Furthermore, after Feng Xiaoyao knew that Shen Lang had killed the young man under him, he immediately shot it out of his anger, and it was Feng Family’s “Wind-God Leg”!

In a hurry, Shen Lang pushed Zheng Donghong away, but he tripped over a stone on the ground when he retreated!

But in the exclamation of everyone, Shen Lang, who fell, was able to avoid the ferocious trick of Feng Xiaoyao…

“hahaha! Look at that kid Count him lucky, otherwise he would be ground into pieces by Feng Young Masters Wind-God Leg!”

“trifling Qi Martial Realm 5 Heavenly Layer, Feng Shao wanted to kill him. Its so easy. Using Wind-God Leg is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. Its not appropriate.”

“It is estimated that the kid killed Feng Shaos subordinates and angered him…”

A group of people over Taniguchi started booing and slapped flattery.

A group of people think that Shen Lang is dead.

After Shen Lang fell, the foot of Feng Xiaoyao was lost.

Feng Xiaoyao, who flew over Shen Lang’s head, was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that he couldn’t believe that such a quick move would fail.

“Fuck me!”

Feng Xiaoyao screamed, his left hand slammed on the ground, his figure rolled, and his right foot instantly moved towards Shen Lang with a neck kick. Out.

With this kick, the sharp piercing sound suddenly caused many people present to lift a heart to their throats.

Many young people who have never seen the world screamed in shock.

If you get kicked like this, I’m afraid your head will be kicked directly, right?

At this critical moment, Shen Lang avoided this leg with a donkey roll, embarrassingly and indecently.

Feng Xiaoyao saw a boy in the Qi Martial Realm, and he even avoided his attack with two moves. He felt his face lost and his heart attacked!

He slapped his right palm on the ground, stood up straight, twisted his waist, and kicked his legs out like a whirlwind.

Each of his legs kicked in a straight line, like a sharp knife. The speed is so elusive, and with the sharp wind, the power is amazing.

“xiu xiu xiu!”

Every leg of Feng Xiaoyao kicks Dan Hai in the abdomen, and steps on the chest and heart. Murderous aura is tragic!

The attacks around Shen Lang continue, as if there are multiple Feng Xiaoyao besieging Shen Lang at the same time, making people stunned.

The people nearby even had to retreat for a certain distance, not daring to approach the two of them again.

Feng Xiaoyaos legs are too fast, even faster and more flexible than many Martial Spirit Realm Early-Stage martial artists. Many people cant see his movements completely and can only see. A dazzling illusory shadow swayed constantly, and then I heard the “chi chi chi” wind splitting the air sound in my ears.

In contrast, Shen Lang’s movements are too slow in everyone’s eyes, and even seem a bit clumsy.

Under the opponent’s attack, there was no chance to fight back. He could only take a small step to lose one’s head out of fear and dodge constantly, which is extremely dangerous.

He occasionally punches and kicks, but even the shadow of Feng Xiaoyao didn’t touch it.

Instead, several times, the soles of Feng Xiaoyao’s feet almost swept past his body, making the heartbeat of those around him quicken.

However, what is strange is that even in a short period of time, Feng Xiaoyao has kicked dozens of legs in a violent storm, without even touching the corners of Shen Lang’s clothes!

Su Ji and Zhan Wuji in the periphery showed an astonished expression in their eyes!

If you don’t fight back, even the two of them will not be able to cope with this violent attack, right?

“Is this guy really lucky? If it’s not luck…but I have been watching his pace just now. The pace is messy and irregular. It’s all because of being attacked and forced to move. Looks like!” Su Ji’s eyes became a little weird.

At this moment, I dont know where a few small white balls came out and rolled into the field. One of them just fell by Shen Langs feet, while the other two reached Taniguchi. In front of that group of people…

“What is it?” Everyone was taken aback.

next moment, the three small balls burst open with a bang. For a while, the entire valley was covered by dense white smoke, and even the people in front of them could not see clearly!


Su killed the green-clothed woman lightly shouted and moved towards the front like a ghost!

After that, an indistinct voice rang from the valley: “Everyone, rush out of Taniguchi and kill those bastards!”


The youngsters who reacted roared wildly, shaking the entire valley with a roar.


Su Ji and Zhan Wuji complied in unison, let go of speed, and they are about to rush to Taniguchi!

Suddenly, Su Ji and Zhan Wuji, who had just rushed out two steps, stopped abruptly and retreated instead of advancing!

In their divine sense, there is a powerful and terrifying energy wave in front of them!

As soon as the two of them backed away, there was a huge roar in front of them.

The roar is accompanied by the screams of the group guarding Taniguchi!

“What happened?” Su Ji and Zhan Wu were taken aback.

The power of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering is absolutely impossible because the green-clothed woman can create it…

Can it be said that among the crowd, it is still hidden Expert?

Without waiting for the two of Su Ji to react, suddenly there was a nine-day thunderbolt burst in front, and the light of thunder and lightning could be seen faintly in the white mist!

The light of thunder and lightning lasted for a while before it dissipated completely suddenly, disappear without a trace.

The Mysterious Dao Sect disciple above the valley mouth of the valley snorted miserably, completely out of information!

“Fuck, who did it? Even the people of Mysterious Dao Sect attacked? That’s at least the discipline of the cultivation base above Martial Spirit Realm 5 Heavenly Layer!” Zhan Wuji exploded.

Because of this violent attack that didn’t know where, the people who rushed towards Taniguchi actually stopped and started their defense, for fear that someone moved towards them.

After all, most of the martial artists came here, and they were guarded against each other. They all moved a little apart, so in the chaos, there was no stepping on them.

For a time, this valley with thousands of people turned out to be weirdly silent…

After a while, the white mist dissipated, and the sun fell down. , Everything in the valley finally fell into the eyes of everyone again.

Its just that although at first is a little bit psychologically prepared, after the sight of the white mist is not obstructed, everyone sees everything in front of them, and their mouths are still speechless…

A huge deep pit appeared in the center of Taniguchi. The dozen or so people who originally held Taniguchi…including the two Martial Spirit Realm experts hidden in it, all fell on the edge of the pit, their body covered in blood, life and death are unknown.

In this way, it was like being punched in the middle, and the powerful shock wave threw these people away!

The two Martial Spirit Realm experts squatted on the ground and made faint noises, but they couldn’t even raise their hands.

Not far behind these people, the Archers hidden among the rocks and the Mysterious Dao Sect disciple on a higher cliff also suffered violent blows.

It’s just that the attack these people encountered is slightly different from that of the group of Taniguchi. They were maimed by fierce thunder.

One by one, his whole body was scorched and lay on the bluestone, his hands drooping, blood was constantly left behind, and the hair was still smoking. The thunderbolt that could be seen before was scorched outside and tender inside. It seems worse than the group of Taniguchi.

Whats even more surprising is that those people who were lying in Taniguchi all the way and were knocked down to the ground by the people of Taniguchi, but unfathomable mystery was moved to a place about 20 meters away from Taniguchi, none of them People are affected by this powerful attack!

Su Ji’s gaze fell subconsciously on Shen Lang who was standing in front of him a little bit, but he was surprised to find that Shen Lang did not seem to have left the circle where he had previously fought Feng Xiaoyao…

“Where is Feng Xiaoyao?”

Su Ji searched the surroundings strangely, suddenly startled.

Not far behind him, Feng Xiaoyao’s whole body was plunged into the mud, only a bloody nose and swollen face head was exposed, dying!

Zhan Wuji followed Su Jis gaze and almost jumped up: “Fuck, who is so fierce?”

The green-clothed woman facial expression grave walks He came over and said: “The big hole in Taniguchi seems to have been punched out. As for the archer at the latter point, it was all crippled by Thunder Element Cultivation Art. This… is too powerful! Didn’t expect these people. Its even mixed with an expert whose cultivation base is so powerful that its simply unimaginable!”

“As for this wind, although it is a little arrogant, the cultivation base should not be underestimated. People were hit hard… and although the ground in this valley was soft, it instantly drove a Martial Spirit Realm martial artist into the ground. At least Martial Spirit Realm 5 Heavenly Layer or higher cultivation base was required. Fleshy body was stronger than a martial artist of the same rank. Multiple talents.”

“All things happen in a few seconds. I feel that it is too difficult to balance the head and tail. It is likely that multiple people will shoot at the same time… But these people even Mysterious Dao Sect Everyone dared to fight, so why should I go to Mysterious Dao Sect to apprentice?”

Shen Lang ran over in three steps and two steps, wondering: “Who is this pig head? Fighting so badly…Hey, isnt this the sibling of Feng Xiaoyao? Wow hahaha, you also have today! Isnt your trick called “Wind-God Leg”? I think its more suitable to change to “Drill Earth Dragon”. , Hahaha!”

Shen Lang impudent laughed wildly, making everyone around him wipe a sweat.

“Forget it, it’s useless to guess these, whether it’s a person or a group of people, it doesn’t make much sense anyway, we didn’t provoke them anyway… The important thing is that the valley mouth is now open -It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, we should leave here as soon as possible.” Su Ji said, rushing to Taniguchi at the fastest speed.

The green-clothed woman followed.

When the surrounding youngsters saw the momentum, they immediately slammed, moving towards Taniguchi like a tide.

Zhan Wuji patted Shen Lang on the shoulder said: “Lets go, leave this place of right and wrong.”

“en.” Shen Lang gently nodded and turned around. .

Behind him, Zheng Donghong’s eyes are red, and the hand holding the long sword keeps shaking.

Shen Lang indifferently said: “Since you want to kill him, why don’t you do it with such a good opportunity?”

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