
Chapter 113: Aurora

    There is not much time left for him.

    Nemo had this possibility in mind when he stuffed the grey parrot into that cookie jar. The control and monitoring of external communication spells did not fail due to the size of the church, but he and Bagmoru could ignore this.

    Not because of the unbreakable contract between them. The power that Bagelmore had lost on him was like a river flowing into the ocean, leaving no trace. And tracking the contractor's location is absolutely out of Bagelmoru's unilateral and explicit will-according to the law, this contract has already existed in name only. Even if his power is higher than Bagmoru, he should not know the location of the grey parrot.

    Nimo just knew. The presence of Baglmore was like a dim star, twinkling in a corner of the dim sky.

    Now he is too lazy to think about the principle. After confirming the location of the grey parrot again, Nemo cut the space like a cake, and unsurprisingly saw Jesse Dylan's beautiful and annoying face on the other side.

    Looking at the surrounding scene, Dylan and Mr. Cross should be near the dungeon where the sacrifices are being held. The cookie jar was in Jesse's hand with the lid open - Baggmoru slowly stuck his head out to glance at Nemo, then pulled his head back even more slowly.

    "What's the matter, Mr. Wright?" Jesse's tone was lighthearted. It was as if they were not performing missions in the base camp of the Abyss Church, but had a picnic in a scenic scenic spot.

    He was not surprised by Nemo's act of cutting the space.

    "This is going to collapse." Nemo didn't intend to have a long discussion with the other party, "How long will it take you to send all those sacrifices to a safe place?"

    Nimo looked directly at Jesse Dylan through the gap in space.

    "Oh, about this—just a few minutes." Jesse replied eagerly, "You don't need to buy me time, dear..."

    "Then please act now." Nemo interrupted the blond young man simply, "The sooner the better."

    Then he rudely closed the space rift. Before the rift closed, Nemo was sure he heard Jesse Dylan's aggrieved grunt. And when the space crack that was forcibly opened was completely closed, the gorgeous prison became extremely quiet again.

    In order to make a jar for the grey parrot, the biscuits that were poured were scattered all over the table. Nemo let go of his staff, pressed one hand against the wooden table, and with the other began to futilely arrange the stack of cookies. The wooden table was overly warm, even a little hot—his hands were unusually cold.

    Don't be nervous.

    Stomach acid surging in his stomach, Nemo didn't like what he was going to do next, not at all. He instinctively reached out and grabbed a few Shajiao plums and stuffed them all into his mouth. Can't be nervous. Nemo frowned and thought, trying to focus on the biscuit tower in front of him - the next negotiation was very important, and he had to put on an unpredictable posture...

    Hagen opened the door with graceful movements and impeccable posture. She arrived earlier than he thought.

    And Nemo has not removed one hand from the biscuit tower, and his face is still wrinkled with the impact of the excessive sour taste. Rao is the bishop of the abyss and was stunned for a few seconds. She turned her face, looking suspiciously at the staff on the ground, then the cookie tower, and finally Nemo's face. He didn't even step into the room.

    Nemo: "…"

    He took a deep breath and slowly removed his hand from the biscuit tower while gulping down the plum in his mouth.

    "Where's Lord Bagelmore?" No Silence Knight followed her this time.

    "I ate it." The sweet smell of biscuits filled the nose, Nemo replied subconsciously.

    "…" Hagen's face was hidden under the gauze hat, and Nemo couldn't see her expression. But by any measure, this is not a good enough start to negotiations.

      "I have only one question for you, Mr. White. Are you from the Gatekeeper's side?"

    Nemo straightened his back, noncommittal.

    "If you are, there is no need for us to be so antagonistic. And looking at your actions, I can't think of any other possibility." Hagen said, obviously interpreting the other party's performance as a "yes". "Although our philosophy is different - after all, I am a gatekeeper, I understand. In a sense, we are also fighting for the truth."

    "If I remember correctly." Nemo tried to rummage through the information related to "Gatekeeper" in his mind, and his tone was a little bad. "The creed of the gatekeepers is 'beyond the truth'."

    "Are you angry? Ah, you have good reason to be angry." Hagen let out a sigh of relief. "I have to follow the rules of the Church of the Abyss, and now I'm here alone - I only need a small contract from you, a transaction seal. As long as you promise not to make any threatening actions to the Church of the Abyss, I can represent the Abyss The church ignored this impolite intrusion."

    "Hmm," Nemo said, looking down. The surveillance insect swarm outside the church flashed through his mind, and he suddenly realized something-about the upcoming battle between O'Lori and the Abyss Church, there may be more than one spectator watching.

    "Don't look at me like this, I miss those days too." Hagen's voice added a smile, "Look, the impact can be minimized. If you make Promise, I believe other adults will not pursue it too much."

    She's wooing him, Nemo thought. It has to be said that if he is really an ordinary superior demon, he will indeed seriously consider this proposal-the risk of being sacrificed himself, plus the pressure of other superior demons. For high-level demons who wish to live recklessly on the surface, retaining their power is the most practical choice.

    Unfortunately, he is not an "ordinary superior demon".

    "You know this church is alive." He didn't respond to Hagen's proposal head-on, "You've always known that those sacrifices...are almost like 'feeding.' You're forcing him to live. , not offering sacrifices to the Demon King."

    "You care about this?" Hagen hid the surprise in his voice well. "Obviously there is still a chance for revenge, who would want to die?"

    "Have you asked him?" Nemo sighed, "If you really want to, you should be able to sense his emotions."

    "Look at what you said, if he didn't want to cooperate, the church wouldn't be in protection for the sacrifice... Oops, sorry, I shouldn't have explained it to you." Hagen Shrugs, "So let's talk as gatekeepers—so what?"

    "He wants to die, so what? Lord Colestoro has become a 'symbol' and he cannot fall." Hagen's voice became cold. "Actually, he's just a cliff leopard."

    "I thought you believed in the abyss." Nemo nearly crushed the table, but he held back.

    "Of course we believe in the abyss, but that's not blind faith. We only truly believe in the one at the bottom of the abyss. Don't you know? Whether it's us, or the superior demon - for that one It's just ants."

    "...that's just your imagination."

    "I understand, I understand. After all, I also came from that period, but after I really witnessed that person up close, I realized my stupidity and insignificance." Her There was some frenzy in the voice. "In that crusade, there was a high-level demon who wanted to take advantage of the mess. Ah, just like those lovely churches of false gods." She pointed at the surface above her head casually, and her voice became softer and sweeter. "Guess what happened? Our gods didn't even actually shoot."

    "He just took a look at the superior demon - the full superior demon, my friend - and it turned to ashes. He will die at the hands of the surface race that is the biggest Joke. If that's not God's mercy, what is?"

    "I'm sorry, I decided to be my ant and not think about that one's thoughts." Nimo thought for a moment, then squeezed out a cold smile. "I'm not going to work with you."

    Baggarmoru's location is moving quickly outside the church, which is good.

    "You just shut me up." Then he found that his sacrifice had escaped, and Hagen Ingram had only one option left.

    Heigen straightened the gauze cap and sighed. Immediately after her movements froze, she took out a spherical black crystal from her pocket and seemed to be watching the flashing words on it.

    "Okay," Bishop Abyss said calmly, "just ask you to change place."

    She took off her lace gloves and hooked her fingers at the door. Corrosion charms moved from all over the room, wrapping around Nemo's body. They were wrapped tightly, digging into his skin - Nemo struggled a few times symbolically and stopped moving.

    Excellent, he thought.

    Oliver stopped in the charred forest. Fergil hugged Colestroro and stopped carefully. He still had doubts about the purpose of this odd team, but their players were too terrifying, and he didn't think the other party could get anything out of him.

    Perhaps a gold coin? He curled the corners of his mouth weakly.

    "What are we going to do now?" Vergil couldn't understand how things were going, and he didn't like the feeling that the rhythm was out of control.

    "Let's wait." Oliver said, he began to quickly paint the hidden circle nearby, and the overflowing power made Virgil a little scared. "Wait for Nemo's signal."

    "Mr. Wright... No, what is that going to do?" Fergil hugged the unconscious demon in his arms, "If you really think I'm your client, then I know right."

    "Actually I don't quite understand it either." Oliver didn't stop his movements, "but I can tell you - Nemo will send Colestoro's body back to the abyss, and then kill him. An incomplete contract. He couldn't heal Mr. Colestoro, and he's very sorry for that."

    "After the contract is completely cut off, Mr. Colestoro's consciousness will no longer be troubled by the pain of the body. His power will be greatly reduced, but-"

    "He has decades." Fergil quickly understood Nemo Wright's plan.

    Not just a few days without pain and consciousness, but a sober and stable decades. Colestolo will lose the power supply of his body, but the flesh and blood on the surface will continue to survive until the Nightmare Leopard body in the abyss dies unconsciously—Fergil buried the tip of his nose in the opponent's hair, and his nose was a little bit for a moment. sour.

    "Yes. 'After that, you can go anywhere, even if you go to the abyss to kill yourself'." Oliver said softly, "Benefit a gold coin."

    "You—" Fergil was about to speak, but the vigilance he had cultivated over the years made him immediately cut off his voice. Oliver's reaction was faster, and the layers of hidden magic circles were activated immediately.

    A solitary figure flashed from the air and walked calmly in the direction of the Silent Church. He was far away from them, but enough for them to see clearly—the twisted armor, the great sword behind him. The two people present recognized the figure almost at the same time.

    O'Lori has arrived.

    Oliver immediately looked in the direction of the Church of Silence, as if in response to his gaze - the beautiful and twisted majestic building began to visibly shake, slowly sinking below the ground, like a foundation momentarily turned into a swamp.

    Oliver sighed heavily. Not far from him, a surveillance bug stopped on a dead tree trunk, and the eyeballs in its abdomen rolled wildly.

    O'Lori, who was not far away, stopped, he would not be relieved by the scene in front of him. The well-known superior demon slayer furrowed his brows inside his armor—the abyss magic fluctuations in the air were too strong to be normal.

    There's a very bad guy here and he's wreaking havoc. O'Luo Rui thought about it and threw out a communication crystal.

    "Dara Lanene," he asked in a deep voice after the successful communication. "I remember you had a little friendship with Hagen Ingram?"


    "Has she reported anything unusual recently?"

    "Look what you want to know, Vance." The demon over the com sounded in a good mood, "Ah, no, I forgot you were at work—well, you want to Know what, Aurora?"



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