
Chapter 222: God's stand

    Focus on "I was not pulled down by the abyss", Nemo noticed the cool air squirming on his skin, and the cold touch of Ollie's armor under him.

    Even Nemo, except for the one time against Witherspoon in an abnormal state, he never succeeded in connecting directly to the depths of the abyss from the surface. In order to successfully dive into the abyss to investigate, Nemo has done countless calculations - and now he has succeeded. With the help of the superior demon stuck in the space, he barely got a chance to face the depths of the abyss.

    Everything went smoothly except for this—

    The hem of Delarion's old-fashioned research robe was too long, and was instantly ignited by the flames bursting from the space tear.

    Several pieces of ineffective cloth hang down his arms and chest, the loose trousers are mostly burned, and the only remaining charred cloth is crumbling.

    The black shadow instantly rose into the air and quickly wrapped around Nemo's body, making the scene less ambiguous.

    Considering that he might have to concentrate on using the shadow to defend the enemy for a while, Nemo coughed a little awkwardly, and tapped the tip of Oliver's nose, which was still a meat pad: "Lend me the cloak."

    Oliver took off his cloak in a muffled voice, but the redness on his face has not dissipated.

    With materials, things are much more convenient. The shadow quickly wrapped around it, transforming the slightly black mist at the bottom edge of the cloth into a simple robe. It's a pity that cloth can't replace shoes, and Nemo has to stand barefoot on the floor temporarily. Fortunately, the staff that was placed on the horse in advance escaped the catastrophe.

    "Are you still blushing?" After holding the staff firmly, Nemo raised his eyebrows magnanimously.

    Successfully liberated Pandora, and found that he could accompany Oliver to investigate the abyss. At this moment, Mr. Demon King is in a good mood after a long absence. He looked at his lover, and his tone was a little sarcastic: "Mr. Ramon, I sincerely advise you that you should use your blush when it should be used, such as that night—"

    "I'm going to take off the shield." Oliver scratched his nose, interrupting Nemo's words, and the blush that had retreated a lot returned suspiciously.

    "Withdraw." Nemo shook his head with a smile and patted Oliver's skeleton helmet.

    "Guess how they are surrounded?"

    "As long as we don't see the face, we'll have no problem... They couldn't find anything but the charred shards of the research suit. Ah, speaking of that, wait a minute."

    Nimo turned around, and countless shadows shot out of the void behind him. The destroyed hall was quickly restored, and even the black cubic cage was closed again and returned to its original state - but the spell pattern on it no longer glowed, and it completely lost its original power.

    The shadow even cleaned the charred clothing from the floor.

    The entire underground hall was soaked with lights, clean and tidy, as if nothing had happened.

    "That's enough to disturb them. Ollie, have you negotiated with your Pope?"

    "It costs fifty bucks for horse snacks, the kind with apple puree and syrup."


    What happened next became an unsolved mystery of the Mercenary Guild for a long time. The ancient phantom in the middle of the night passed through the wall, the superior demon evaporated out of thin air, and the huge monster that finally rushed out of the encirclement—

    A pitch-black sphere rushed towards the encircling circle, with four horse legs stretched below, running fast. This ridiculous thing appeared in front of the tense defenders in a grand manner, which made the serious warriors stunned for a few seconds.

    Spells, bows, even flesh and blood, nothing could stop that weird... spherical horse. It is surrounded by layers like a shadow and quickly blends into the night.

    Oliver's black-haired pope flew for a certain distance, directly passed through the pre-calculated space crack, and jumped into the distant woods.

    Seeing the cracks behind her close, the spherical shadow shield wrapped in black shadows is lifted. The two on horseback finally stopped holding their breath and laughed happily.

    The next day, the two culprits of the tumbleweed arrived in Hatfield, which was close at hand, and the subtle smile on their faces still lingered.

    Hatfield, the Holy Land of Ruddism, is comparable in size to two large cities, and is adjacent to the small country Pledo, where the headquarters of the Mercenary Guild is located. The grand central church is in the very center of the land, and the Pope of the Radhist religion resides here all year round.

    Oliver took the reins of the dark horse and carried the skeleton helmet behind him. The shriveled grey parrot slumped on Nemo's shoulders, looking like he was going to die in the next second.

    "Tell me who Jesse Dillon is." It screamed softly.

    "Seeing Dylan soon, you ask yourself." Nemo poked his feathers and continued to avoid the question.

    The grey parrot grunted a few times.

    For some strange psychology, although he bought a few spare robes, Nemo still prefers to wear a black robe changed from his lover's cape. Oliver didn't change his cloak either, which made the black armor even more inconspicuous.

    Seeing the two approaching, passers-by spontaneously avoided and whispered.

    Nimo was a little surprised. Although he knew very well that he was such a black-robed mage, plus a black-armored knight, plus two shiny black badges, they really didn't look like a good thing. However, this is a holy place of Ruddism where judgement knights abound, and pedestrians will not avoid them like snakes and scorpions.

    The eerie atmosphere continued until they officially arrived at the central church.

    "A new line?" Jesse Dillon nibbled at the less-than-fresh-looking dry cake and greeted vaguely.

    The blond youth was still dressed in that exaggerated dress, and Adrian Cross was standing beside him, looking down at the book in his hand. The grey parrot snorted a few more times, and it stretched its neck to take a look at Jesse, then spread its wings and rested on Adrian's shoulder. The knight commander raised his eyebrows in surprise, but didn't mean to drive it away.

    Baggarmoru stood on Adrian's monk uniform like that, with a bird face full of humiliation.

    I don't know if it's my own illusion, Nemo's eyes stayed on the knight commander for a few more seconds - Mr. Cross's breath seemed to...less the suffocating heavy feeling before.

    "Well, it's hard to say." Nemo replied succinctly, "Dylan, are you free later? Ollie and I want to talk to you alone."

    "I knew there would be such a day." Jesse sighed exaggeratedly, eating up the dry cake in his hand and licking his fingers.

    Oliver was a little nervous, he clenched the reins of the dark horse in his hand, held his breath, and stared at Jesse Dillon's mouth—

    "Mr. Ramon is very inexperienced at first sight. He definitely needs a reliable technical guide like me."

    The leader of the tumbleweed took a deep breath and finally resisted the urge to fire the member on the spot.

    "The matter of the disappearance of the superior demon was done by the two of you." The point of the former judge knight was very clear. Adrian snapped the book in his hand and lowered his voice.

    "I sent her home." Nemo looked around vigilantly and muttered softly.

    "Alright." Adrian nodded, and he calmly looked at Nemo who lowered his head for a while. "I will remember to remind Lord Quinn to be careful of the demon warlocks in the future. But looking at past cases, nothing will happen in the next three hundred years."

    "I'll keep an eye on her." Nemo quickly assured, "When I sent her back, I marked her magic fluctuations."

    "Just promise yourself, I actually want to tell you something else." Adrian turned his gaze to Oliver.

    "I'll tell them, I'll come, I'll come! Ed, go to the church and inform the group of people, let's say our head is here." Jesse seems to have caught something For fun, he hooked Nemo kindly around the neck and dragged Nemo down the alley next to the central church.

    It seems like a "we have something to say, please avoid it" posture.

    Adrian shook his head, not looking further. He wanted to take the reins from Oliver's hand, but the dark horse gave him a stern look, and then tried to hide himself behind Oliver.

    Oliver scratched his head embarrassedly: "No need, Mr. Cross, it just follows me."

    The knight commander frowned helplessly, turned and walked towards the entrance of the church behind him.

    The grey parrot on his shoulder twisted his neck like an owl, looking at Jesse and his party. In the end, it still didn't have the courage to ask the past, and had to shrink itself into a gray feather ball.

    "Come on." Jesse in the alley tugged at his collar, "Ramon, where the **** is he-"


    "Sorry, well, let's get down to business."

    Nemo sighed and retracted his fist. He leaned back against the wall behind him, and Oliver squeezed into the alley as well. The dark horse behind him walked last, blocking the entrance of the narrow alley.

    "A few days ago, Ollie and I went to investigate a ruin in the frontier forest. Ten years ago, a three-story wooden house, a gatekeeper, and a multi-eye transplant observation. Do you have an impression?"

    "Oh—" Jesse nodded, lengthening her tone. "That boy, I remember. Got a big advantage for him."

    This is the first time Oliver has clearly felt another side of Jesse Dillon. The corpse undoubtedly belonged to an elderly man, but Mr. Dylan naturally referred to the junior with a natural tone.

    Nimo's expression became equally serious.

    "...I'm just kidding! Strictly speaking, he doesn't see me all." Jesse touched his chin. A little bigger. I'm not an exhibitionist who voluntarily goes out and runs naked, Ed can definitely understand-"

    "Nobody asked you that." Nemo's voice was a little weak.

    "Then what do you want to ask? I said yes, I just glared at him and didn't do anything else. If it wasn't for me at the time... Forget it, he was lucky anyway. "

    "Your body, and our deal." Nemo rubbed his temples.

    "What, you're suddenly interested in what I really look like? I admire you dear Mr. Wright. But it's a little... oops, sorry."

    "Abyssal creatures and surface creatures are homologous, the gatekeeper put forward such a conjecture." Nemo was not distracted by Jesse, "You were in the center of Isamel's labyrinth back then. That's what the strange story you told me was alluding to."

    "Well, that's true," Jesse admitted succinctly.

    Despite preparations, Oliver couldn't help but hold on to the wall, his heart beating wildly.

    Nemo was silent for a while: "This has something to do with our transaction?"

    "Of course! I'm not the rice-eater type. You've given me some species, and I'm now running them well and giving you what you want. Although I I really didn't think you'd come in person and pick a lover out of it."

    "Never thought? You call yourself a fortune teller."

    "When there were Miss Savage and Mr Ramon in the line, I was. But now Miss Savage isn't here and Mr Ramon... well, honestly, I really don't I like the state of black eyes."

    "You have been emphasizing 'what I want', and now you might as well say clearly, what did I ask for?" Seeing that the topic was about to be diverted by Jesse Dylan, Nemo simply and neatly pulled it back.

    Jesse was silent, staring at Nemo: "Before I tell you, I think you should ask me other questions."

    "That's it."



    "Because my answer won't change, as I told you before, people say 'it's good to have hope'. Look at you now with a smile on your face, And you have a lover you trust with all your heart. I hope you stay in this state from the bottom of my heart."

    "Oli is destined to be a hero, and I may have wanted to destroy the surface before. There is no worse possibility."

    "Yes," Jesse said softly, the smile on her face fading.

    "Let's put it this way, Mr. Wright. If the 'before you' were here, I'm pretty sure... the first thing you'll do is turn around and kill Oliver Rat who is standing there Mongolian."

    "...I would never hurt Ollie."

    "To put it badly, your life and death will not really affect my destiny. If you really know the guess of that human being, then you should know that all life in this world has The same power limit. And that was set by you, no, you can't say that, it should be said that it was set by your 'instinct'."

    "Do you need me to back away?" Oliver closed his eyes.

    "No, listen up there, Ollie." Nemo's voice trembled a little. "Go on, Dylan."

    "This is not such a big deal. To use an inappropriate analogy - when people raise Fuller goats, they must first domesticate them and remove the possibility of them hurting people. All possible injuries must be controlled. Within the scope, it is not difficult to understand, right?"

    "But this and..."

    "Now there is a sheep, powerful, intelligent, and wild by nature. It can derive its strength from its own kind more efficiently than people. There are countless sheep raised by people. , all can be a source of its power... If left unchecked, it may become too powerful one day and kill its master. I'll tell you what ordinary people do, and the moment they discover this, Kill the lamb in abnormal condition."

    "People are not sheep after all, Mr. Wright. Everything in this world is the same as Mr. Ramon, and should have nothing to do with you and me."

    "Oli is the most honest man I've ever met. The world we see is very least for now, very close. If he thinks it necessary to kill me, then I will-"

    Jesse Dillon burst out laughing.

    "You're so cute." He shook his head, blond hair in a dull halo in the shadows. "As I said, the metaphor of man and sheep is not appropriate. If that moment comes, perhaps your choice will not be simply 'Mr. Ramon' or 'you'."

    "Come on, Dylan, I don't want to go around in circles with you." Nemo's throat was a little itchy, and the soles of his feet were chilled by an ominous premonition.

    "I stand by my ideas. Whether it's my being or your truth, you'll know the answer soon anyway. Until then, it's good for you to have more hopeful memories." Jesse shrugged. "I'm on your side, don't doubt that."

    Nemo took a few deep breaths, trying to stabilize his heartbeat.

    "Then I'll change the question. Dylan, logically I should be stronger than you, but I feel like we're about the same."

    "This will tell you, because it is the limit of 'flesh of this size'. Two glasses of similar capacity are similar, but one goes to the barrel and one goes to the sea. Trust me, You are much stronger than me, Mr. Wright. Don't be misled by the glass in front of you."

    "Good," Nemo said. He looked up at the narrow blue sky above the alley.

    "It seems reasonable and reasonable, I can't pry your mouth open. Then I only have one last question left, I hope you will answer, Mr. Dylan."

    "Try it?"

    "You say I'm not facing a choice between 'Oli's life' and 'my life', so what will it be?"

    "Well, let me see..."

    The smile on Jesse Dillon's face grew thinner.

    "'Mr. Ramon' or 'the rest of life in the world, including your own' would be closer."

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