowly fell softly to the ground.

Li Si walked to the old man, knelt down and put his hand on his neck, but found that there was no movement.

"Dead?" He was slightly surprised. He didn't expect this man to die directly after extinguishing two fires.

But after being surprised, he felt that it was natural, because now Xiao Duan was an intermediate ghost, and it would be a shame for him to feed Xiao Duan the ghost strengthening fluid if he still had to deal with one person so hard.

But if this person dies, then the other person can't stay, Li Si thought slightly.

In fact, when Li Si checked into this Minyi, he felt something was not right after lying down for a while. Although there was dust on the bedding, it was not as much dust as other places, and there was even less dust.

Since there is little dust on the bedding, it means that someone has lived in it, but someone has lived in it, so why is the tea set so dusty?

This gave him some bad guesses. Maybe someone really lived here, but was dragged out in the middle of the night.

That's why there is such an abnormal thing.

However, all this is just speculation, and it is not easy for Li Si to use this guess to judge the quality of Minyi and the other two.

But he was still distracted and prepared to go to bed later.

And it was this decision that made him discover the old man spraying smoke into the room.

Then there was the scene before.

"I sense that there is a new dead soul nearby. Do you want to let it enter reincarnation?"

Li Si stood up and at the same time confirmed the soul of Du Hua in his heart.

Then a shadow appeared on the old man's face and quickly got into his hand.

"The soul of Yan Xingyong was saved and entered reincarnation, and he gained 1 soul point."

"Keji..." Li Si slowly walked down the stairs. At this time, the entire Minyi was filled with a strange silence. At this time, apart from his footsteps, there was only the sound of insects outside.

And just when he was going down the stairs, a middle-aged woman covered her mouth tightly, her eyes filled with fear, and she hid under the counter and shivered.

Li Si stopped and closed his eyes. At this time, time seemed to stand still, and only the sound of insects outside was left.

But there were actually other sounds at this time, but ordinary people couldn't hear them.

And it happened that this could be heard by Li Si, whose body had been strengthened.

That was the sound produced by the woman's tiny movements.

In fact, if it was normal, Li Si would not be able to hear this small sound, but now in the middle of the night, except for the chirping of insects, there was no other sound.

But in addition, Li Si was strengthened by the peach in all directions, and he closed his eyes and listened carefully.

It’s no surprise that you can hear it.

After walking down the stairs slowly, Li Si walked to the counter, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

This long sword shimmered slightly under the moonlight, making people feel the biting chill even in the dark.

Li Si walked to the counter, pierced the black sword in his hand, and then a blood arrow leaked out from the gap in the counter.

"I sense that there is a new dead soul nearby. Do you want to let it enter reincarnation?"

Li Si found a rag from the counter and wiped the blood on the black sword without any unnecessary expression on his face.

In this civilian post, the old man was so skilled in using smoke. It must not be the first time. I believe they have killed many people in this way before.

So Li Si had no mercy in killing these people.

He didn't know when he had started to change, and he no longer cared about killing people, because he found that there were many people in this world who deserved to be killed more than ghosts.

After confirming that he had saved the souls of the dead, Li Si was ready to go back to his house to sleep. There was no one in this Minyi, so he could have a good sleep with peace of mind.

"Gaji..." At this moment, an unpleasant sound suddenly came from this dark civilian post.

Looking for the noise, Li Si looked at the place where the noise came from and found that it was the sound of a wooden door being blown by the stairs.

When he walked to the wooden door, he looked outside. It turned out to be a fenced vegetable garden, which looked particularly beautiful under the moonlight.

Seeing this scene, Li Si couldn't help but become curious. He walked out of the wooden door and walked towards the vegetable garden.

Two updates guaranteed, more to come.

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