瑙丼u Bai 琛ㄦ€侊纴鐭虫侊纴鐭暗嚭娆嚭娆叞镄勭瑧瀹叞镄勭瑧瀹€

鐭 瘏鐭ラ 瘏鐭ラ 锛屽彧瑕侀 阒靛畻涓嶈 阒靛畻涓嶈 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai 阆挞樀瀹椼€

鐭 瘏锷濊阆掳 鈥滀綘鍦⊿ 鈥滀綘鍦⊿ word Dao 涓婄殑innate talent 鏋佷 缃曡锛屼 缃曡锛屼 缃曡锛屼 簺 簺 d簺 Sword Dao powerhouse 鈥 彧鍙 彧鍙粖宸备粖宸槸 Sword Dao 寮忓井镄勬椂浠o纴浠ヤ綘镄刬nnate talent 鑻ユ槸缁х画cultivation Sword Dao 镄勮瘽锛岄偅鍙︼兘鏄蛋鍏ユ阃斻€傗€

鍦ㄨ Umbrella 涓 镣 镣 笂锛孲 Bai Bai Bai Bai 镊︻劧涓崭 灏呜嚜宸 灏呜嚜宸 灏呜嚜宸 殑锲 殑锲 殑锲 屾槸鎭暚镄勭偣浜嗙偣澶 屾槸鎭暚镄勭偣浜嗙偣澶 屾槸鎭暚镄勭偣浜嗙偣澶 屾槸鎭暚镄勭偣浜嗙偣澶 屾槸鎭暚镄勭偣浜嗙偣澶闂 锛 锛 沧帉鏁欙纴杩欎箞澶 沧帉鏁欙纴杩欎箞澶 沧帉鏁欙纴杩欎箞澶 浠ユ潵闅鹃 浠ユ潵闅鹃 Da Da Da Da word Dao powerhouse breakthrough 杩欎 妗庢锛岃笍鍏ヨ秴鍑 妗庢锛岃笍鍏ヨ秴鍑 叆鍦 洓 洓澧冦€傗€

鈥沧湭 湁杩囷纴镊 湁杩囷纴镊 湁杩囷纴镊 湁杩囷纴镊 皯鍦ㄤ笢鐜勮鍩熻 皯鍦ㄤ笢鐜勮鍩熻 杈 杈 湭 湭 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜 湁杩栾埇浜皯鎯婅壋缁濅笘镄刾owerhouse 旋 瘯锲 瘯锲 word word Dao 锛岄 鎸疭 Da word Dao 镄勮 镦岋纴 chain 钖庨兘鍖栨垚涓€g榛勫湡銆傗€

鈥滃浠婃暣涓﹄笢鐜勮鍩熶腑鎭愭€曚篃鍙湁Last Sword Territory 镄刢ultivation key generously smashed word Dao 锛屼笉杩囨暟鍗冨 浠ユ潵锛屽凡寰埚皯 chain変汉淇范 Sword Dao 鑳  breakthrough 镊矱mperor Dao 澧冦€傗€

鈥滃鑻ユ垜 璁 璁 缑娌¢敊镄勮瘽锛孡 缑娌¢敊镄勮瘽锛孡 ast Sword Territory 镄勬渶 powerhouse 杩 彧鏄疭 彧鏄疭 overeign Dao 澧冭 屽 屽 屽 鈥 € €

鈥渃ultivation 铡熸湰灏 槸阃嗘 槸阃嗘 (1) Ammonia donation 洿浣曞喌鏄疭 洿浣曞喌鏄疭 word Dao cultivation 锛屽緟鍒 award breakthrough King Dao Seto generously smashed the word Dao 镄勮瘽锛屾棤璁 槸 cultivation 镄勯 熷 熷 熷 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮 杩樻槸鐡堕閮

鐭 瘏涓囧垎 瘏涓囧垎 婅阆掳纴鍦ㄤ粬鐪嬫潵锛孲 u Bai 鍙︼涓嶉櫒钀 殑璇濓纴鎴愰昵璧 潵镄勮瘽锛屽繀鐒 湁 湁 50 % 镄勬妸鎻” 彲浠ラ棶榧嶦mperor Dao 锛岀敋镊 繘鍏ヨ秴鍑 繘鍏ヨ秴鍑” 叆鍦e洓澧冦€

杩欑瓑濂 嫍瀛愶纴鐭 嫍瀛愶纴鐭 瘏瀹炲湪鏄笉鎯 瘏瀹炲湪鏄笉鎯 瘏瀹炲湪鏄笉鎯 瘏瀹炲湪鏄笉鎯 瘏瀹炲湪鏄笉鎯 涓婃阃斻 涓婃阃斻

鈥沧槸鈥isciple 鍙楁暀浜嗐€傗€漇u Bai ご锛屼笉杩囧 ご锛屼笉杩囧 ご锛屼笉杩囧 涓殑鍧 涓殑鍧 畾鍗 畾鍗 畾鍗 畾鍗 畾鍗 畾鍗 畾鍗 変笣姣殑娑堟

鐭 瘏 lightly smiled 锛屾棆鍗 锛屾棆鍗 韬湜镌 鍓嶆 鍓嶆 鍓嶆 鍓嶆 Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su High-grade 浣犫  en en en en en en 氲 eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng汸hoenix 姹犲繀姝 棤鐤 棤鐤 紒鈥

璇濋煶 chain︼惤镄勫埞闾o 纴鐭 瘏 瘏figure 宸 寲浣滀竴阆挞棯鐢祍ududly launch key 屽嚭銆

鐏 shoulder 儹 儹 儹 儹 儹 儹 鐬棿 鐬棿 嵎 嵎 嵎 嵎 嵎 嵎 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 errifying 镄勫▉铡嬶纴鐭虫瘏鍙槸琛h涓€鎷Umbrella effect ▉铡嬭崱鐒 ▉铡嬭崱鐒 棤瀛桡纴濡 骞 骞 骞 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂 湴鑸纴杞灛闂u Bai 镄勮绾夸腑銆

涚潃杩滃幓镄勭煶姣咃纴 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 鏄疭 Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Identify

鈥沧瘮璧 タ闄 P P P P P P P P P P P 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝 姝绠楁垜韬 word ast Sword Territory 銆 涔埚ぇ娴﹃ 涔埚ぇ娴﹃ 涔埚ぇ娴﹃ Bai Bai Bai Bai 锽冨杻阆掳纴镞 锽冨杻阆掳纴镞 锽冨杻阆掳纴镞 锽冨杻阆掳纴镞 锽冨杻阆掳纴镞 锽冨杻阆掳纴镞 锽冨杻阆掳纴镞嫔嵆鐩厜宁》潃浜涜绠€鍗旷湅钖戣剼涓嬬殑灞 鍗旷湅钖戣剼涓嬬殑灞 锛屼粬鐭ラ 锛屼粬鐭ラ 锛屼粬鐭ラ 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 鎴栬鏄煶姣呭镊 鎴栬鏄煶姣呭镊 鎴栬鏄煶姣呭镊 钖庣 钖庣 钖庣殑Key 冮獙銆

濡傛灉镊 鑳 鑳 鑳 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂 笂

鎯 埌杩欙纴 埌杩欙纴 Su Bai 娣卞惛浜嗕竴绌 皵锛岃 皵锛岃 皵锛岃 绌 绌 皵鐏 皵鐏 皵鐏 皵鐏 皵鐏 皵鐏 繘浠栫殑 繘浠栫殑 繘浠栫殑 繘浠栫殑鐑х潃浠栫殑Inlay monkey chain 変簺鍒 rainbow trout

涓嶈 杩欎簺鐥涙瀵 簬 Bai Su Bai Key 岃 宸蹭 宸蹭 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 宁 宁 搞 搞 粬鎶锛屼笉缂 粬鎶锛屼笉缂 粬鎶锛屼笉缂 笉鎱 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 宄皊 宄皊 宄皊屽幓銆

姣忔Su Bai 鍙岃剼韪忚惤鍦ㄧ煶阒朵笂镄勬椂 chain欙纴涓€阆撴瀬涓虹妫鏆寸殑aura 渚挎槸姹规秾Key屾潵锛岀粰 Su Bai Ning 《潵钟瑰鐑堢伀鑸伡鐑х殑鐥涜嫤銆

鐢氲呖鍒版渶钖庯纴Su Bai 閮芥湁绉岖湁绉岖

鍦ㄥ姝errifying 镄勬 镄勬 搴 笅锛岀┖姘旈兘宸茬粡鐕 笅锛岀┖姘旈兘宸茬粡鐕 笅锛岀┖姘旈兘宸茬粡鐕 笅锛岀┖姘旈兘宸茬粡鐕 笅锛岀┖姘旈兘宸茬粡鐕

鐗 埆鏄 埆鏄 浜沘 浜沘 阍 阍 Bai Su Bai within the body 镞 € € u u u u u u u u u u u u Bai u Bai u Bai镞犳暟阆撶唺镡婄儓鐏湪浠杦ithin the body 鐕 the the 垚鐏 垚鐏 垚鐏 垚鐏 垚鐏 垚鐏 垚鐏 垚鐏

鍦ㄦ圹鍙楄 Umbrella 浜涘墽鐑堢棝妤氱殑镞跺€欙纴Su Bai 镄勭溂绁炲嵈鏄喎闱欐棤姣斻€

镓€鍓╀笉澶氱殑merit points 锛屽湪Su Bai 镄勬 鍒 笅鍖栦綔娓╁拰镄勮兘 reading ithin the body 娴佹穼銆effect悓镞讹纴鍞垜鍓戣瘈涔熼殢涔嬭繍杞€岃捣锛屼粎浠呬竴涓懆澶╋纴杩欎簺鑳岃捣锛屼粎浠呬竴涓懆澶╋纴杩欎簺鑳噺灏卞寲浣滃敮鎴戝墤鍏冦€

杩欎簺鍞垜鍓戝 铡熸湰 铡熸湰 変簺铏氭 変簺铏氭 変簺铏氭 儹 aura 镄勮瀺鍏ワ纴杩欎簺鐪熷 涔熸笎娓愬哜缁冭捣鏉ワ纴瀹屽叏涓嶉渶瑕丼u Bai 镊 鏉ユ彁镣 鏉ユ彁镣 鏉ユ彁镣 鏉ユ彁镣 鏉ユ彁镣 浜涘墤鍏冦

杩欐牱涓 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai 浜沘 浜沘 阍 阍 阍 阍 with with with with with with with with with with勭湡鍏冦€

鈥滃湪杩欐牱鎯呭喌涓嬬殑cultivation 鈥 “垜镄勯 熷 熷 熷 熷 镞跺揩涓娄 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai 井链変簺変簺洸锛屼絾浠栫殑绁炶壊鏋佷洸锛屼絾浠栫殑绁炶壊鏋佷镄勫叴濂嬶纴涓姝ユ镄勬浈鍓嶈姝ユ镄勬浈鍓嶈铡铡€

浣嗗湪璧板嚭鏁板崈阆撶煶阒跺悗锛孲u Bai 镄勫姩浣沧槑鏄剧紦鎱紦鎱璧璧

Su Bai 鐪   潃浜涜娌夋 潃浜涜娌夋 潃浜涜娌夋 濓纴鐪嫔悜闾 濓纴鐪嫔悜闾 濓纴鐪嫔悜闾 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼 呖灏 呖灏 呖灏 呖灏 呖灏 呖灏 呖灏 呖灏Reluctant aura 瓒婃潵瓒妕errifying 浜嗏€〉北阆揿皻涓旈兘濡傛terrifying 锛孭hoenix 姹犲唴镄勫▉铡嫔簲璇ユ洿terrifying 銆傗€

鈥滀笉杩 镙 镙 镙 纴瓒婃槸 纴瓒婃槸 纴瓒婃槸 terrifying 锛岃秺鑳 縺鍙戝嚭鎴戠殑娼滃姏銆傗 縺鍙戝嚭鎴戠殑娼滃姏銆傗 漇 Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai锛屼粬鍐嶆鎶 屼笂锛岀姽濡 娴呜埇镄刟 娴呜埇镄刟 娴呜埇镄刟 鍦ㄤ粬within the body 姹 秾 秾 秾 秾 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑鐪熷崖锛屼粬铡熸湰骞块様镞犳瘮镄勬皵娴锋槑鏄槑鏄湁镌

杩欑墖姘旀捣镄勫哜缁 搴 搴 嵈鏄 嵈鏄 嵈鏄 埆鏄粬 埆鏄粬 with with the body 镄刡 lood essence 锛屽湪杩欎簺镫傜儹 aura镄勭伡鐑т笅锛岀珶鏄寲浣淏lood Qi 锛屽湪浠杦ithin the body 鏁e紑锛屾渶钖庡垎鍒瀺鍏ヤ粬镄刡ones meridians 浠ュ 姘旀捣涓€

镒熷 镌 镊︼ 镊︼ 镊︼ Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai 嚩鍏絙Blo繁 blood essence 镄勬崯澶憋纴浣垮缑within the body 镄凚lood Qi 鍐嶆鎭(一)姹规秾婢庢箖镄勫湴姝ャ€

Repeatedly, in just a quarter of an hour, Su Bai has already boarded tens of thousands of stone steps.

The more forward, the more terrifying.

These pressures are no less than the pressure of a King Dao powerhouse, making it difficult to move.

Su Bai is biting his teeth, and the blood has spilled from his corner of the mouth. He has no intention of stopping. Instead, his pace is getting faster and faster, his eyes are getting hotter and hotter. The treasure of cultivation… It’s only half a quarter of an hour’s effort on the top of my half-day time.”


When Su Bai picked up the stairs, the summit of the poor peak, a scarlet blood stone platform, Shi Yi held his hand and looked at Su Bai, who was stubbornly persistent, with a smile on his face.

“For tens of thousands of years, no matter whether it is too wild or other domains, there is never a shortage of genius … but in the end only a few people have become eternal giants, not those who are innate talent, but lack temperament that matches innate talent. !”

“With this child’s temperament, Emperor Dao can be expected…” Shi Yi slowly regained his gaze and closed his eyes and raised his mind.

Shi Yi knows that it is not difficult to take Su Bai’s temperament and Strength to climb a strange sketch.

And as Shi Yi thought, around half an hour, Su Bai’s silhouette has appeared at the end of the mountain road.

Su Bai instantly saw Shi Yi standing on the blood stone platform, but soon his eyes were already attracted to the distant scene.

That is the center of the poor peak, the whole body has been sunken into it, forming a hollow pit.

“The crater?” Su Bai flashed a thought in his mind, and immediately sneered at the right and wrong, but it was made by the Phoenix corpse, but when Su Bai stepped out of the last step, he could vaguely see the tumbling in the crater. The magma that shines through the entire sky makes the night sky red.

Su Bai’s brow wrinkled again, and he felt an extremely terrifying energy in the magma here. This energy caused the magma to exude a terrifying high temperature, which made the sky somewhat distorted.

“Is this the Phoenix pool?” Su Bai muttered in the heart, far apart, and his skin had a strong burning sensation.

At this moment, the close-knit Shi Yi slowly opened his eyes, as if to see what Su Bai thought, lightly said with a smile: “This is not the Phoenix pool, but the entrance to the Phoenix pool… If you want to If you enter the Phoenix pool, you will need to enter it.”

Entering this magma? Su Bai heard this, the scalp suddenly numb, and the throat still couldn’t stop rolling. If it wasn’t for him, Will’s firmness would be absolutely impossible to get here, but now, though not his The limit, but not too far.

However, the energy contained in the magma is extremely terrifying. If he rushes in, it is definitely a torture. Even a slight carelessness will turn into ashes.

Shi Yi said with a smile yet not a smile : “Don’t dare? The opportunity is placed in front of you. If you can’t enter, you will see yourself.”

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