
Chapter 123: third person

    Baggarmoru was dizzy. Until the other members of the tumbleweed came out of the building, it still did not return to its senses. To be honest, when the word "Demon King" just came out of Wright's mouth, he wanted to deny and ridicule as before.

    Colette doesn't look like a joke at all.

    And when the tip of its tongue touched the drop of blood, the grey parrot finally realized that the terrible guess in his heart had come true.

    Maybe because of the difference in quantity, the degree of stimulation is far from the original, but the feeling is so similar that it makes it creepy. That is indeed the destructive power unique to the Demon King's flesh and blood. It is so violent that it seems to overwhelm everything - but with less than a drop of blood, the power of his own flesh and blood instantly returns to its peak, even stronger than the fresh flesh and blood of the body.

    Bagelmoru is confident that even if the parrot's body will limit the exertion of a considerable part of its power, its strength will not be worse than that of the average superficial demon.

    It is always good to regain strength.

    It should feel hopeless, frozen in place by the fear engraved in its instinct. It's a pity that its fear and despair seem to be too high, and now there is a wonderful sense of relief and unreality—

    The grey parrot squatted on Nemo's shoulder with great satisfaction, pecking Nemo's ear twice from time to time. The deep-rooted fear has been rooted in its head for too long, and it has begun to get used to it. The pleasure brought by "Bullying the Demon King" is quite new, and every time it brings the strange excitement of walking on the edge of death.

    It is definitely the pride of all the Kravens in the abyss, and Bagelmore puffed out her chest.

    Ann, who just walked out of the door, had a slightly brighter expression, and she was staring at the grey parrot that was slapped with blood.

    "Leave it alone." Nemo pushed the bird's beak away from his ear, "How is your situation?"

    "Oliver should still be in the Island Court." Ann sighed softly, "But it's not very reliable after all, I have arranged for someone to watch the prison in the capital of Alban."

    "Thank you," Nemo muttered. He always had an uneasy feeling, and the bad premonition sent a chill down the back of his neck. "Are we going to Kenyatta now?"

    "That's right. Kenyatta is still not peaceful, it's better to mix in." The female warrior scratched her short hair, "But Nemo, has it been a while since the incident? It's necessary...are you really not considering putting on a mission to find witnesses?"

    "No." Nemo's tone was firm, "I have my way."

    "Okay, since... Dylan, what are you doing?" Ben'an's tone was deliberately softened, and the second half of the sentence instantly returned to its original shape.

    "Very interesting information." Jesse hooked his fingers at the two of them, "Don't worry about that sheep, it won't be lost for a while - come and see."

    Nemo put the end of the leash around Baglmore's neck and placed the grey parrot on the stone carving at the guild gate. He scowled at Jesse, convinced that there was no news that would really shock him. "...Sorry, I'm not in the mood to watch the fun right now."

    "Oh, I understand. But there is a mutation in the frontier forest near Roadmark Town—" Jesse rubbed his lower lip with a smile, "I think you will be interested."

    In some unknown wilderness in the distance, black smoke has begun to rise from the woodland. It is estimated that the sparks splashed by the magic circle ignited the withered grass, and the center of the battlefield ignited.

    Oliver finally put down the bone sword. The burly man in front of him called himself a killer, but he didn't seem hostile or malicious.

    "Oliver Ramon." Oliver reached out and shook hands with the other party, then stood up neatly, and took out the small branch stuck in the gap of the armor. "Have you met Lopez?"

    "I saw it once." Randy said in a muffled voice, "There are a lot of dangerous people on the horizon, and they won't like this face." His tone became serious. "…But I remember Lopez had no relatives."

    His words did not affect the speed of his movements, Randy put the metal shield behind him. The thick shield plows up a row of dirt, and the crash of magic and metal explodes on the other side.

    "...This face is a coincidence." Oliver grinned weakly, "Is that why you blocked me in the carriage just now?"

    Randy shrugged.

    Oliver returned a grateful smile, reaching out to try to stand up to the defensive spell. But the moment he began to channel his magic power, the severe pain in his neck struck again. Oliver gritted his teeth and remained standing.

    "Don't use defensive spells, only physical defense is allowed here." Randy frowned at him, "You..."

    Before he finished speaking, Oliver shot again. He slashed the sword of rest forward horizontally, and the huge ice thorn grew with the sword energy-although it was not as strong as the ice shield, it could be considered to temporarily separate the two from the radiating chaos.

    "Why do you want me to cooperate?" After doing all this, Oliver couldn't help but fell to one knee to resist the pain like an awl pierced in his temple.

    "You look the best," Randy said flatly. "I'm not good at long, high-intensity fights, and I need a reliable collaborator for a while. And you don't seem to know anything about the current situation. ."

    Oliver forgot all discomfort for a moment, his eyes swept from Randy's face to the other's strong muscles, and then back to Randy's face again. No matter how you look at the person in front of him, he looks like a type with super endurance, one who can hit ten. He frankly expressed his doubts with his eyes.

    The serious-looking killer ignored his questioning eyes. He stretched out his arm and held Oliver decisively: "How much do you know about the current situation, Mr. Ramon?"

    "I don't understand at all." Oliver patted the other's arm and took a step back. "Thanks, I can stand on my own."

    "Your team recruited Adrian Cross, I thought at the time that it was a desperate madman so careless." Randy shook his head, "But you just didn't look like you were dazed. It's pretending, you really don't know anything?"

    "Yes." It's nothing to be proud of to admit that he doesn't know anything, Oliver pressed his temple hard, squeezing the sentence from his throat. "You can say anything if you like... I have three questions."

    "Ask." Randy raised his shield, and the icicles around them began to collapse unnaturally.

    "First, why fight? Second, why can't you use defensive spells?" Oliver also raised his feet and put on a defensive posture. "Third...why are they laughing?"

    Four or five prisoners rushed towards the two with wild smiles on their faces. One of the arms suddenly turned into dark purple smoke, rushing straight at Oliver. And Oliver took a quick step back, and his hand was a purification circle.

    The smoke instantly dissipated under the white light, and the man let out a shrill scream: "It's a **** who has been in the Rad Sect!"

    This scream attracted the attention of many people, Oliver breathed a sigh of relief, he could feel the hostility gathered in him suddenly a little heavier.

    "I can answer the first two questions together." Randy raised his shield, and the edge of the shield hit the other person's abdomen directly, throwing him directly. "Because this is the elimination test of the death row army, they only need sharp knives, and they don't need to focus on the type of defense. The more people kill, the better the initial treatment."

    "That's why they're laughing—" Oliver jumped decisively, putting one foot on the edge of Randy's shield and leaping high. When he fell again, it was accompanied by the impact of the sword wind mixed with ice balls.

    The enemy in front of him was forced to take a dozen steps back.

    "—Because of this?" Oliver fell back to Randy and finished the second half of the sentence in a low voice. Since the Death Row Legion pursued combat power, he didn't want to expose his full strength early.

    "You can say that." Randy slammed the shield to the ground, the ground rumbled, and the enemy who was about to surround him sat back on the ground again. "You don't have to accept the death penalty, you can live comfortably, and you can legally kill -- as long as you survive the battlefield."

    The two pushed aside the bushes and began to move towards the denser areas at about the same time.

    "You are the killer." Oliver threw a sword wind at will, and the annoying vines in front of him snapped. "Why don't you want to do it at this time?"

    "This is me..." Randy frowned, just as he was about to answer, he suddenly froze.

    Innumerable withered vines stretched out from his shadow, entangling him in place. A thin figure emerged from the shadows, walked around to Randy, and mercilessly stabbed the killer's heart with the sharp knife in his right hand. Oliver pulled out his sword almost in the next second, but it was too late-

    Randy only did one thing.

    He pulled up the large and tattered black cloak behind him, and the flying black cloth firmly covered the rushing figure. The movements are slow and unhurried, like a magician on the stage. And his magic is equally miraculous, but with a strong blood color.

    When he let go of the cloak again, the cloak was already soaked with blood, and the blood was not the killer's.

    The mage who attacked staggered back a few steps, looking at each other in surprise. He was like hitting some invisible pegboard in an instant, the wounds were numerous but not fatal - but if left alone, he would definitely bleed to death in a short period of time. The skinny man scolded swear words and slid away quickly.

    Oliver dropped his sword and looked at Randy in shock. The killer's clothes were not complicated. The thin fabric on his chest was bulged up by his muscles. It didn't look like there was any sharp weapon or mechanism hidden at all.

    On the other hand, the new head of Tumbleweed is not arrogant, but also has considerable confidence in his own strength. He believed that he would not make a mistake in his judgment - at that moment, in a very short moment, the aura of two people undoubtedly appeared on the killer Randy. Not some kind of symbol, but two real people, two living people.

    A touch of white slipped through the gap in the cloak, and a glance swept across his face.

    It was not his illusion, Oliver was sure.

    What happened?

    If he didn't feel the existence of the "third person", Oliver could ignore Randy's tricks very naturally - after all, everyone has a few tricks to watch the house, and they are definitely not familiar enough to shake it out The degree of old age. But it was a human being, a living being who could appear and disappear in an instant.

    Oliver swallowed his saliva, he checked it carefully, and the breath on Randy returned to the previous situation. Since he was thrown into prison, the reality has become as absurd as a dream, and he finally thought that the current situation would be on the right track...

    "Let's go." The tall and robust killer said in a deep voice, as if it was really just a normal attack just now.

    Oliver did not move, he frowned and began to think about the most polite way to ask. Randy helped him a lot, but it was also true that he was in an odd state. If possible, Oliver didn't want to completely tear his face with the other party just because of a little suspicion.

    But before he thought of a suitable expression, the answer came out on his own.

    Several cold lights flashed, and the fat surveillance worm fell to the ground and swallowed very directly.

    "Never mind, Randy, he found me," said a voice.

    The voice was crisp and sweet, and it sounded like it belonged to a young woman. Then a girl appeared in front of Oliver - her hair was as short as Randy's, only brilliant blond. The eyes are large, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, and there is a natural smile. She is slender and sturdy, but she is a little short, and she looks less than 1.6 meters. I don't know if it was to make up for this, the petite girl was walking on strange shoes with exaggerated metal heels, which looked like she was stepping on stilts at first glance.

    She came out of Randy, literally. Like the big young man was just a phantom, a cloud of colored smoke.

    "Mora." Randy wiped his face vigorously. "It's too dangerous."

    "Anyway, he found me. Right, sweet sir?" The young girl made an exaggerated grimace and pointed her slender fingers to herself. "Mora, the killer. And the girlfriend of this stupid stake."


    And there is no metal collar around her neck.



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