
Chapter 177: Wasteland Rabies

    The members of Horizon stepped into the tunnel at Godwin's orders.

      It may be difficult for ordinary people to stand firm, but there will be no ordinary people in the Horizon team. The mercenaries quickly stood their ground and moved forward steadily.

    Godwin walked behind the group to make sure that the four students had safely stepped into the space tunnel.

    Leonard couldn't restrain his rapid breathing. Considering the previous series of embarrassing misunderstandings, the little aristocrat wanted to be more reserved, but the blood that rushed to his forehead betrayed his true mood. Marilyn no longer pretended to be weak, but just turned her head and peeked at Ann with a hint of envy in her eyes.

    "I...I'm a little sorry." Hayden whispered as he passed by Nemo. "You're sure to be an excellent nurse, Nemo. I'm afraid I'll have to live in the professional dormitory if you go like this."

    He seemed to have no intuitive concept of Oliver and Nemo's power, just nodded at Nemo a little reluctantly.

    "I apologize to you." Marilyn murmured when Hayden caught up with the army. "I shouldn't have been so mean to you, Hayden. I just…"

    "I accept and I understand. Never mind."

    "I still want to be a therapist - now I can't help but feel a little bit hot when I see you. Well, I'll try to control it." Marilyn sighed softly.

    “…I know, maybe. No one can say what will happen in the future, can they?”

    The pretty girl bit her lower lip and reached out to Hayden. Hayden's face flushed red, and he reached out tremblingly, almost scratching the girl's wrist. But he managed to catch the one in the end, and shook it solemnly. "I've got quite a few nursing questions I'd like to ask you about, Lawler... Ma, Marilyn."


    "I also apologize." Leonard stared at Hayden's outstretched one, dragging his thoughts away from the fiery excitement in his head. "Miss Lawler, please forgive my previous rudeness. I think I see what you mean this time. But if I could—"

    "No, you didn't, Quentin Leonard." Marilyn said quickly, "I don't like types that are too much taller than me, are you going to chop off below the knee?"

    “…” Leonard looked a little gloomy.

    "But we can be comrades-in-arms." Marilyn smiled and shook her head, patted the little nobleman's arm. "If you're willing to lower your chin and use your brains, you'll find a good girl."

    "I think hard, I have nothing to apologize for." Elmer said honestly, looking at Oliver who was talking to Godwin not far away. "I'll have to go and say thank you to Oliver in a moment."

    It will be hours before Elmer finds himself dizzy and rich overnight.

    And years later, Oliver Elmer, a senior fighter, still remembers this day—the day he and his teammates worked together successfully for the first time. After all, these four young people have never been separated since this day.

    Iron Commander Quentin Leonard, First Nursing Hayden Wilhelm.


    However, the biggest difficulty in front of the students at the moment is not the battlefield, but the space tunnel that is extremely difficult to maintain balance. The skinny Hayden almost took a step and fell, Leonard picked him up impatiently, and tried hard to move forward with one foot deep and one shallow.

    Seeing that her former classmates were able to move forward successfully, Nemo leaned over to Oliver - Oliver just finished talking with Godwin, in order to reduce his sense of existence, Nemo just patiently played ten A few minutes of stakes.

    "How's it going?" Nemo said nervously, and the grey parrot was still softly caught by him, like a rag bag.

      Things. As for the, uh, things we've done here. He still has to report them truthfully."

    "'I'll keep my eyes on you, Mr. Ramon. Remember your promise, if you do something outrageous, Horizon will be the first to stand up to you and never stop. '...he said so." Oliver cleared his throat and frowned, imitating Godwin vividly.

    "How did you answer?" Nemo craned his neck, turned his face, and tried to look at Godwin's back at the entrance of the space tunnel.

    "'Okay, dear brother.'" Oliver said softly, twisting Nemo's face back with his hands. "Then he looked like he was choking on a bean and strode off."

    "The book in the confinement room—the one with the memories of Emanuel Lopez—would it be good not to tell him?"

    "I'll definitely tell a more appropriate time." Oliver scratched his head, "Now he needs to rest and calm down. It's not a rush. Compared to this, I think Say-"

    Nemo's eyes widened. The next moment he put his index finger on Oliver's lips, covered his eyes with the other, which he was not used to, and the grey parrot that had been released slammed into the dirt. "Shh. Wait a minute, it must be Della Lenien moving again."

    The little spider is working diligently, and the sound and picture are coming one after another.

    "Here's what you want, Vance." The female professor shoved a grotesque crystal ball into Vance dressed as a servant. "You know, my knowledge has been wiped out a lot, and it's only now done. Gee, I really didn't procrastinate on purpose."

    "It doesn't matter." Vance, or O'Lori, returned to his icy look. The gray-haired man looked at the crystal ball for a while. "Bone jade's magic circuit changed?"

    "Hmm." Della Lenien nodded, "Unlike the **** of the Radhist group, it no longer detects the activation of abyss magic, but can detect the surrounding area. The division and strength of the devil. However, the detection range is still within ten kilometers, so there is no way to do this."


    "I just checked it again, and the magic circuit is still cooling down, and it will work normally in an hour. If you have any questions, please contact me - miserable, I have to deal with the old principal. To be honest, I'm not very interested in all kinds of tossing about the human country. Forget the hostage, he'd better not try to erase this body. This identity is quite convenient. "


    "You also pay attention, don't waste the power I give."


    The female professor pouted very unlady, turned her head and walked towards the principal's room at the end of the corridor. Nemo held his breath and nearly poked his finger in Oliver's mouth.

    "Mrs Mandy." The elderly Mr. Salter, the headmaster of the Royal Military Academy of Clement, was sitting in his seat, his voice earnest.

    Dara Lane also put away the evil spirit on her face and made a nervous and calm look.

    "Don't be nervous, I don't know what the Viscount said to you. But it must not be true."

    "Since it's just the two of us, I'll say it straight, dear Salter." The female professor was expressionless, "Your people took Trent from my laboratory. Fusarium wilt sample, right?"

    Nemo suddenly recalled a missing report in the reading piece. At first he thought it was a common problem in the experiment, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect...

    "If the tumbleweed hadn't infiltrated the academy, you would have used the 'plague' as an excuse to shut down. Ah, I think about it, 80% of the time it was to find some poor commoner student and let him-- No, it's very likely that she is sick and provides image proof." The female professor made an angry look unique to a researcher. "We've known each other for so many years, I never thought you would use my project for your own lust!"

    "I'm not really going to let it spread, and it's not for personal purposes," Salter said slowly, his voice soft but unmistakable. "Sacrificing an insignificant woman can change the war situation of the whole country. You are a smart researcher, Mrs. Mandy, you should know the importance. I am not looking for you this time for anything else, just to give you peace of mind."

    The old man paused for a moment.

    "I saw just now that you seem very unhappy with my decision. I don't want any weird misunderstanding between us. You'll know about this sooner or later, and I might as well speak to you directly - His Majesty passed away, just a few hours ago."

    The teacher's old tricks are repeated. The demon covered his mouth with his double, and the covered mouth didn't really exclaim, just snorted disdainfully.

    "The Royal Military Academy Clement will always be His Majesty's most loyal support." The old principal made a swearing gesture. "Lord Mandy's position has never been obvious, and you're a sensible man, Mrs. Mandy. I hope you'll think about the bigger picture, and if you're willing to cooperate with us—"

    "You... uh, if I guess correctly, you are trying to control some of the descendants of the nobles, hoping to add obstacles to the new king's path?" Nemo could perceive Della Lenien smiled in a "shocked" tone, "Yinny is on, shouldn't it be... His Royal Highness Eldric is out to His Majesty?"

    "This is a message from His Majesty himself, and there can be no mistake. According to the order left by His Majesty, we must eradicate that ambitious madman. If my message is correct, he even Her Royal Highness Annabelle has not let go."

    "You have your son to help you, what are you worried about? My husband and I are nothing more than unambitious little aristocrats, I don't want to be involved in such a big thing-" The devil Make a soft appearance.

    "In a pinch, we're likely to need as much support as we can, and that part has nothing to do with force. You know what I mean."

    "But, but, support the underage Delia, a puppet queen? You want to make her up? God, God, Salter. The old school will take you and your son Swallow it raw. To them, that underage girl is nothing at all, and now Her Royal Highness Aldric is the only royal blood. You must think about it, my god, my snuff bottle Woolen cloth-"

    "I know it's hard." The old principal stood up and put his back on his back. "But His Majesty's will must be carried out - Aldric Alastair has no kingly qualifications, and he will lead Alban to destruction."

    "...then pardon me for a while, this is not a trivial matter! Anyway, I can't get any news right now, I need a while to think."

    Old Thor nodded.

    Dalla Lane saluted, and after walking out of the principal's room, she rolled her eyes decisively.

    "Two nests of ants are fighting." She hummed an unknown tune and walked along the way. "Who will occupy this rotten corner?"

    Nemo swallowed hard and disconnected. He hesitated for a few seconds, carefully tore a small opening in the space, and neatly grabbed the little spider from the corner of the castle wall. Thankfully, he gave this thing the ability to devour magic fluctuations to hide itself in advance, and this action did not leave too conspicuous traces of fluctuations.

    The little spider lay obediently in Nemo's palm, and the eyeballs in his abdomen turned curiously.

    "What is this?" Oliver curiously removed Nemo's finger from his mouth and looked at the little spider in Nemo's palm.

    "No time to explain, would you like to come with me?" Nemo asked dryly.

    "What are you talking about, of course I—"

    "I'm asking about it." Nemo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, in case Orori really had the tools to detect the devil's breath. He had to do something with him to disguise his aura. The other party definitely knew about the existence of Bagelmore, and this little thing seemed to have an idea, and he listed it as the first choice.

    The little spider crawled around in his heart a few times, stretched out two feet, and tried to make a check mark.

    Oliver: "…"

    "That's fine, thank you." Nemo said earnestly, placing the spider on his shoulder. "...Oli, we have to appeal quickly, remove you from death row, and get out of here. The Emperor of Alban has just died, and Prince Eldric moved. The Academy is closed because of this - the war is coming. ."

    Oliver shook his head and did not respond for a while. "What does this have to do with the academy?"

    "The Salt family has always been the emperor's confidant. The headmaster here is a Salter, and is the father of Marshal Gallagher." Nemo said quickly, searching himself from his mind Read biographies. "I don't know the specifics, but the emperor did give an order to kill Prince Eldric in advance. Looking at the principal's actions, if nothing else, Marshal Gallagher will definitely lead the army."

     Gallagher Salter, one of Alban's marshals, is known as "The Wild Dog".

    Even if Oliver and Nemo lived in a frontier town before, they had more or less heard of this man. Marshal Gallagher acted extremely tough and decisive, and everywhere he went was bloody. He has never lost a single defeat on the battlefield, and there is only one way to win - to chase the enemy's entire army to collapse.

    Alban's emperor has been seriously ill for a long time. If the cause of his death cannot be successfully revealed, Prince Eldric will be the legitimate successor. Assuming that the leader of the rebels is Gallagher Salt, if the tumbleweed doesn't escape fast enough, it is likely to be involved in the struggle between the "rebels" and the royal family.

    "...Let's go, let's go now." Oliver made a decision instantly.

    The far frontier.

     Gallagher Salt stared at the darkened communication crystal without any special expression on his face. The appearance of the marshal did not match the rumored "rabid dog" at all. Although he is tall and looks solid, his whole person has an official and elegant temperament.

    No exaggerated body, no messy rough appearance. The platinum blonde hair was braided at the back of the head and tied into an elegant braid with delicate ribbons. The marshal didn't even have a beard.

    After a long silence, Marshal Gallagher sighed and tore off a thread from the intricate embroidery of the collar.

    "Assemble." He simply ordered, took out a bottle of perfume from his pocket, carefully sprayed it twice on his chest and neck, and then showed an inexplicable smile. "The prey this time was very—very large."

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