
Chapter 218: seeker

    The only three people left in the house remained silent, even if they knew that even if they waited, no answer would jump out from the extinguished voice spar.

    Nimo subconsciously spread out his palm and peeked at his hand. Pale skin, clear palm lines, very human-like.

    Then he folded his fingers and clenched his fist.

    Dara Lennion fell into a rare meditation, he stared at the corpse thoughtfully, then walked to the window and looked out of the window through the moldy window frame. "interesting."

    Calm down.

    Nimo tried to organize the thoughts in his mind. Della Layne was on the scene, and he couldn't organize his thoughts by talking to Oliver as he used to. Failing to get the answer to the mystery made him a little frustrated for a while. But after these few months of experience, he even became accustomed to eating "frustration" with bread for breakfast.

    Separate yourself and analyze the puzzle from a ruthless perspective.

    Ulysses rescued Flint Lopez who was lost at the bottom of the abyss and got the gold pendant as a token. It provided Flint with "special skills to kill the Demon King", but it did not give in to the expeditionary army that came later.

    It is impossible for Flint to know the thoughts of the Demon King, and no matter what the information that has been erased is, it is unlikely to be related to this. So put that question aside for now.

    What happened next was very clear to them. The most powerful demon king in history killed the first four expeditionary armies, and finally fell on the fifth expeditionary army where Flint Lopez was. Flint Lopez carried the Demon King's head and returned to the surface with another survivor, bringing back the Bone Jade.

    Alban has survived the most difficult war ever.

    But Alban's hero was no longer willing to fight, and the discovery of the bottom of the abyss undoubtedly left a huge spiritual shock to the strongest man on the surface. He lied to the outside world that it was Prince Abbas Alastair who killed the Demon King, pushed out the honorable title of "Brave", and only wanted to live in seclusion with his lover.

    Alban's ruler at the time, the late Emperor Sampson, self-destructed Flint's last wish. In order to retrieve the once "hero" and further revitalize Alban. He used a trick to get rid of Flint's beloved Sonia, and after the incident was revealed, he tried to cut the grass and roots, which directly caused Flint to cut off his right arm and disappeared from the public eye-

    The timeline should look like this.

    You can pick up the information they just discovered.

    Flint Lopez came into contact with the corpse of the Demon Lord, and thus got some special information. Before hiding with the surviving Oliver, he shared the information with the butcher in exchange for a spell that would help save Oliver, plus seven pounds of demonic flesh to repair his arm.

    And the butcher shop introducer, one of the gatekeepers under the gatekeeper organization, thought the information was too dangerous. He erased it, but then made such a horrific act of transforming his body.

    There is something wrong with this.

    Nimo let go of Oliver's wrist and tried to think more coldly. But the warm palm grabbed his left hand back to the palm of his hand.

    …not bad.

    Nemo breathed a sigh of relief, and the tense nerves relaxed a little. He smiled softly at Oliver, his eyes swept across the brighter morning sky outside the window.

    Between lightning and flint, he suddenly realized the unnaturalness of the whole thing.

    Since Flint Lopez gave information from the bottom of the abyss, why did the gatekeeper try to observe on the surface...and still succeed?

    Take a step back, even if you were already on the surface. Nemo doesn't think that just by "feeling" his own power in a certain way will make people feel the level of "super honor". What's more, the gatekeeper's last words clearly read "see".

    The dead man saw something else, and it was related to the bottom of the abyss...and the devil.

    "Dara Lanene." Nimo was cut off.

    "Hmm." The demon responded with a smile, and the smile on his face was gradually thickening, looking a little distorted.

    "You've just been looking at this gentleman's research, and I'm assuming you found something. Do you want to trade? Intelligence for intelligence."

    "Very happy. Even if you don't mention it, I'll have to find someone to share it with—ah, I feel sorry for the gatekeepers from the bottom of my heart, that the Castle of Nothingness has lost a great theoretician."

    "Please." Nemo said quietly.

    "I think we all know that corrupted material cannot be recovered. I am very sad about that, but what is broken is broken. We have no way of knowing what Mr. Lopez saw. , but he provided a very interesting piece of evidence - the Demon King's 'corpse' wasn't simply decaying, it was sending a message to something, and our Flint just accidentally intervened in the process. So it makes sense already."

    Dara Lennion tapped the decayed window frame with her fingertips, and returned her gaze to the scene outside the window.

    "Mr. Lopez is likely to discover that the 'Demon Lord' is not the 'Demon Lord' themselves as they assumed. The 'Demon Lord' of the surface crusade is more like some... I'm very curious, why the evolution of each generation of demon kings is like that, um, strange, but unfortunately there has been no evidence, I have it now."

    Exactly. The name "Sage of the Abyss" has a lot of gold in it, and Nemo didn't want to come up with information like "actually all demon kings are one" that can't explain the source of the intelligence.

    "But I don't think it's going to hit him too hard." Nemo took a breath and stubbornly changed the subject.

    The Demon King is acquiring intelligence and information from the expeditionary force and evolving accordingly, and he himself has experienced this cruel discovery. But from a certain point of view, he is living a very positive life now. Flint Lopez himself isn't the arrogant type with the eyes on the top of his head, so he won't be stunned by this discovery.

    "Yeah, I don't think so either. But like I said, there's nothing we can do about the records that have been erased. The gatekeeper is able to make himself so beautifully It's such a stupid thing to do that information is not clean. Now let's continue, if I don't misinterpret it, this gentleman has a pretty...pretty good conjecture, and I have to say, I'm very moved."

    Oliver's grip on his lover's hand tightened a little, but Nemo said nothing.

    "Inspired by Flint intelligence, he came up with a hypothesis."

    Dara Lanen twisted up a piece of parchment.

    "Surface creatures and Abyss creatures are homologous."


    "Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous. But no doubt, after meeting Flint, his first calculation was about the 'capacity limit' of all life. Oh , even if I don't remember exactly, I think Mr. Ramon experienced it firsthand in Blight Castle."

    Oliver's breathing was a little short, and he stared at Della Lane in displeasure.

     Looking up and down the two people's reactions, the abyss sage continued calmly: "As we all know, the individual abilities of creatures under the abyss magic system are generally stronger than those under the surface magic system, this is a fact, I don't Will adjust my views because of where I come from. If those beings are really as fundamentally antagonistic as various religions preach, why do they have exactly the same 'ceiling'?"

    "Powerful demons and fragile humans have the same ceiling of strength. Humans can use abyss magic as long as they get a little demon flesh or a contract. Demons must get It takes a whole human body to use surface interesting."

    Nimo was not amused at all, his throat was dry from the tension.

    "This gentleman has put so many pairs of eyes on himself and made them work properly. In the past thirteen years, he has really dug deep into the problem of the magic circuit among all kinds of contradictions. Although I clearly understand that there is an incomplete abyss magic circuit in the body of the surface creature, it is the first time I have seen such precise and detailed research data—"

    "This gentleman guessed that a long time ago, there was no such thing as 'surface magic' in this world. Whether in the vast underground abyss or the bright and hot surface, there should be only one source of magic. Its existence limits the capabilities of all life."

    "The so-called 'surface magic' is the later 'guest'. This guest is not as powerful as the master, unable to influence much, only a little bit of the abyss circuit can be broken, adding another to some species A different magical circuit."

    "Not opposites, just different?" Oliver muttered in a low voice, rubbing his temples.

    "I don't mean to target you, but you have to know that it has always been a bad habit of human beings to oppose different things." Della Lane replied lightly.

    "But both the Dragon's Breath Stone and the Erosion Circle can hurt demons more effectively." Nemo added, "Especially the Erosion Circle of Surface Research."

    "I think Abyss Origin allows a relatively weak 'guest' to stay, there should be its reason, Mr. Wright."

    [Finding that he couldn't beat the master, the weak bard had an idea. He offered the master a deal - 'I will give you what you want in exchange for a portion of my food. The ones farthest from the table, the ones you don't like the most are good', how smart, right? 】

    The center of the great labyrinth of Isamel, the source of magic on the surface - that long-winded Mr. Dylan once said so.

    "In short, the gatekeeper is not only not crazy, but has a very clear mind. Since the later guests are relatively weak, looking at the distribution of surface species, the origin of magic on the surface should be above the surface. . It should be easier to observe and prove - in your human terms, what he is trying to observe is 'God' himself."

    Ignoring Nemo's musings, Della Lane continued happily.

    "Then he did it. What a great warrior."

    Not true.

    The gatekeeper has been dead for about ten years, but the record of Jesse Dillon's activities definitely goes back ten years. And purely from the point of view of strength, he and Jesse's strength are at a similar level.

    And according to the deduction of the dead, their powers should be very different...

    "That's what I found, Mr. Wright. Where's your information?" Della Lane interrupted Nemo's thoughts with a question.

    "In human terms, the labyrinth of Isamel is a miracle. Your word should know it—that strange labyrinth near Clement College. The creatures in it are...special and difficult Distinguish whether it belongs to the abyss or the surface."

    "Of course."

    "It is indeed a 'miracle'." Nemo did not intend to cover up this information, and the core of Isamel's labyrinth collapsed in front of them, and no one understood it before. over that thing. He could have pushed the source of intelligence to it.

    Dara Lane was silent for a long time.

    After a few points, he suddenly burst into a burst of joyous laughter. As if the happiness of the whole world came at the same time, and will not dissipate like that.

    "Very interesting." The superior demon turned and left the window. He stopped in front of the mummified corpse and placed a light kiss on the corpse's shrunken forehead.

    "Mr. Wright, I need to ask you something."


    "Tie me down, trap my mind network." Delarion's face was red with joy, "Just like you did in Wither Castle."

    Shadows sprang up from Nemo's fingers, while Oliver drew his sword of rest at the same time.

    "I was thinking before, could it be you... It seems that it is." Della Lane shook her head with a smile. "Why, do you think I'll settle accounts with you?"

    "Don't tell me you won't." Nemo's voice was filled with distrust.

    "I went to kill the prey, and I was bitten by the prey. This is an expected risk - what position do I have to hate you and Mr. Ramon? I am not happy, I still understand the basic cause and effect. of."

    “…what do you want?”

    "I want the brain remnants of this corpse." Della Lenien pressed the corpse's head eagerly, "I just want to pray that the decay and dryness don't damage the dying memory too much. "

    "You're crazy, even if you can withstand the dying memory of human beings—" You may be like this dead person, and you will be at the end of the road because of that answer.

    It is dangerous to receive end-of-life memories from strangers directly. Emotions and memories before death will flood in instantly. Even if he knows that he is powerful, Nemo would not dare to try it at will... Not to mention that this memory is very likely to be mixed with crazy knowledge.

    Ulysses' weakened end-of-life memory without sentience and emotion alone is enough to cause him heartache.

    "That's why I want to ask you to cut off my thought network, so as to save the 'I' from uncontrollably spreading the truth. If I behave abnormally, please don't hesitate I will be executed here, as long as I keep my head, the rest of the place doesn't matter."

    Dara Lanene spoke briskly, sounding like she was teaching them how to peel an apple.

    "The other 'I' will take it, cut it open, study it more slowly and finely. You know that if you leave it alone, the last clues will slowly decay with the body - the first two Didn't you come to me just to get more clues?"

    Nimo took a step back, the tone of the other party's tone naturally made him a little uncomfortable.

    My own life and emotions seem to be completely outside the scope of this demon's thinking. Delarione isn't the same as those researchers at Wither Castle - the latter just don't take the pain of the weak seriously, and the Abyssal Sage doesn't even take himself seriously.

    "Come on," urged Della Laineen.

    “…then I have one last question.”

    Nemo closed his eyes.

    "How much do you know about the phrase 'Born in this world is a great honor'?"

    "Part of the gatekeeper's oath." Delarione stroked the corpse's skull before snapping its neck bone and removing the dead man's head. "no big deal."

    "The Gatekeeper's Oath?...Isn't their creed 'beyond the truth'?"

    "Most people only remember this, because it is easier to understand. After all, their complete oath is written in ancient common language. I think many people are too lazy to remember the complete meaning."

    The sage of the abyss sneered, but when he spoke again, there was no contempt in his voice.

    "'It must be respected first, then surpassed. The truth must be ruthless, and we will keep it in our hearts. It is a great honor to be born in this world.'”

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