Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1144: Unexpected reunion

"Dong Xia Kingdom, do you know that there is another country? What about the Patriotic Kingdom? Does Xiahou Yuetian know the Patriotic Kingdom?"

Xia Xiahou nodded and shook his head again.

"In fact, it happened because my father was almost killed at sea in the early years, and was rescued by the ships that came and went, so I just happened to know. As for this patriotic nation, I haven't heard the mention of my father and cousin. There will still be such a behemoth overseas. But fortunately I have encountered your sister, otherwise, I will definitely be over. "

When people are overseas, they always show special affection to their compatriots who come from one place.

Although Lin Mengya was wary of Xia Houyi, the child felt good to her.

And if those people knew she was the master of a country, she wouldn't have let her go.

But if there is a temptation, can she still relax.

"Perhaps your condition is so good, Rong should not let you go, little girl, have you used any means?"

姑娘 The girl was born in the prince's house, and she had an exquisite crystal heart in her early training.

I saw that she smiled a little hehe, and actually made a small cut with her nails.

Gao Lin Mengya frowned. Just when she wanted to stop, she saw the girl's wounds, and many wrinkles appeared.

Then, the girl seemed magical again, and took away the cup of tea in her hand and drank it.

The lines on my face disappeared.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her for a long time before shaking her head with a bitter smile.

"There are so many strange things in the world, your hand is really amazing. But don't use it easily in the future, in case of a wound infection, you can ruin your own appearance."

当然 Of course she knows that this girl is actually trying to dispel her worries.

I beckoned and let the girl get closer to herself.

From her newly prepared medicine box, she took out some ointment and gently applied it to the wound.

"Sorry, my sister's life is really hard."

Zhe Lin Mengya gently apologized to Xia Houyi, and the five sons of the palace family treated her so well. Until now, Gong Bin still doubted her because of a Fengye.

In the past, she was a cautious person. Today's situation makes her even more sloppy.

So she has a lot of room for many things, in order to leave a way out for herself.

In addition to her family and friends, there are too many people who cannot be trusted in the world.

"I understand, but can I follow my sister in the future?"

The little girl smiled softly, but her eyes were filled with lingering fear.

No matter how calm she is, after all, she is just a twelve-year-old girl.

When you are far away from your hometown and away from your loved ones, all you can expect is the person in your painting.

"Of course you can, but you have to be wronged."

She Xiahou's identity must not be exposed, otherwise, it is not only the two of them that are in danger.

The little girl nodded desperately, guaranteeing again and again.

"I understand, I know. We two met for the first time. You think I am smart and cute, so you want me to be your next to you, right?"

Xia Xiahou blinked at her, lying round, and it seemed that she hadn't done much of this kind of thing before.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and then whispered in her ear.

"Is there anyone in your team that makes you wonder?"

Xia Houhou thought and thought, and hesitated.

"All of us are left, and we didn't know each other before. It's not strange to say that, but what's wrong with my sister?"

I shook my head, it's no wonder Xia Hou did not feel.

There are many female slaves in Zherong's family, and Xia Houyi is the most common one. Where can I find out what?

"Forget it, you go back first. Don't tell others what happened tonight."

夏侯 纭 immediately nodded and turned to leave.

不久 Shortly after she left, Bai Su, who never left Lin Su, also quietly followed.

After a good night's sleep, before the daylight was bright, Bai Su hurriedly returned to her side.

"Sure enough, as the master said, Xiahou Ai started to stare at those people intentionally or unintentionally after returning, but I didn't see anything wrong."

Lin Mengya, who was sitting in front of her dressing mirror, looked at Bai Su, but she was relieved.

She was afraid that Xia Houyu was from the Rong family to arrange to test her. So, Long Tianyu, they were in danger.

So she only intentionally disclosed a little news last night.

If Xia Hou 纭 is really a detailed work, then last night, there must be movement.

Xie Yixia's exquisite heart, in order to ensure safety, she will deliberately transfer suspicious things to others.

Obviously, Xia Hou 纭 didn't do that, and he helped himself to stare at some people.

Now it seems that the girl's suspicion should be ruled out.

"You can call her up. From today, she can help you a little bit."

Bai Su understands Lin Mengya's meaning, and also knows that the master is sympathetic to her.

Xun hurriedly turned to find someone, but she saw Gong Si standing at the door of Lin Mengya, and her eyes fell on Xiahou Ao behind her.

"Four sons."

"Well, is this girl?"

Bai Su turned his head and glanced at Xia Hou 纭, who immediately knelt at the feet of Gongsi and said nicely.

"The little girl is called 纭 儿, please hello to the fourth son."

After I said, I lost my head. Miyaji looked at her like this and didn't want to embarrass her. Walk away and let Bai Su bring people in.

After wandering by the door for a while, there was gradually movement in the room.

The yamen was opened. The first woman to come out was a silver-clad, white heroine Bai Su.

Followed by is wearing a green beanie, tied two small round 髻 纭.

她们 Behind them, there is a stunning beauty with red blood and blood color.

With a crackling noise, the folding fan in Gongsi fell to the ground.

Is this really their little sister?

How does it look like I have changed a person!

Lin Lin Mengya's looks are actually one-on-one beautiful.

But no matter how beautiful a beautiful woman is, she will inevitably feel bored.

And she usually doesn't pay attention to dressing up, and now she is dressed up, it will give people a stunning feeling.

The color of Bian Dahong is especially suitable for her, but the clothes that were very solemn and fell on her body are like flowing fire, and her charming charm is set off more and more.

Tong Ming's eyes were dazzling, all of them revealing a certain charm.

I was just a few steps away from the inn to the sedan at the door, but it surprised the world.

五 Today, the five sons of the palace family are also handsome and powerful.

Everyone will remember this day, because from this day, it is the beginning of the Daxing family.

Lin Lin Mengya's sedan is luxurious. The car top carved with ivory and jade, and the hanging bead curtains are large and full of sea pearls.

She sat dignified among silk and veil, only to see her faint face, but could not see more clearly.

He Jiaozi ran through the streets in a mighty manner, and no one dared to stop wherever he went.

Just, after seeing Jiao, the strange family crest, everyone was curious.

In the end, who is such a style, actually riding this sedan.

After a long time, there was an old man in the city talking to himself in doubt.

这 "This seems to be the family crest of the palace family."

How can it be possible for the house of the palace?

It is not far from Jincang City to Jincang Port, but this day is the first day when the world's eye-catching angry slave market opens.

In the domestic defense, any family with a head and face will send someone to participate.

On the first day of admission, it became a battleground for various companies to show off their strength and financial resources.

As the master, the Rong family and the Xu family were naturally the first to enter.

的 The sedan car they are riding on is not expensive, but it represents the identity of the owner here.

Afterwards, the pomp was very exciting and extravagant.

But this time, they were stolen by a family that suddenly emerged.


In the crowd of people, a low horn sounded suddenly.

Outside the crowd, two rows and four rows of musicians played traditional Chinese instruments.

Behind the musicians were eight pretty-dressed women.

手持 They held the flower basket and threw the contents of the flower basket to the outside with great grace.

It wasn't until they passed that people saw clearly that those women's spills were actually pearls and gold and silver.

The cricket crowd grabbed wildly, but did not cause any panic among these people.

The team has been marching, and soon, the back car attracted everyone's attention.

Jadeite, agate, pearl, emerald

Every colored gemstone that is named is inlaid on the sedan, and there are more things that cannot be named.

In the middle, a lazy beauty was lying lazily.

Amami seems indifferent to some outside, but the looming appearance of heaven and human has made many people straighten their eyes.

Until the sedan chair passed a long time, those talents came back.

When the sedan chair appeared in Jincang Port, those families who thought they were rich were overshadowed at that moment.

This is the real rich.

Gao Linmengyawo snickered in the sedan chair, compared with her, ridiculous!

Lin Jiaozi soon entered the auction market, and Lin Mengya saw this clearly. The so-called slave market is actually similar to an auction house.

And the functions inside are very complete, the owners of them arrived, go to tea and chat inside.

Wu Jiazi stopped at the entrance of the auction house, and she also got off the car with Bai Su and her son's help.

"Cough, it's so smoky, why isn't anyone going to clean it up?"

Waving Yun Jinsi's small handkerchief, she frowned and complained.

Those who were still very afraid of her just now showed a little relief.

承认 She admits that she did it on purpose. Only if she makes her look big and mindless can she do bad things?

"Who is this"

A young man who looked like a manager greeted him and asked with a smile pretending not to know.

"What do you use for your eyes? This, but Miss Gongjia, if you dare to be cautious, be careful of your dog's head!"

Xia Xiahou put her hands on her waist and said very treacherously.

Lin Lin Mengya and Bai Su marvel at the same time, talent!

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