The 303th chapter

Cloud Piercing Shuttle speed is extremely fast, and disappears into the sky between the blink of an eye. Latest fastest update

Tang Yanfeng figure a pause, eyes cold looking at Zhao Fang disappeared.

Just a little sinking, taking advantage of the daring Tang Yanfeng, is the pursuit of the slightest hesitation.

“Three offerings.”

Zhou Lingwang wants to call Tang Yanfeng.

Tang Yanfeng ignored it, and the azure light swept across the sky and disappeared into Zhou Lingwang two people in the eyes.

Female Martial Saint vision flickered, want to chase, but in the end, the eyes are on the body of Zhou Lingwang.

“Zhou Lingwang, you are the person in charge of this capture. What do you say?”


Zhou Ling sipped and shook his hands. It was like a countless road circling around the Thunder Leopard Legion. After the sound of Lei Leopard, the troops lined up and marched forward with one kind of attack.

“Zhou Lingwang Worthy is Snow Territory Empire 1st Rank One Commander, the command of the commander of the army is coincident with the ‘Zhengqi’, this Thunder Leopard Legion not simple.”

The female Martial Saint glanced at her and was very impressed.

With the army’s constant advance.

But after the army chased 50-60, it suddenly stopped.

In front of the army.

Tang Yanfeng, who had left the team earlier and was chased by himself, was cold and indifferent at the opposite.

On the peak not far from him, there is a person standing, it is Zhao Fang no doubt.

“brat, you do everything possible to lure this offering to this point. What is the calculation?”

“Of course, to kill you!”

Upon hearing this, Tang Yanfeng laughed loudly up, in the eyes revealing undisguised disdain and disdain, “Is it by you?”

“No more nonsense, you just don’t have scared scars, don’t you dare to swear? Now, your companion is up, you can roll in and accept death!”

Zhao Fang is more arrogant than Tang Yanfeng, and does not treat him as a Martial Saint Powerhouse, as if he is treating a dead person.

“you court death !”

Tang Yanfeng Indifferent face suddenly burst into a chill.

Apart from anything else, Tang Yanfeng instantly became azure light, took a smoky smoke and went straight to Zhao Fang.

“hēi hēi, let the Young Master see, you 3-Star Martial Saint, there are a few cents.”

In the sneer, Zhao Fang took out God Slayer Spear, and under the perfusion of the spear shaft Berserk killing intent, Zhao Fang was full of people, showing a dangerous feeling like Vicious Beast.

“This is your biggest refuge? Ha ha, well, it belongs to me!”

As Tang Yanfeng of 3-Star Martial Saint, I immediately saw God Slayer Spear’s out of the ordinary, but I couldn’t see God Slayer Spear’s specific Grade and some clues, but it was vaguely on it and felt like a share. Dangerous flavor.

I know that I have encountered a treasure, and in the eyes, I am excited.

“You are so shallow that you can’t get rid of this thing!”

Zhao Fang sneered at the attack, against Tang Yanfeng’s attack, and did not retreat, directly shot a shot.

Tang Yanfeng did not dodge, and under the big hand, he took a rumbling sound and turned it into a dozens of True Force Giant Palm, which was crushed toward Zhao Fang. The potential of Tang Yanfeng was implied. Of Domain.


Zhao Fang coldly snorted, God Slayer Spear rays of light is even more like a ray of light, with the power of Extreme Piercing, born in the Space of the Strength of Domain, a channel.

In the end, the spear head and Tang Yanfeng’s palm touched one place.

Pū chī !

The spear head of the sharpness of the sharpness, stabbed on the True Force giant hand, just paused a little.

It sounded sharply and pierced the sound of leather.

The True Force Giant Palm is instantly pierced by the God Slayer Spear.

Even more amazing is that the God Slayer Spear emits the baleful qi extremely thick, breaking the True Force Giant Palm’s at the same time, with the included baleful qi, destroying the True Force Giant Palm’s True Force flow, truncating Its connection with Tang Yanfeng.

The contact is truncated and there is only one result.


The True Force Giant Palm crashed and eventually collapsed with a destructive fluidity.

The True Force contained inside is like a gust of wind, sweeping all around.

Along with the loud noise, the surrounding peaks collapsed in an instant, turning into countless gravel.


God Slayer Spear has not lost its edge. After the True Force Giant Palm collapsed, it was filled with golden light. In the blink of an eye, it was killed in front of Tang Yanfeng.

Tang Yanfeng Indifferent face, immediately burst into shock.

He underestimated the might of God Slayer Spear, and at the moment he had no chance to retreat.

At the crucial time, he 狠狠clench one’s teeth and put all the remaining True Force out, but it is not bombarding Zhao Fang, but a certain kind of treasure on the activate.


A red phantom phantom condenses in front of Tang Yanfeng.

“Earth level High Grade Armour , Hundred Beast Armour !”

Not far from the female Martial Saint, seeing this scene, suddenly eyelids jumped, “The brat attack, really so terrifying? Let Tang Yanfeng use Hundred Beast Armour?”

At the time of her shock, the picture that shocked her more happened!

God Slayer Spear and Hundred Beast Armour touched all of a sudden, Hundred Beast Armour was suddenly pierced.


God Slayer Spear, nailed to the chest of Tang Yanfeng.

“Ah! ”

Tang Yanfeng made a painful roar, and expression was a little crazy.

“What! He broke the defense of Tang Yanfeng with a shot? This, how can it be!”

Female Martial Saint has big eyes, in the eyes, full of incredible expressions.

“Six offerings, can’t be dragged again. Take action together!”

Zhou Lingwang suddenly yelled.

“kill and kill!”

Thunder Leopard Legion issued a path of shocking sound, Spirit of Fighting Intent re-aggregated, turned into a Tier-8 Initial Stage of Leopard, rushed over when Zhao Fang once again swung God Slayer Spear to Tang Yanfeng .

The other side of the female Martial Saint, slightly clench one’s teeth, waving a blue ice sword, also killed.

“hēi hēi, just wait for you!”

Zhao Fang seems to kill the red eyes, seeing them kill, not retreating.

After kicking off Tang Yanfeng, he grabbed God Slayer Spear and turned it into a cold light, heading for Leopard.


Lei Leopard speed is extremely fast, but how fast has been pedaling the Cloud Piercing Shuttle’s Zhao Fang.

Pū chī, God Slayer Spear pierced directly from Lei Leopard, the eyebrows.

Lei Leopard body shock, a destruction of the fighting intent, from the Leopard within the body revealed.


Lei Leopard burst.

Zhou Lingwang, including five thousand Thunder Leopard Legion, is between all of a sudden, with a mouthful of blood, complexion pale, and a pair of Origin Qi.

“powerful !”

Zhou Lingwang was shocked.

“brat, come to accept death!”

Seeing Zhao Fang’s two shots respectively injured Tang Yanfeng, killed Leopard, the female Martial Saint was shocked, the hand did not dare to have the slightest reservation, the chilly rush, rushed out in an instant, seems to give the surroundings Space Frozen.


Tang Yanfeng with a full of hatred, Haotian’s killing intent, rushed.

On the other hand, Zhou Lingwang waved his hand and thirsty intent, again from the five thousand Thunder Leopard Legion, and Zhou Lingwang himself within the body.

The Leopard, which was supposed to dissipate, was regrouped at this moment with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Between the blink of an eye.

Three parties at the same time take action, Zhao Fang is at stake.

“Want to kill me?”

Zhao Fang eye reveals The color of coldness, “Come on!”

God Slayer Spear shakes off the attack of the female Martial Saint, and Zhao Fang figure smashes away from the edge of the desert not far away.

Tang Yanfeng, who was stunned by hatred, did not hesitate to follow.

The female Martial Saint was slightly indulged and chased.

As for Zhou Lingwang, it is vision flickered, trailing at the end.

Only in an instant, Tang Yanfeng three people appeared on the edge of the desert, without any stagnation, and quickly chased Zhao Fang.

A pair of irreconcilable until death situation!

Zhao Fang doesn’t look back, but the corner of the mouth is a cold smile: “Yu Xi, activate eight sacred sacred arrays!”

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