Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 119: Trophy

   There is no sun outside the star boundary of the sea and the flame, but the whole sky emits some orange-red light, just like the golden-red light in the early morning or evening.

Under the shining of golden red light, beside a small pond that is slowly sinking from the turbidity, Raqqa the Ratman and Kogg the dwarf are surrounded by materials collected by a huge black-gray spider, and a burly warrior Reso was watching his surroundings nervously, for fear that something would rush out to attack everyone at this time.

   Fortunately, in the wild, there are often no other things near a powerful creature, so there are no other monsters rushing out of the surrounding bushes. In this situation, Paladin John explained to Lawrence what the purification just mentioned means.

"Purification is generally only mastered by the clergy and druids of the various churches. This is actually a process of using one's own power to rescue and purify the contaminated souls and get feedback from the world -" John earnestly told Lawrence I broke it a little and explained it carefully.

He didn’t wonder why Lawrence didn’t know these things, because there were not many druids or clergy who had the ability to purify, so that this matter was not widely spread even in the extraordinary world. Lawrence had not heard of such things. It is also normal. .

   And Lawrence is a warlock, and the power of the warlock comes from the blood. As a warlock, it is very good to be able to figure out how to release some magic and use them correctly, especially when I am relatively low. It is almost impossible to understand the secrets in his blood.

"So, you master this skill may be because the powerful creature that is your source of power may be some kind of natural or sacred creature, so when encountering this situation, it will naturally stimulate a certain instinct." It took five. Six minutes later, John finally explained to Lawrence what it was like in this world that he drew his soul through the white shadow.

   "That is to say, this is not a taboo." Lawrence said in a relaxed tone. "I thought it was an evil act at first."

"Of course not, so you don't need to be nervous about this in the future." John said to Lawrence with a smile, "On the contrary, this is a very just thing and very meaningful. In releasing and saving those innocent souls, this The world will give you positive feedback."

   After discussing these topics about the absorption and purification of the soul, other people also collected the materials on the monsters they just defeated. After everything was sorted out, the whole team returned to the ground together.

   Everyone had a smile on their faces on the way back, because their team had scored 127 points in the previous battle. Among them, 100 points came from the giant spider, and the other 27 points were points given to the remaining 21 zombies after they were killed.

   In addition, in the battle just now, everyone harvested a lot of materials related to the undead. At the same time, based on the data collected when the spider was dissected, Raqqa, the rat man who had been in the black market for a long time, also recognized the species of the big spider they killed.

"We actually killed a puppet spider today." Laka widened her small eyes and said, "This is an extremely rare variant of the sword claw hunting spider. It has only received a lot of radiation from the death force but did not die. Only the sword claw hunting spider can mutate into an extremely rare puppet spider that can manipulate the puppet of the dead, so the materials collected from this guy are not cheap, and often there is no market."

Speaking, she took out two metal bottles the size of a stack of Coke cans from the space pocket. Through a finger-thick transparent glass inlaid on the bottle, Lawrence could see that most of the metal bottle was filled with a gray like smoke. Viscous liquid.

   "What is this?" Reso, who carried the big axe on his shoulders, first wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve, and then looked at the bottle and asked curiously. "I think the two of you just surrounded the spider and those zombies with knives and saws, but you got something like this after a long time of tossing?"

"Of course it's not just that, big guy." Koge, who was sitting on the shoulder of the magic robot, looked down at Resso and took out a cloth bag from his space bag, and opened it with a slap inside. Long black hair and dozens of two-knuckle canine teeth.

   "These are the spoils we have just now." Cog explained. "For example, the teeth you see come from the mutated canines of the zombies, and the breath of death in the zombie’s body is gathered on it. Sounds evil? But these things can heal a lot of damage caused by the intrusion of the breath of death. And disease."

"These black hairs are plucked from the spider’s head. They have a very good magic transmission effect, so they can be used to make soft rune pens. When drawing runes related to death or life, these pens can also be used for drawing runes related to death or life. Bring some magical bonuses."

"Of course, those are just small gains. The real big gains are the things in my jar." Raqqa proudly shook the jar in his hand. "This is the brain fluid of the puppet spider, which is relatively rare. One of the raw materials related to mental power. It can be used to make certain drugs that gently stimulate mental power."

"Mild stimulation-do you mean those nerve tonics?" Lawrence frowned and thought for a few seconds before asking Raqqa next to him. "The ones sold in the church are very expensive, and they can last for 10 minutes. It costs 35 yuan, so most people will only prepare a few bottles when making a key breakthrough. Only some outstanding members of certain organizations with particularly strong financial resources can use this thing as a consumable for auxiliary cultivation."

   "Yes, the cerebrospinal fluid of the puppet spider is the main material of a nerve tonic with better effect and less side effects. If there is any weakness in this medicine, it is expensive and difficult to buy."

Speaking of this, Ratman Raqqa suddenly proposed: "So, can we wait a little while dividing the spoils? I just met a Ratman alchemist. Then I will ask him to make these ingredients into potions. Later, the five of us at UU Read evenly distribute the finished products after removing the processing fees."

   This proposal immediately aroused everyone's interest, especially after a brief communication, Lawrence discovered that the alchemist Raqqa said was Fatina's grandfather. So after returning to the camp and discussing it for a while, everyone decided to give this space to Lawrence, and then he would bring it to the ratman alchemist. Wait for the preparation of the medicine and send it to everyone separately.

  Of course, this is also a kind of trust in Lawrence. Because his identity and what he did before are enough to make everyone who has just known each other want to believe him.

   To be precise, of the five, Lawrence and Paladin John are blameless in their credibility. Lawrence was chosen only because he was more convenient than John in doing this.

   Then while it was dawn, they went around and started looking for other monsters to find other monsters, but they didn't find a group of steel-spurred boars in a small valley until they were far away.

After a group of people besieged and killed this small group of seven steel-stabed wild boars, they only scored eight points. This disappointed everyone, but this is understandable. After all, the more powerful the monster, the larger the territory occupied, but also So on the way back, after discussion, everyone decided to take a rest in this camp for a day and then hunt in another place tomorrow.

   When I went back, the sky was already dark. Even if there is no sun in this place, the sky will still be divided into day and night like the outside world. But now that night is coming, the sky has slowly become dimmed.

   When I returned to the camp, the sky was completely dark. So after a simple meal of hot soup and dry food, everyone left the night watchman and went to sleep.


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