Strange World Survival Manual

Chapter 173 The strength of the Nie family

While this monster was reporting the news, Li Si was counting his harvest in the room. He collected dozens of rare herbs, including ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis, and the like, most of which he didn't recognize.

The weird items include 5 ghost eyes, 46 soul tears, and 22 demon crystals.

In fact, there were also things like human skin, but he thought it was too disgusting, so he didn't take them, because those things were of no use to him, and he wasn't going to let Xiao Duan and Xiao Yu wander around in human skin.

As for things like wild animals and white meat, Li Si didn't take them. Maybe monsters and ghosts liked them, but he didn't like them very much.

Coupled with the rush of time, the harvest was not as much as expected.

This ghost eye covering is quite useful. It can cover other people's eyes, make people hallucinate, and strengthen other people's eyes, so Li Si kept it.

The function of soul tears is to nourish the ghost's soul, making the ghost's soul stronger.

As for the demon crystal, it is bred from the blood of monsters. It is a blood-red crystal stone, which is a good breeding material.

He quickly thought of the role of this blood crystal. Perhaps he could wait for the poisonous dragon to break through its shell and feed it to him.

Thinking of this, Li Si's heart moved. You must know that this poisonous dragon is an innate true dragon. If it can be cultivated well, it will definitely be a powerful combat force in the future.

But he soon thought that this poisonous dragon had to recognize its master, otherwise it would not be possible to feed it, let alone train it.

Thinking of this, he consciously communicated with the mustard space in his mind and found that the poisonous dragon egg was still lying there quietly, motionless. It seemed that it would take some time to hatch.

Sighing, Li Si knew that he had thought too far, and immediately put these things on the ground into the mustard space.

After doing this, he looked at the 8,205 soul points in his system mall in a daze. This was the first time he had so many soul points, and he looked at three products in the mall at the same time.

The products currently in the mall include Secret Realm, Life Demon, and Ten Years Life. Neither the secret realm nor the longevity demon can be bought, and what Li Si can buy now is only ten years of life.

But at this time, he felt a little hesitant, even though he said that ten years of life was what he urgently needed now. It could extend his life and solve his shortcomings in life.

But now the Nie family is eyeing him. Now every soul point is very precious. Every soul point he earned from the edge of life and death. It would be a pity to exchange it for these ten years of life.

With a sigh of relief, Li Si closed the system mall. Although the ten-year life span could solve his immediate needs, compared with the Nie family's eagerness, this life span was not what he needed most now.

After all, if the Nie family can't solve this problem, he may not be able to live to the end of his current lifespan of more than a year, let alone ten years.

And Li Si also found a pattern from these four mall updates. Although other things are being replaced, he can always find the lifespan product in it every time it is refreshed.

Li Si still has more than a year and three months left to live, and there will be almost thirty-one exchange opportunities in the future. He can still afford the gamble.

After closing the mall, he closed his eyes and began to confirm and receive the memories of the death of some ghosts in his mind, mainly Li Gui and the ghost servants.

After a while, Li Si opened his eyes and exhaled. He had just learned some information from the memories of Li Gui and some ghost servants.

But because this ghost's memory will only leave the deepest impression, he only got information about Nie's house, but not at all about the city god, which made him feel a bit regretful.

After sorting out the information, a strange look appeared on Li Si's face. From the memory of the ghost servant, he actually saw a man who looked exactly like himself, leading a group of people to kill the Nie Mansion.

This is the origin of the Nie family's ghosts.

It's just that the person who looks exactly like him, Li Si knows very well, that's not the original owner, let alone himself.

This couldn't help but remind him of the memory of the original owner. Before he was five years old, before going to Nie's house, the original owner was a dark and skinny child. However, when he came back from Nie's house, he had turned into a pink and jade-like figure. , completely changed his appearance.

"Is this ghost sick? Raising a man who looks exactly like his enemy to be his husband?" Li Si felt unbelievable in his heart. He had never seen such a thing before, and it was quite amusing and he had never heard of it.

Could it be that the ghost fell in love with that person because his whole family was killed by that person? Thinking of bringing this, he had a shiver in his heart.

Then Li Si didn't want to think about something because it didn't matter to him now.

Is it possible that he is still jealous of that person who looks exactly like him? In his heart, he only wants to kill this Nie family ghost, but has no intention of becoming the Nie family's son-in-law.

Then Li Si put the matter behind him and sorted out the information about the Nie family. However, this information shocked Li Si.

Because in addition to Li Gui and Huang Bao, the Nie family actually had four intermediate evil spirits. One was the water ghost he had seen in Fengmen County, the younger brother of Miss Nie's family, the housekeeper, and a cat.

The last one is Miss Nie.

But this Miss Nie family made Li Si very frightened, because she was considered very powerful even among intermediate-level monsters. From the memory of a ghost servant, he saw Miss Nie family easily taking off the head of an intermediate-level monster. down.

At this time, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he did not redeem his ten-year life span, otherwise his chances would be much smaller.

After sorting out the information about Nie Mansion, Li Si felt sleepy, so he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

At the same time, he had also included Xiao Duan Xiao Yu into the Death Jade before this, but he did not let them act as air conditioners.

After all, he has taken over the ghost market today, and there will likely be big changes in the future. He can just pretend to be an ordinary scholar at this time. There is no need to increase the risk of exposure for a little comfort.

And when Li Si fell asleep, there were rustling footsteps on the roofs of Zetian Mansion, and ghost figures were looking for something.

At the same time, a woman wearing a red wedding dress came under the moonlight and sat on Li Si's roof. Her face was so pretty that she looked like a fairy descending from heaven.

Li Si didn't know all this, but he had already guessed that these ghosts just liked to peek in the dark, which was why he had to put Xiao Duan Xiaoyu into the dead jade.

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