Studying Science in the Alternate World

Chapter 254: moonlight cage

  Chapter 254 Moonlight Cage

  In the collection of books in the library of the Stars Tower, there are many data notes recorded by the ancestors of the arcane masters who have opened the will of the stars.

  Especially in the more than 20 openings in the past two thousand years, every arcanist has basically left information notes.

  Duke started reading in chronological order, from far to near, but as he read it, he found that the reference value of these materials and notes was not as great as imagined.

  "The will of the stars is the spiritual throbbing under the starry sky. If the wisdom of human beings occurs in an instant, then the will of the stars operates in units of hundreds of years. It arises in a year and goes out in a year. It is just a flick of a finger, and a hundred years pass."

  In the earliest data notes, an arcanist described the will of the stars in this way.

  However, in more information notes, there is no record of what kind of interaction occurred between the will of the stars and the opener: "I can't capture everything that happened in the will of the stars, and only a few traces of inscriptions have been preserved."

   "I forgot my will with the stars, what I said and heard, I just remember that I merged with Him, spanning time, passing through the past and the future... In the end, I only brought the 3rd ring to the 4th ring. When advancing, I need to clear the fog of spiritual mysteries."

   "It's like having a dream, with a clear feeling, but can't remember the distant memory, only two or three vague fragments remain."

   "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint everyone. My mind is buzzing, as if a lot of things have been stuffed into it, but I can't say a single one."

   "The Will of the Stars is scary, really..."

   "We are on the wrong path now. The taboo of the soul must be obeyed. Stop the experiment, stop the experiment. Once this taboo is broken, I am afraid that the way forward for spiritual mysteries will be broken!"

   "I seem to be trapped in a wall, I can't find any way out, and I'm running around like a headless chicken. Sorry everyone, this time let you down, I don't know what kind of revelation I got. The stars love me more than the spirit."

   "During the dialogue of the will of the stars, my memory is vague, but in the following decades, as if with the help of a god, I was promoted from a 4-ring earth arcane mage to the first 7-ring morning star arcane teacher in the Seven Towers Federation. Now I will record my cultivation experience."

   "It's a rainbow channel. I remember it very clearly. I saw the birth and death of the whole world in the rainbow channel... Don't ask me the details, I can't recall it, but I just know that the road ahead of spiritual mystery is long, and there is a catastrophe waiting at the end."


   Soon, Duke read all the information notes and recorded them in Xiaoyi's database.

  Looking at the sky outside, the sun was already setting. He sat at the table, frowning and meditating: "Xiaoyi, can you analyze the specific situation of the will of the stars?"

   "I'm sorry, master, each of the openers of the will of the stars left different memories, and it is impossible to summarize the rules. It is more like the arcanist who opened the will of the stars, experienced a dream from the future prophecy, and extracted some kind of revelation."

   There are many types of revelation.

  There are secrets for a 3rd-level arcane master to be promoted to a 4th-level arcanist, the motto that the soul experiment must stop, the warning of the crisis in the scar of the earth, the prophecy of the next stage of spiritual arcane development, and even the formula for making a certain medicine may become part of the revelation.


  The most important thing is the enlightenment of the future development of spiritual arcana, including the cultivation of each link of the arcane master, and the development direction of various fields.

   "In short, I feel that the will of the stars is like an ancestor who has climbed the peak of spiritual mysticism, passing on his knowledge to this group of immature spiritual mystical explorers in the wild world through this way of crossing time."

  Duke shook his head.

  Through these data notes, he at least understood a little bit. To activate the will of the stars is like a dream, and there is not much danger.

  At least from the existing records, none of the arcane mages fell because of the will of the stars, but they all benefited a lot. Some arcane masters broke the shackles of cultivation, some arcane masters obtained precious inheritance, and some arcanist masters improved their talents.

all in all.

  Opening the will of the stars has many benefits, just like being empowered by a master in a martial arts novel, gaining decades of skill or great martial arts.


  Duke was also puzzled: "According to the records of the arcane masters, the will of the stars is also part of the spirituality. It was the ancient astrologers who accidentally opened it by relying on the laws of capturing the astrology. The current Tower of Stars has directly mastered the opening method."


  He looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and expressed his incomprehension: "The knowledge of physics and astronomy on the earth tells me that every star, except for a few planets in the solar system, is almost all stars... Some stars are countless light-years away."

  He looked down at the information note in his hand again: "Then how do these stars have a spiritual intersection with the wild world, or this wild planet? Even these stars contain such a rich and colorful inheritance of knowledge?"

  Duke always felt that the wild planet should be incompatible with the stars in the sky.

   Not to mention the will of the stars.

   "The stars have a will of wool. If there is, doesn't it mean that the sun also has will?" Duke glanced at the sun above the blue sky and white clouds. "If the sun really has a will, isn't this will closer and clearer than the stars?"

  But I have never heard of any arcanist who observed the will of the sun or the will of the moon.

   "I can't figure it out, Xiaoyi."

   "Master, Xiaoyi can't figure it out either."

   "Forget it." Duke got up and left the reference room, "If you can't figure it out, let's put it on hold for now. After ten and a half months, I should activate the Will of the Stars... At that time, Xiao Yi, you have to record all the communication information between me and the Will of the Stars, and make sure there are no omissions."

   "Good master, Xiaoyi will do her best to record the information."

  The predecessors of the arcane masters before had no golden fingers, so they could only rely on dreams to communicate with the will of the stars in an inexplicable way.

   But Duke has Xiao Yi as his assistant.

  Even if he forgets the process during the communication, as long as this communication can be perceived through the five senses and the spiritual sea, Xiao Yi can record all the information.

   Play it back slowly at that time, and you will know what kind of existence the will of the stars is.

   "So, the meeting of the stars chose me to activate the will of the stars. This decision is quite correct." Duke silently gave a thumbs up for the arcane instructors.

   Greeting the chief director of Muse, Duke left the Tower of Stars.

  The proportion of Leo mages in the holy city of arcane magic is almost one tenth, and the remaining nine tenths are vassals and servants of arcanist masters, and everything revolves around arcanist masters.

  He took his big knight and little assistant to a famous snack street.

   It is said to be a street of snacks, but there is no fireworks atmosphere. The decoration of the store is even more gorgeous than the shopping malls in Shenjiao City. The boss and waiters are very polite.

  The sanitation on the streets is spotless. The cleaners who clean the streets are all spiritual apprentices. They hold special spiritual cards as cleaning tools to collect all the dust and debris, and then send them to a cleaning truck. They come and go quickly.

   I'm afraid that there will be a little mess, which will affect the mood of the masters of the Arcane Masters.

  Duke doesn't like this scene, but there's no need to be out of place, after all...he is also a member of the master arcanist.

   "Sir, how is this shop?" Mu Lali pointed to a shop with the signboard "Khaliyaki".

   "Then go try it."

   Walking to the door, the service staff opened the door respectfully, and bowed to say hello: "Master Duke Sage, welcome."

   "You know me?" Duke asked as he entered.

   "Your photos are often shown on the big screen of Offa Tower. I think there is no one in the whole city of Offa who doesn't know you." The waiter showed a just right smile, neither flattering nor perfunctory, "I personally like the "Romeo and Juliet" you shot, it is so touching!"

   "Okay." Duke smiled slightly, feeling that he had become a top arcanist.

  At least in recent years, in terms of traffic, I am afraid that no arcanist can match him.

  He found a seat and sat down, and then said to the waiter: "Correct me, I am only the screenwriter of "Romeo and Juliet", not the director."

   "Okay, Lord Sage Duke." The waiter replied with a smile.

   After ordering the shop's signature whale yakiniku, Duke waited leisurely for the food to be served. The tables around him were all occupied by his entourage to ensure his safety.


   The little assistant Mu Lali pays for ordering food—the money bag for going out is in Mu Lali's hands.

  2 Ring Eudemons Knight Herdos, sitting behind Duke, staring at every diner in the shop, anyone who wants to approach, even the waiter, needs to be searched by him to make sure there is no threat.

  The boss trotted over, and after being searched by Herdos, he was released and came to Duke's desk.

  With a bright smile on his face, he complimented: "Sir Duke, your visit to the humble house really makes the humble house full of splendor. This is the first time you have come. This time, I will treat your order. Please, Lord Duke, can satisfy my wish."

  Duke deliberately refused.

  His patent fees have been continuously recovered, and money is just a bunch of numbers to him, so there is no need to take advantage of it.

  But the boss was sincere, so he accepted it calmly: "Okay, please invite the boss of my table, and my entourage will pay as usual."

   "Hey, good!" The boss was overjoyed.

   Continued to compliment and said: "The new technology of spiritual arcana that you invented has brought great changes to the world. You are the spiritual guide to the Seven Towers Federation. As an ordinary person in the Seven Towers Federation, I wish you, Lord Duke Sage, to continue to guide the Seven Towers Federation and never stop!"

   "I accept your blessing." Duke smiled slightly.

  The boss bowed to leave: "Then please wait a moment, our kitchen is cooking food for you and your followers."

   Wait for the boss to resign.

  Mulali rested her chin on her hands, her eyes full of little stars: "Sir, you are already world-famous, and everyone is grateful for the great technology you brought!"

  Mu Lashan also rested her chin on her hands, and praised in exactly the same tone as Mu Lali: "Yes, when I first saw you, sir, I never imagined that even in the Holy City of Arcane, you are a household name!"

   "It's wonderful, isn't it, Xiao Shanshan." Mu Lali asked proudly.

  Mu Lashan nodded: "Yes, it's really wonderful!"

   Vivian on the side was much calmer: "This is just the beginning of my lord. I think soon, my lord's mage tower will stand in the Holy City of Arcane."

   "Haha!" Duke laughed out loud.

  These three closest women spoke better and better, so he couldn't help saying: "If you can talk, talk more, to pass the boring waiting time."

   Soon whale yaki will be served.

  The taste is really good. Duke asked, the raw material of this whale burnt is not from the 7-ring spirit beast in the Whale Song Mirror Lake - Jinghu Song Whale, let alone the 9-ring sub-dragon - Jinghu Whale Dragon, but a 3-ring spirit beast called the small tail porpoise.

   "Pack me a copy." Duke said again.

  He intends to take it back to give Penrose mentor a taste. This time he brings Penrose here, and he is afraid that he will have to stay with him for a while.

   After eating and drinking enough, return to the Crystal Palace of Thursas.

  Thirsas seemed to know that Duke had something to ask, so he had the tea room prepared in advance, and then made tea himself, performing the tea ceremony of the Seven Towers Federation, while waiting for Duke's arrival.

   "Master Chairman."

"sit down."

  Thersas has already made tea, without any spiritual assistance, just relying on his own hands to balance the relationship between tea and water.

   "Try the tea I make, the tea leaves from the 3 Ring Tree King - Jasper tea tree, there is only a little bit every year, one cup is less than one cup."

   "Thank you, sir." Duke took the tea and took a sip.

  The lips and teeth are fragrant, and the aftertaste is sweet and bitter.

   Compared with ordinary tea water, the taste is not special, but it makes people feel a little different from the lightness.

  The aftertaste is very wonderful, but it is impossible to talk about it carefully.

  Cersas asked: "How?"

  Duke answered truthfully: "Nothing came out of it."

   "Haha." Thursas stroked his snow-white beard and laughed loudly, "You are honest, unlike some people who obviously can't taste the taste, so they have to shake their heads and say a lot of modifiers, as if they can match their identity."

  “Different people have different moods. Even if they drink the same cup of tea, they may taste different flavors due to their mood.”

   "Oh." Thursas looked up at Duke, "There is some truth to what you said."

  He pushed the tea tray in front of him to the side, and said casually: "Forget it, after more than two hundred years of tea ceremony, it's not as clear as a kid like you."

  Duke smiled and said nothing.

   Waiting for the servant to come over and clear the table, Thursas said, "Do you have any doubts about opening the will of the stars?"


   "Actually, it's nothing. I brought it up at the meeting of the stars." Thursas drank the tea in his cup in two sips. "The previous default practice was to choose the youngest one from among the arcane teachers to open it, but this time the candidate is Miguel."

   "Miguel?" Duke knew this person, "The guardian of the gravel field?"

   "Yes, it is this person. I don't want this person to be the opener, so I proposed a new candidate. You are more suitable than him."

  Duke frowned.

  Thersas saw the worry in his heart, and said: "Indeed, I must have offended Miguel indirectly by electing you. But you don't have to worry about anything, he dare not go out of the gravel field in person, just don't go to the gravel field."


   "I'm worried that Miguel might fall."

   "Fallen?" Duke was shocked, "Will the Morning Star Arcane Teacher also fall?"

  Thersas snorted coldly: "What about the morning star? Once the twisted ring is lost, it will be the sun's arcane teacher, and it will also degenerate into a fallen demon."

   Then he sighed again: "The stars are troubled now... Since you have the title of double sages, you will be added as the chief sage of Offata in the next year. You have great hopes. It doesn't hurt to tell you these things. Among the stars today, two people are most likely to fall."

   "I would like to hear more about it!" Duke said solemnly.

  With the system of the Seven Towers Federation, as long as Duke does not violate taboos, he can basically guarantee safety.

  The only thing that needs to be taboo is the Fallen Demon, and the Fallen Demon will not abide by laws and regulations.

  In case of being targeted by the Fallen Demon, Duke really can't guarantee his safety with just a Sand Eagle pistol. If he is really killed by the Fallen Demon, his death will be for nothing.

  He is unwilling to stay in the Arcane City for a long time. One important reason is that there may be a Fallen Demon hidden in the Arcane City—the Fallen Demon is not a walking dead, but a monster that retains human intelligence, and is very good at lurking and hiding.

  Some weak fallen demons can even practice and advance like Arcane Masters.

  The location of the Holy City of Arcana, the spiritual river of Whale Song Mirror Lake, is the best nourishment for fallen demons. It is possible to live at the bottom of the lake or hide in the belly of a fish.

   "The first star that may fall is the Speaker of the House, Lord Andre Evening Primrose." Thursas couldn't help but sit up straighter and his tone became awed when talking about this person. "Fifty years ago, Lord Adrian failed to hit the 9th ring, so he fell into a problem of being sober and sometimes muddled."


  Duke took a breath of cold air: "The speaker..."

  He was really surprised. He took up the post of Speaker. The full name is the Executive Meeting of the United Towers-Speaker, and he is the head of the entire Seven Towers Federation.

  As the most powerful country of mankind, the Speaker of the Seven Towers Federation is undoubtedly the pinnacle of mankind.

  And now, Andre Evening Primrose, who stands on top of humanity, has become the most likely suspect for corruption.

   Glancing at Duke, Thursas said lightly: "You don't have to be overly surprised. Every move of Lord Andre is monitored at all times. This is also an arrangement made by Lord Andre himself. Even if he falls, he will be discovered immediately."

   "Master Andre, have you made arrangements?" Duke nodded to express his understanding.

   After all, Andre Evening Primrose failed to hit the 9th ring. I am afraid that he had arranged his funeral early in the morning and anticipated any consequences.

  Even if they fall, they will be set on fire immediately.

   "The second star that may fall is Miguel. He almost fell when he rose in his early years. Fortunately, his father-in-law, the guardian of the gravel field in the past, helped him to awaken his true spirit, which saved him from the crisis of sinking."

  After hearing what Celsus said, Duke immediately understood: "So, do you think that since he can fall once, it is possible to fall a second time?"

   "Yes, although this probability is not high, it is still a risk, so I don't want him to activate the will of the stars." Thursas said coldly, "It would be a big joke if the will of the stars was stolen by a fallen demon!"


  Thirsas said again: "In short, if Miguel is hiding in the gravel field, it is not easy for me to intervene. But as long as he dares to step out of the gravel field in person, I will keep an eye on him. Once I find evidence of his depravity, I will kill him immediately!"

  As an 8-ring Huiyue arcane instructor, Thursas is confident enough to kill a 7-ring morning star-level fallen demon.

  Duke thought for a while and asked, "My lord, if I go back to Cuihai City, Miguel won't come after me, will I? After all, I stole his chance?"

   "Do you think we are just a display? The Seven Towers Federation has experienced the crisis of the fallen devil not a hundred times, but has experienced it fifty times. The Conference of Stars has long been eyeing every arcanist who may sink. Once exposed, they can be killed instantly."

   Having said that.

  Duke still had a little more urgency in his heart.

  At this time, Thursas suddenly threw something over: "Take this with you. This is the moonlight cage I made. You can understand it as an arcane card with an 8-ring level. Once activated, it can form a moonlight cage field to protect your safety and support it until our clone arrives."

   "Moonlight Cage?" Duke took the thing and found it was a round jade mirror, "My lord, does this have something to do with the Star Cage?"

  Duke once saw Loren Sangovi cast the Star Cage, the starlight shrouded an area, and even the 9-ring Wulong couldn't escape.

  Thirsas explained: "They are all domain applications. The moonlight cage domain is stronger. It will take three to five hours for the 7-ring Morning Star Arcane Teacher to break it."

   "Thank you, my lord!"

   Such a good thing, Duke readily accepted it.

  The sense of crisis and urgency in my heart eased a little, and I was no longer so sensitive to the threat of the fallen demon.

   Putting the moonlight cage close to him, Duke smiled and said, "I knew the adults would not put me in danger."

   "Haha, you brat!" Thursas stroking his beard and laughing, "Your spiritual strength is rare in the world. It is too late for us to protect you, so how can we put you in danger... As long as you young people grow up smoothly, the spiritual mysteries of the Seven Towers Federation will last forever."

   After finishing speaking, Celsas waved his hand and said, "Okay, if your mind settles down, go back and rest. If you feel that the Crystal Palace is boring, then go to a dance party. The noble ladies in the Holy City of Alfa and the surrounding eighteen cities are all looking forward to getting to know you."

   "Then I'll take my leave first." Duke got up and left.

   Of course, he is not interested in dancing or anything like that, but he is very interested in the collection of books in the Crystal Palace and some rare arcane buildings.

in addition.

  He has already asked clearly, there is a tree king with three rings in the Crystal Palace, which is the source of the tea that was used to drink tea before - Jasper tea tree.

  The mage tower of the arcane instructors will look very shabby if a tree king with three rings is not planted.

   And there are enough spiritual particles here to maintain the growth of the 3-ring tree king.

   "Master Duke, this is the king of trees with three rings - the Jasper tea tree. It was dug out from the deep mountains by our master 180 years ago and has been planted here." A housekeeper of the Crystal Palace brought Duke to the planting area of ​​the Jasper tea tree.

  Because the Crystal Palace was built on the bottom of the lake.

  So in order to meet the demand of the Jasper tea tree for sunlight, the planting area uses arcane magic to stabilize a small sun, which emits sunlight all the time and shines on the Jasper tea tree.

   And also simulated the sunrise and sunset, close to the natural environment in all directions.

   "I'm going to rest here for a while, Mr. Housekeeper, please help yourself." Duke said.

  The steward bowed to leave immediately: "Then I will leave here first. If Lord Duke has any orders, please order the servants outside the door, or let them call me over to serve you personally."

   Wait for the butler to leave.

  Duke patted his stomach: "Chicken, get up and work, fit!"

   "Ah!" Yawning, the drowsy chick bit Duke's finger dazedly, and then merged with Duke to enter the elf form.

  The next moment, breathing resonance is established.

  Duke had already felt the breathing rhythm of the third-ring tree king-jasper tea tree. After a while, he was brought into the memory of time by the natural power of jasper tea tree.

  From a single seed, it grows into a giant tea bush.

   Then on a certain day, memories rippled. In the blurry image, a powerful arcane mage skinned a spirit beast that occupied the land, and then a group of vague humans dug up the roots of the tea bushes.

   In a flash.

  The memories of time are in the planting area between this square inch, and people come to clean and trim every day until today.


  Duke let out a foul breath: "The powerful arcanist who can't see clearly should be Lord Celsus."

  Jasper Tea Tree didn't say anything, but he had already told him everything.

   And gave a gift, that is, in the sea of ​​air, after the mysterious vine, the ten thousand year pine cone, and the green banyan forest, a small tea tree grew.

  The spiritual seed of the jasper tea tree.

   "Hmm!" Duke sat down cross-legged. In the spiritual sea, new mysteries had also formed visions, and pieces of tea leaves grew from each vision.

   "Refreshing · Jasper tea tree."

   "The fourth mystery, yes, it is still very useful for me to keep my mind clear at all times, especially when doing research, I need refreshing most!" Duke captured the vague information from the tea vision, and expressed satisfaction with it.

   Looking for tickets~



  (end of this chapter)

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