Struggle in Russia

Vol 3 Chapter 763: Not smooth

To tell the truth, when he first got the news, Archduke Constantine was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and he almost cried with his head covered. He felt that this was a sign that Nicholas I did not love him, otherwise which biological father could do such a thing Arrange to come?

Actually, Nicholas I did it on purpose. The reason why Archduke Constantine was not given any arrangement was complicated. The first is that he really trusts Menshkov more, and he always feels that Duke Konstantin's mouth is not good enough to handle affairs.

Especially recently, Archduke Constantine stabbed several baskets, making Moldavia a mess, almost ruining the big thing.

How can you make Nicholas I trust this real son in this situation?

What's more, the matter this time is really too big, the British, French, and Turkish coalition forces are easy to deal with?

Archduke Constantine has no experience in commanding large corps, and he is not even an army general. If he is such a layman to shoulder such a heavy responsibility, I am afraid that any normal person will not agree.

Unlike Menshkov, this guy was originally from the Army, and although there is nothing worth mentioning, he has rich command experience after all, and he fought with Turkey a lot back then. Let the old **** go at least be safe.

As for why the Archduke Constantine was not given a false post, it was entirely a beating to him by Nicholas I.

My father is also temperamental. Look at all these nasty things your kid has done, and you still have the face to ask for an official?

Nicholas I deliberately ignored the Archduke Constantine, just to let him learn a lesson and tell him that even his own father would not be accustomed to his nonsense.

It is a pity that Archduke Constantine did not notice this heart of fisting, and Viscount Prozolov, who noticed it, was not easy to explain clearly, and he could not say: "Your father dislikes your unreliable work, this is to give you some color. Look, let's learn your lesson!"

Then Archduke Constantine is not allowed to fry the pan!

In short, he was full of anger, and he really couldn't stop without venting. So Viscount Prozolov could only tell him: "Your Majesty, after all, this is His Majesty's decision. You can't be your Majesty's bull at this moment. It won't do any good, it will only make His Majesty's impression of you worse!"

"So even if you are angry, you can't go down at your majesty!"

Archduke Constantine shouted indignantly: "Then I can only hold it?"

Viscount Prozolov sighed and said, "It's better to hold it in, otherwise once His Majesty knows about it, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Archduke Constantine angrily hammered the table and shouted, "But I can't swallow this breath, and when I think of being ridden on the head by that old **** again, I get angry! Is there any way to make me feel bad?"

Viscount Prozolov sighed again and said helplessly: "If you have to let out your breath, it's not completely impossible... I don't think Kornilov and Nakhimov will be satisfied with His Majesty's appointment this time. They can be used to stumble Menshkov in secret!"

Unexpectedly, he gave an idea to let the camera of the Archduke Konstantin give Kornilov and Nakhimov an idea to make things difficult for Menshkov, so this is what happened.

On the other hand, although Kornilov and Nakhimov did not trust Archduke Konstantin, they thought about it and there was no better way. one step away.

Soon a large number of conservative generals were "driven" out of Sevastopol and began to go to various places in Crimea to recruit and train volunteers.

When this group of people left, the atmosphere in Sevastopol improved a lot. After all, the rest of the people were from the party of Kornilov and Nakhimov. What can't be done?

It was also at this time that the coalition army, after resting and recuperating, began to march towards the periphery of Sevastopol, and concentrated its forces and began to storm the outer strongholds of the Russian army. The offensive and defensive battle of Sevastopol officially started!

The first to be attacked by the coalition forces was the Russian forward reconnaissance force on the Alma River. After a short contact battle, the Russian Cossack Hussars who went out for reconnaissance were defeated by the British 13th Hussar Regiment. This made the seventh Earl of Cardigan, James Brudnell, very excited, and kept going. To show off to his teacher and brother-in-law, George Bingham, the third Earl of Lucan.

This made the latter quite unhappy, because the pair of brother-in-laws often competed with each other, and the Earl of Lucan did not want the Earl of Cardigan to take the lead.

Therefore, the Count of Lucan, who was full of energy, immediately quit, and rushed forward with his cavalry, preparing to find Russian Cossacks to practice his skills, and let the prestigious Cossacks see how powerful the first-class British cavalry in the world is. .

Here I will talk about the military configuration of George Bingham. As a cavalry division commander, he has a heavy cavalry brigade and a light cavalry brigade. The heavy cavalry brigade is commanded by Brigadier General James Scarlett, and the light cavalry brigade is the above Commanded by the Earl of Cardigan.

Seeing that his most hated brother-in-law, the Earl of Cardigan, took the lead, George Bingham was naturally unhappy, so he deliberately ordered the heavy cavalry brigade to fight.

It's just that the Earl of Lucan was discovered by the British commander-in-chief, Baron Raglan, just as he had acted. For this very mediocre field marshal, George Bingham's actions were simply intolerable. The requirements of the cavalry were to guard the flanks against the invasion of the Russian Cossacks.

Only now I found a few Cossacks and you jumped out like this, with the intention of leaving the guard and leaving the large troops to act alone. What if the Russians deliberately lure you away to facilitate the cavalry assault?

So Raglan immediately gave George Bingham a strict order, ordering him to stop attacking and protect the main flank.

This naturally made George Bingham, who wanted to achieve something, mad enough, and this order came at an untimely time, because his heavy cavalry had just discovered a group of lone Russian troops. The light cavalry was about to use a ferocious assault to harvest it, but just after a face-to-face shot, the opponent shot over a few brothers, and was forced to turn back when he was about to take revenge. Do you think he can be happy?

It's just that George Bingham can only execute the order no matter how unhappy he is. Not long after he returned to the formation in a sullen mood, the news that the heavy cavalry suffered a loss spread throughout the British army.

The British infantry had long been unhappy with the cavalry. For a long time, the cavalry thought they were superior to others.

Immediately, George Bingham was nicknamed look-on, which probably means spectator or soy sauce, but it sounded similar to George Bingham's name Lucan, and it spread immediately.

However, George Bingham was not the most unlucky one. Another admiral Dundas was simply called Damn'sass, which was not unpleasant.

In short, the progress of the British army on this day was not smooth, but it just stumbled to the Alma River and faced off with the Russian army on the other side...

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