Struggle in Russia

Vol 3 Chapter 608: Feeling of danger

Petrovna naturally saw that Viscount Prozolov was a dog face. Not only did she change, she also looked down upon others, but this time, she would definitely want to make her face change again. NS.

Petrovna said unhurriedly, "I came to Chisinau this time, mainly because the Grand Duchess heard that there was a famine here. She was very anxious, who was always sympathetic to the people, and ordered me to come and investigate. The situation, and how to raise funds to help the victims. The food business is just a sideline of my trip."

Viscount Prozolov’s smiling face was immediately suffocated. Grand Duchess Elena was most enthusiastic about charity, which everyone knew. No matter where the disaster occurred, the grand duchess always jumped out to raise funds for the first time to help the victims.

It’s really her style that Petrovna came to investigate the situation and try to raise funds on her behalf. As for the sideline someone said later, well, just listen to it. You must not take this so-called sideline seriously, otherwise it will be your own choice. Its shame.

"I see."

Viscount Prozolov laughed dryly, and said insincerely: "The love of the Grand Duchess is known to the whole country. The victims of Moldavia who have suffered from the chaos of the party have the care of the Grand Duchess, and they will inevitably be able to turn the tide. Good luck... and the good deeds of the Grand Duchess will also touch the heavens, and will bring down Furui, including the health of the Grand Duchess Changle..."

Viscount Prozolov said a whole lot of bullshit, but Petrovna was very disapproving. As if said that the grand duchess could hear her.

Although she didn't have much contact with the grand duchess, nor did she particularly understand the feelings of the grand duchess. But she could perceive that the grand prince did not believe in any of these words. Instead of flattering, it would be better to donate more money to make a good impression on her.

The Grand Duchess hated the guys who were sloppy and stubborn at the end. She would always try to tease and play with them, and squeeze out the people's fat in their pockets.

Anyway, the virtue of Viscount Prozolov was definitely the main target of the Grand Duchess, and she might lose her skin. Petrovna was happy to see Viscount Prozolov suffer a loss, after all, they had not settled their accounts last time.

However, there is no need to rush for a while, because the top priority is to complete the grand duchess' request. Petrovna is very clear who is her boss right now, so she just changed her mind and temporarily put those careful thoughts aside, serious. Said:

"In addition to helping the victims, the lady is also very concerned about the wounded soldiers and the shortage of hospitals, especially since I learned that many front-line soldiers died in the hospital because of lack of treatment!"

"Madam asked me to try to establish a few regular hospitals in Moldavia and Wallachia to ensure that our great fighters receive the care they deserve. In this regard, your Royal Highness and your cooperation are needed."

Viscount Prozolov felt distressed for the wallet of Grand Duke Constantine for three seconds, and he could only save money with such an aunt on purpose. He knows how tight the Grand Duke Constantine’s wallet is now. Most of the money he obtained before has been posted in because of the rebellion. The recently confiscated aristocratic assets have allowed him to regain his blood, but the bulk of it has been confiscated. There are demi Terry, Kandy Tandyn Pobedonostsev, Duke Mikhail and Li Xiao stared at him, it was difficult for him to make money casually.

Now the Grand Duchess Elena has made it clear that she is going to be sponsored for alms. If you don't give it, you can't do it. It's simply rainy days!

"Okay, I will convey the request of the Grand Duchess to His Royal Highness. I believe that His Royal Highness will help the Grand Duchess implement these charities as soon as possible."

It's just that Viscount Prozolov wasn't digging his pockets anyway, so naturally he wouldn't feel distressed. After a little distressed by Grand Duke Constantine, he generously expressed his willingness to convey the news.

But he is still a bit strange. If Petrovna does not need to find him for these things, he can go directly to the Governor's Mansion. There is a great **** like Lady Elena, not to mention the Governor's Mansion or the Headquarters. Unblocked, why bother to tell him?

Of course there is a reason for this, because Petrovna said immediately: "Okay, I'm done talking about things, oh, yes, your Excellency, the food business?"

It was then that Viscount Prozolov realized that he had reacted. The feelings have been spared in such a big circle. You woman is here waiting for me!

If Petrovna talks directly with Viscount Prozolov about food business under the banner of Grand Duchess Elena, then the latter may not be completely convinced, and will try to keep the price down. But after Petrovna had set up the so-called business for a while, then talked about the food trade, it was completely different.

That circle of business affairs suppressed the arrogance and careful thinking of Viscount Prozolov, so that he did not dare to make a fuss about nothing. So at this moment, facing the ghost and ghost Petrovna, he has nothing to do except to tick his teeth with hatred.

He laughed and said, "Okay, I'll say hello, but you should also understand that this kind of business is not so easy to do even if it has the name of the Grand Duchess. There are some expenses that should be paid, and the place to manage... You should understand!"

Petrovna smiled and said, "Of course, I understand the rules. As long as it is within a reasonable range, I have no objection on my side, and I will do business in a proper way. But if there are some things that are not rules, then you can't look at them. Don’t care! After all, I’m a small business here, and the big head inside has to support the grand duchess’ charity work! You can’t let me lose everything!"

Viscount Prozolov was choked glanced up and down Petrovna again, and found that this woman seemed to be getting more and more difficult.

After sighing, he replied with surprise: "As long as you do business in a proper manner, no one dares to come here, at least no one dares to come here in Moldavia! Is this guarantee enough?"

Petrovna suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you, your Excellency, Viscount!" Then she took out a small envelope and handed it to Viscount Prozolov, bewildered:

"what is this?"

Petrovna smiled again: "Of course there should be rules! I have said just now, I am sure of the rules, I will have to trouble you, the Viscount, and please take care!"

Viscount Prozolov glanced at the amount of the check in the envelope. It was indeed quite regular, no more and no less, just within the bounds of the rules, which made him feel weak and weird, feeling Petrovna It's getting more and more dangerous... Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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