“My name is Han Yun…”

Han Yun looked at the eight Golden Dragons and chuckled.

“Han Yun…”

Eight Golden Dragon mouths whisper, look at towards Han Yun’s eyes more curious, Han Yun? The name they have never heard of, is Han Yun in front of him a monster genius that appears soon?

“Young Master Han, why do you appear in the territory of my Golden Dragon family?”

A Golden Dragon came out and frowned at Han Yun.

“Why is it here?”

Han Yun eyes flashed of light, and then seemed to think of something, suddenly said with a smile: “In fact, this Han is looking for someone, but did not think that a small animal just received a disobedient, accidentally injured Come to the clansman of your Golden Dragon family, please don’t be surprised!”

“The little beast just received…”

Eight Golden Dragons were shocked and looked at Blood Demon subconsciously. Instead, they were Blood Demon. They just looked at Han Yun coldly and then did not speak again.

“Young Master Han, don’t know who you are looking for?”

The strongest Golden Dragon, stand out solemmly asked.

“who is it?”

Han Yun expression slightly paused, then a slight reminder of the color of the eyes: “this Han cultivation base low, when I met a Flood Dragon just turned into Golden Dragon, her name is Jing Jing!”

“Jing Jing…”

Eight Golden Dragon looked at Han Yun, his brow furrowed, and then a Golden Dragon came out said solemnly: “I am afraid to let Young Master Han down, my Golden Dragon family, not at all called Golden Dragon!”


Han Yun eyebrows slightly frowned, listening to Little Jin’s words, Jing Jing left the Han Family, was taken away by the Golden Dragon family Ancestral Land.

Now in the Golden Dragon family, since there is no Jing Jing this person?

“Is there really no such person?”

Han Yun asked again.


Eight Golden Dragons are shining shook the head, looking at Han Yun’s undying heart, once again opened the mouth and said: “Young Master Han, our Golden Dragon family of clansman is not much, if there is such a name, we I will definitely know!”

“Really do not have!”

Han Yun has some disappointment. Jing Jing has been away for so long. If Jing Jing is not going to the Golden Dragon family, where is it going?

“Since the Golden Dragon family does not have Jing Jing, it is this Han reckless, this Han retired!”

In Han Yun’s eyes, the rays of light flashed and I felt the more and more terrifying aura. Han Yun quickly scolded.

“Young Master Han is going slowly!”

Eight Golden Dragon saw Han Yun leave, suddenly sighed in relief, and quickly handed the way.


In the eyes of Han Yun, the rays of light flashed, and then a Teleport appeared next to Blood Demon and shouted against Blood Demon: “Don’t want to die!”

“Don’t want to die?”

Blood Demon pupils shrank, then looked at the eight golden dragons with a cold face and turned and disappeared into Void.

“Seventh Elder, this Blood Demon is too much. Since I killed my Golden Dragon family of nine clansman, if I don’t kill him, what is the face of my Golden Dragon family?”

Han Yun just left, a Golden Dragon suddenly stood out and screamed.

“Yes, there is this boy, looking for Jing Jing, I think he just wants to find the trouble of my Golden Dragon family, this person is only Great Heaven Rank, but the battle strength can compare to the gods!”

“If you don’t kill today, I am afraid it will be a big threat to my Golden Dragon family!”


Eight Golden Dragons, each and everyone were filled with indignation, only the strongest day Golden Dragon, looking at the back of Han Yun’s departure, his brow furrowed deeply.

Just now.

When Han Yun disappeared, he completely lost Han Yun’s aura. You know, he is Divine Beast of 5th layer, his strength of Divine Soul, has reached the realm of God.

The myth of strength of Divine Soul.

Can be covered in a thousand miles, but even so, he still does not feel Han Yun’s aura.

It is like Han Yun.

It is the general evaporation from the air!

“Han Yun, it seems that the Battle Clan of Divine Country has a name called Han Yun. Are these two people the same person? If so, he must be a Battle Clan person…”

The strongest Golden Dragon, his eyes flashed.

Blood Demon killed nine blood dragons.

He is also very angry at this point, but there is Blood Demon at Han Yun’s side, they simply do not dare to shoot Han Yun, otherwise Blood Demon continues to shoot, then they are eight Golden Dragon.

It is likely to be died again!

“Golden Seven…”

Just as the eight Golden Dragons were angry, a cold voice suddenly came from Void, and then a beautiful silhouette appeared in Void.

“Little Dragon King…”

Seeing the arrival, the eight Golden Dragon quickly slammed down.

“This King just felt the aura of the foreign family. What happened here?”

Junmei teenager looked up and asked coldly in the golden seven.

“what happened?”

Jin Qi body gently trembled, and then quickly opened the mouth and said: “The admonitor Xiaolong Wang, just the Ancient Killing God Blood Demon appeared here, killing the nine clansman of my Golden Dragon family!”

“Blood Demon?”

Junmei’s brow briefly paused, and then seemed to think of something, suddenly solemnly asked: “Just I heard you, there seems to be a Battle Clan person?”

“The Little Dragon King is right. The two come here, one is Han Yun, the one from Battle Clan, the other is Blood Demon, the Big Dipper Sect’s nine-guard!”

“Blood Sect has nothing to do with Battle Clan. I don’t know how the two came together, and this Blood Demon seems to be very respectful to Battle Clan disciple Han Yun…”

“What are you talking about? Han Yun!”

Jin Qi has not finished, Junmei’s young expression suddenly changed slightly, and the body’s aura is even more furious. For a long time, the boy suppressed the aura.

The face flashed and asked: “What is this Battle Clan boy coming to my Golden Dragon family?”

“What is it?”

There are some doubts in Jin Qi’s eyes. For such a small matter, the little Golden Dragon King never asked, and today’s little Golden Dragon King seems to ask some…

too much!

“The little Golden Dragon King, this Han Yun only has the cultivation base of Great Heaven Rank Peak, but it can resist the attack of one of our clansman, and Blood Demon also obeys him. He came to my Battle Clan and seems to be looking for a people!”

Although there are some doubts in Jin Qi’s heart, he still replied slyly.

“Looking for someone…”

The face of Junmei’s teenager has become more ugly, and the beautiful face has raised a touch of cold qi, cold voice, ringing in Void.

“Who is he looking for?”

“Jing Jing !”


Upon hearing this, in the eyes of the handsome young boy, a burst of terrifying rays of light was suddenly shot, and a vast aura was emitted from the juvenile.

“Little Dragon King, my Golden Dragon family seems not at all a clansman called Jing Jing. I think this Han Yun is just looking for you. This time he killed my Golden Dragon family of nine brothers, we must not let him go. Also, please ask the little Golden Dragon King to be the master of us!”

“Please ask the little Golden Dragon King to be the master of us!”

“Please ask the little Golden Dragon King to be the master of us!”


Eight Golden Dragons, kneeling on the ground, each and everyone looking at the handsome young boy, his eyes full of grief.

“Do Master…”

Junmei’s mouth spit out two cold words, an incomparable terrifying killing intent, rising from the eyes of a handsome young boy, and even the surrounding temperature dropped several times in an instant!

2nd more, brothers good night.

Sorry, it’s been raining for a few days. It’s estimated that there is a problem with the circuit. I have a power outage this afternoon. I have no power in my notebook. I only wrote two chapters. Brothers don’t wait. I don’t know if I will call you tomorrow. If I don’t call, I’m afraid. It’s going to break! Call back to normal update!


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