Struggle in Russia

Vol 3 Chapter 1032: Coronation Ceremony (Part 2)

The scene can be as cold as it needs to be. No one expected so many things to happen in the coronation ceremony. People who are more traditional and superstitious may think that this is the so-called bad omen!

Alexander II had calmed down at this time, and he couldn't do without calmness. He was frightened several times when there were mistakes one after another, and he was immune no matter what.

He slowly put the crown on Queen Maria's head again, and the two maids fixed the crown with a diamond brooch again in fear.

This time they learned their lesson and fixed it was called a solid one. Li Xiao next to him saw that Queen Maria's scalp was tightened, so that the corners of her eyes were slightly upturned, which made her look a little funny.

It's just that no one at the scene could laugh and no one dared to laugh. A fool could see that the Tsar was on the verge of breaking out. Who would dare to seek death without knowing the fun?

Finally, this frightening ceremony was over. With the sound of the bell, Alexander held the scepter in his right hand and held the golden ball in his left hand. He sat majestically or murderously on the throne to accept the worship and congratulations of everyone.

The steps in front of him were stained with squires in gold livery and Guards cavalry officers with shiny helmets and drawn sabers.

On the right of Alexander II stands his crowned mother and all the members of the Romanov family, including many grand dukes named "Nikolai", "Konstantin" or "Alexander", only occasionally seeing one or two "Alexey" or "Mikhail".

Of course, the most special one belongs to our protagonist "Andre". His name can be said to be the only one in the current Romanov family. Of course, his standing position is also very special - almost squeezed into the corner.

In particular, everyone knew that someone's height was flawed, and he was blocked by a group of tall and burly elders, so he could only glimpse the coronation ceremony from the gap between people.

In Li Xiao's opinion, this grand ceremony that Alexander II has been preparing for a long time can only be called a joke, not only the flaws in the ceremony, in fact, you can see the attitude of the surrounding nobles in the church and you can find that this show is very bad qualified.

Li Xiao could see the far end of the church, the farther away from the tsar, the more people were laughing and chatting casually, and even some two hundred and five even brought food to eat there.

This sacred and great ceremony for Alexander II was a show for them, not even more interested and more involved than when they went to the opera house to watch operas and ballets.

Obviously, having experienced Nicholas I's high pressure and complete collapse and failure, the current Russian nobles generally want to loosen their ties, and no longer fear the imperial power or the Romanov family.

It is impossible for Alexander II to expect to rule Russia like his father did!

Amid the uproar, Alexander II walked out of the church wearing a crown and a cloak. In addition to the crown weighing a few kilograms, he also had medals, medals and badges of almost the same weight.

This outfit weighs more than ten catties at least, just like wearing a pair of breastplates. The dangling and heavy crown made her have to be careful with every step she took. ..

One of the couple was livid and the other was pale, and they were both bloodless. They struggled through the cheering crowd and walked across the wooden bridge covered with red carpet amidst salutes and bells, looking so tired.

The poet father of Chetyuva, the court maid, later recorded the moment with apparent irony: "I saw our poor, dear emperor walking under a canopy with a huge crown on his head—weary, pale, with difficulty, to the cheering The crowd bowed and immediately tears came to my eyes."

Please note that this ceremony is not over yet. According to the usual practice, they must parade in the central city of Moscow before the dinner. They have passed through countless streets and palaces. Every road and every house they walked has witnessed history.

At last they returned to the Kremlin, and went to the terrace under the eaves of the palace, the wooden capital of the tsars of the old Russian kingdom. As the fireworks rise, the crenels of those ancient towers. The bell tower and church of Ivan the Terrible are all in sight.

The grand occasion of the fireworks was reflected in the Moscow River, which looked very mysterious. Countless people sang and danced on both sides of the river, and court musicians also played the favorite tunes of Alexander II and Queen Maria.

But everyone can see that neither the emperor nor the empress is happy, especially the empress seems to be under a lot of pressure. Obviously she is still uneasy about the crown falling.

"The subjects are all talking about today's grand enthronement ceremony, thinking that Your Majesty is full of royal aura, and that Your Highness the Queen has the demeanor of the mother of the country..."

Alexander II listened to Pobedonostsev's report with his eyes closed. He had no expression on his face, which made Pobedonostsev, who was already worried, even more uneasy.

After all, as long as the eyes are not blind, those mistakes in the coronation ceremony can be You can imagine the reaction of the emperor with your ass.

At this moment, his regret is endless, he shouldn't have taken over the third department, no matter what kind of bad luck this unlucky department encounters, it is always the first to be noticed by the czar, which makes him even find a small partner who dumps the pot No, what do you say this is called.

What's more, how to report to the tsar the reaction of the outside world today is also a technical job, how to cover up those unlucky things?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, so he could only try his best to pick up good reports.

Alexander II suddenly opened his eyes: "Really? The outside world really said that? No one talked about the discordant things in the ceremony?"

Pobedonostsev swallowed, knowing that the difficulty was approaching, he thought about it and replied: "Well, this... the news has leaked out a little bit, some idiots are chewing their tongues, I think..."

Alexander II asked sharply, "Who are these idiots!"

Pobedonostsev was startled. How should he answer this? Although only the first few rows of the church saw the unlucky events at the ceremony, those in the back row basically looked lonely. But gossip about the omen began to spread after the ceremony.

Obviously, the rumors were spread by those in the front row, the most prominent people in Russia at the moment.

How much do you think he has the guts to make small reports about these people? If you let them know, then you have to hate him to death!

Pobedonostsev didn't want to draw hatred for himself inexplicably, he forced a smile and replied: "Your Majesty, I personally think these people are a bit annoying, but they are just idiots. Their stupidity gets angry, what can you do if your body is ruined by anger?"

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