Struggle in Russia

Vol 3 Chapter 801: 1 stop and then stop

The new round of offensive of the coalition forces is really not that fast. After all, in this cold winter and twelfth lunar month, no one is willing to move. Especially the British guy, who is hungry and cold at this time and can't go out and do things at all.

As for the French army, they were well-fed and clothed, but in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, they were a little terrified of going out alone to wrestle with the Russians. After all, they had already been tricked once decades ago.

This time, I will not say anything and act alone, even if I go to the toilet, I will never be alone!

The coalition did not move, but Kornilov moved frequently. On the one hand, he stepped up the construction of fortifications to reserve supplies, and on the other hand, he squeezed toothpaste out of 3,000 mobile troops and placed them on the front line of Telegraph Mountain. He was really worried about Archduke Konstantin. There will be a big rout, and if Telegraph Mountain fails, it will be unlucky with Sevastopol.

Especially in this cold winter and twelfth month, Sevastopol's sustenance is still counting on this lifeline, so there must be no mistake.

According to Kornilov's estimation, even if Archduke Konstantin's Stud is defeated, the casualties should be only 30,000 or 40,000 people. The remaining 10,000 or 20,000 people only need Telegraph Mountain to have enough troops. , should still be able to continue to defend Telegraph Mountain.

In this way, even a catastrophic defeat will not lead to the destruction of the entire army.

So how is Archduke Constantine ready?

As far as he is concerned, he only owes the east wind. On November 21, he ordered 16,000 cavalry under his command to suddenly ride north in the dark, aiming directly at Simferopol.

According to his battle plan, the cavalry immediately went into hiding and rested after arriving in Simferopol, waiting for his main force to go north, and then they could take the coalition positions and catch them by surprise.

In this battle, he wanted to highlight a fast word, to advance at the fastest speed, to launch the attack at the fastest speed, and to push the coalition forces in a big way.

It's just that many times you don't want to get up quickly. For example, in this deep winter season, an unexpected blizzard can disrupt your overall arrangement.

The Russian cavalry went north in the starry night and then hit a blizzard head on, what a miserable one!

Many Cossacks were directly frozen into dead dogs, and most of the horses were frozen to death. By the time these sixteen thousand arrived in Simferopol, three full days had passed!

You must know that on weekdays this point can be done in more than a day, so why does it take so long?

Not only was it dragged on for a long time, but more importantly, the non-combat damage was as high as 3,000! In other words, half of the 6,000 cavalry that Archduke Konstantin exchanged from Kornilov went in in an instant!

This is not the most terrible, more important is that the remaining cavalry is tired and lacks energy, and cannot be put into battle at all, and must rest first.

The Archduke Constantine was also a little depressed after being hit in the head. He was about to show off his skills, but when he opened the door, he was caught in the dark, which was too unlucky.

Although he was full of anger, Archduke Constantine did not lose his temper, nor did he give up the original plan. According to his self-deception, it is not a bad thing to prepare for a few more days, at least it is more sufficient!

It's just that it's hard to say whether this is more sufficient or not. Anyway, after the Russian cavalry arrived in Simferopol, they lost their lives one by one, and they were hiding in the barracks. .

As for the other follow-up troops, due to bad weather and difficult roads, they had to stay in the area around Sevastopol and wait for the weather to improve.

This wait was ten days, and when the cavalry troops finally eased their sighs, Archduke Constantine led the follow-up main force with his two younger brothers and began to march north.

Among them, Grand Duke Mikhail was in charge of 12,000 infantry and 80 cannons, while Nicholas was in charge of 16,000 infantry and 100 cannons. As for the Archduke Constantine himself, he led 12,000 infantry and 120 artillery pieces.

According to Archduke Constantine's plan, his 12,000 men first converged with the cavalry, and then immediately rushed westward, stabbing the allied troops in the chest like sharp knives.

And Archduke Mikhail and Archduke Nicholas followed up with support. When he opened the door to victory, the two immediately rushed in to expand the victory.

It's just that Archduke Constantine didn't know that his plan had actually leaked out. The problem was the 16,000 cavalry who acted in advance. After these people arrived in Simferopol, they would inevitably be killed by Simferopol. Ropol residents noticed.

Originally, according to Archduke Constantine's plan, they would attack within two days, so naturally they didn't have to worry about leaks.

But whoever made the plan unable to keep up with the changes, they stayed for an extra day or two. For such a long time, whether it was the spies of the coalition forces or the Tatars with evil intentions, they could spy on this information.

Although the commander of the coalition army is also very mediocre, this kind of information can still attract attention. After all, it is impossible for the more than 10,000 cavalry to go to Simferopol for the winter, right? Who would believe it when you suddenly went north to say that you were not doing things!

This information soon reached the desks of Raglan and Conrobel. Although the coalition did not pay special attention to the situation in the north and moved the center of the attack to the south, it did not mean that they did not care about the more than 20,000 people stationed in the north. People live and die.

Conrobel and Raglan unanimously judged that the Russian army wanted to sneak attack on their northern defenders, so they ordered the defenders to strengthen their defenses and prepare for it.

What, why don't you send reinforcements, you ask?

The reason is too simple. The weather is cold and the distance is long, and the coalition forces in the south are reluctant to move. Moreover, they believe that the defensive fortifications of the northern garrison have been relatively solid, and the Russian army should not take advantage of it as long as it is not overwhelming.

This judgment is relatively correct. The northern defenders have not done anything else in the past two months, and have patronized and strengthened their defenses. Thanks to their efforts, the position is not generally solid, and it is easier said than done that the Russian army's technical tactics and weapons and equipment want to penetrate their defense line!

After another five days, Archduke Constantine finally arrived at Simferopol with more than 10,000 infantrymen. This journey made him suffer a lot. The snowy roads were not ordinary muddy roads. It took a lot of effort and he struggled to bring the troops to Simferopol.

Only in this way, his raid plan had to be postponed again, because his infantry also needed to rest, otherwise there was no way to fight. Moreover, Archduke Mikhail and Archduke Nicholas who followed up were also complaining, because the road became a quagmire after being plowed by Archduke Constantine, and it was more difficult for them to march.

So this stop was another week, and when Archduke Mikhail and Archduke Nicholas arrived in Simferopol, it was almost a month later than the original plan to launch the attack... 4255/10561455

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