Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 347: Traces of civilization

The visit to the Tauren tribe is not a whim, but a journey that Lawrence has planned since the very beginning of seeing Orchid. After all, for the two races to unite together, some formal meetings are absolutely essential.

Not to mention that the trade between the tauren and human beings is now imbalanced, and the tauren tribe has always been in a trade deficit in trade. It doesn't matter if it's a short time, but if it's a long time, there will be various problems. In order to avoid possible problems, Lawrence felt that he needed to go to the tauren tribe. Help them find out if there is anything that can be used to trade with humans.

In short, for Lawrence, the mission of this visit can be said to be of great significance. He now wants to make the tauren tribe as capable as he can. Only in this way can the existence of trade deficit be reduced and the trade between the two sides can be balanced.

"Do you think about what looks special on your side?" After returning to the cabin, Lawrence asked Orchid, the tauren who was chatting with Nora. "For example, unusual plants, animals or certain minerals are fine."

"Let me think about it." Lanhua's cow face showed a thoughtful look. After dozens of seconds, she raised her head and looked at Lawrence and said: "If you want to say something special, there are only the low trees on the hills. Yes, the leaves on those trees are very bitter, but if the leaves are plucked and broken and fed to the animals, it can cure many of their diseases."

"In addition, some diseases of our tauren can also be solved by consuming these fresh leaves. For example, the most common accumulation of food for children can quickly restore their appetite by eating a large spoonful of broken leaves."

"Sounds useful." Lawrence scratched his head after listening. This herb should have a little market. But if the hilly area where the tauren moves as described by Orchid is just full of such trees, it would be too difficult to consume all of them, at least Lawrence felt that at least the surrounding islands would definitely not be consumed.

There is also a bit of ore. Unfortunately, they are the most basic limestone mines or other stones. If they are used as building materials, they are barely enough. However, considering the freight, opening these mines in that place can barely lose money. . It is basically impossible to be the flagship product of the Tauren tribe.

The only good news is that according to Tauren, there are a lot of mango trees growing in a jungle near the hilly area. If the power gap in this area grabs the fruit forest after the goblins are defeated, selling dried mangoes and offering them to the residents of the island should be a good idea.

A few hours later, the boat leaned on a small pier on the edge of the woods. Unexpectedly, this wharf is actually a solid wharf built of stones, which is much higher in grade than the wooden trestle bridge currently used over the harbour. There are a few small rafts parked there next to the pier, and the size of the things placed on it should be used by the tauren.

After getting on the pier, Lawrence bent down and carefully observed the stone pier. Unlike imagined, this wharf does not look like it was built temporarily. Judging from the moss all over the wharf and the signs of wear on the wharf, not only did the wharf exist for a long time, but from the traces on the stone, the wharf also experienced a period of time after it was built. usage of.

"Is this wharf repaired by your tauren?" Nora also found that there was something wrong with the wharf, so she asked directly, "I always think the size of this wharf is not very suitable for you. Lawrence also looks at it. Something went wrong.

When Nora said so, Lawrence also saw that it was wrong. In this world, the buildings built by each intelligent race will be very different because of their different body sizes. For example, Lawrence went to Fatina a while ago and they found that the rats were in the mountains when they discussed the content of the manufacturing of dried mushrooms. The built passages are very narrow, at least for humans, many places are barely able to pass, and even if they are relatively burly humans, they will get stuck in some passages.

The size of this dock is indeed normal for Lawrence, but it is obviously a bit small for the tauren whose humans are more than one size bigger, so Nora floated in the sky and looked at it and asked strangely. The question just now.

"This pier was not actually repaired by us." Lanhua scratched the hair on his head and said something that Lawrence had vaguely guessed before. Next, Lanhua told Lawrence and the others how they found this pier.

That was after Lanhua came back from Niujiaowan Plain last time. When she returned, she first found and convinced the teacher. Then her teacher convened the leaders of various tribes to discuss the communication with the humans downstream of the river. In just half a day, they decided to re-establish communication with humans and open water channels to communicate with human settlements downstream of the river.

In order to make full use of the advantages of water transportation, at that time, each Tauren tribe drew out a team and started to open up roads in the jungle. And in the process, they found a path that was almost completely covered by vegetation in the jungle.

"Here, the path is the one we are walking on now." Lanhua said while stomping his feet gently on the ground with his hoofs. Lawrence lowered his head at this time and realized that the footpath was not the kind of dirt road, but a road. A path paved with fist-sized pebbles.

The most amazing thing is that the cobblestones used to pave the trail are not randomly paved. After a closer look, Lawrence found that there are many patterns inlaid with different colors on the road. The whole style is not like paving a road in the jungle, but like building in a garden.

Obviously, this artistic cobblestone road was definitely not built by the tauren. For example, Lawrence found that the edges of these roads had a large number of traces that were damaged and repaired. I think it was because this road was in the rainforest for so long that the tauren had to repair these roads, and then the extremely rough patches and The stone ground full of artistic style is obviously not built by the same civilization.

"The same goes for the dock behind. UU Reading" Lanhua pointed to the dock where everyone came just now with a thick finger. "After discovering the road in the jungle, we found that the direction of the road was the same as the direction we were going to open, so we simply drove along this road in the woods, and then we found the stone dock."

"Because the pier was covered with moss everywhere, I thought it should be an ordinary small pier. However, after clearing away the plants covering it, I discovered that many of the stones used to build the pier were carved with various carvings. All kinds of patterns look very beautiful. Unfortunately, this place is too wet, and the pier was completely covered by those plants in just over a month. So you didn’t see those things when you came just now."

"Why is there such a thing in this place?" The voice of the little doll Nara sounded in Lawrence's mind. "Whether it is carving patterns on the stone or spreading patterns on the road with stones of different colors like this, if you want to do this, the people who do these things must be productive enough. So you say we will not This time I went to Tauren to find an ancient lost civilization."

"I think we may find a part of an ancient civilization, but it is estimated that it will not be of much value." Lawrence remained calm after hearing Nora's excited words. "After all, our island does not have any valuable and extraordinary resources, and the area is not large. So it is impossible to have any powerful native civilization on this place."

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