She works as an editor and usually sees a lot of people. Most of the time, editors don’t just look at works, but people are also very important.

  She didn't notice it just now because she was in a low mood, but now she found out that today's Ye Ziye seems to be a little different from the past. Although it is still plain, there are more mood swings.

  Akiyama Hitomi knew very well the character of this handsome young man in front of her. She was extremely bland. She had seen with her own eyes, a group of pretty long white-collar workers surrounded Ye Ziye and said some words of tigers and wolves.

  Sometimes she would be embarrassed, but Ye Ziye always looked as usual, as if she had no feelings.

  But it is such a person, and now he has mood swings, and Akiyama Hitomi feels that he has found something interesting.

  Ye Ziye was not very surprised to be exposed by others, too many things happened today.

  He is not a business tycoon who can hide his emotions perfectly, he is just a little calmer, and he still has emotions when he encounters things.

  Looking at Akiyama Hitomi in front of him, Ye Ziye was thinking about whether to talk to this woman or not.

  You know, some things are hard to hold in your heart, and there are still so many things, Ye Ziye asked himself that he is not a very strong person.

  What happened today has strayed from the basic concepts of his life for the past ten years.

  "What if you were forcibly kissed by someone you didn't know?"

  There are not many guests yet, so Ye Ziye is going to chat for a while.

  "You were kissed?"

  Akiyama Hitomi's voice became a little louder, looking at the handsome young man in front of him, his eyes were shining, and he asked again.

  "Male and female?"

  After the identification, this woman has a very strange habit.

  Ye Ye waving his hands again and again

  "It's not me, it's a friend."

  Standard excuse, travel out of nothing.

  But in this world, this excuse doesn't seem to be very popular, so Akiyama Hitomi has no doubts, and the excited look on her face has subsided a bit.

  "If you want to be forcibly kissed, then you have to see how that person looks like. If it's ugly, I definitely don't want it, but if it's you, Ye Zijun, I'd be happy!"

  After automatically filtering Hitomi Akiyama's words, the image of Arturia appeared in Ye Ziye's mind.

  The skin is better than snow, the nose bridge is upturned and the face is delicate, coupled with the bright blond hair and those emerald green eyes, Ye Ziye feels that this must be planned for the ranks of beautiful girls.

  "The kind that looks good, for women, it's like looking like Kimura Takuya!"

  Ye Ziye felt that he gave a very pertinent evaluation. There is Kimura Takuya in this world, and he is very popular in his previous life, but he has quit the entertainment industry to marry a wife and have children.

  As soon as he heard the name, Akiyama Hitomi's eyes lit up, and she changed into a nympho image.

  "That must be willing. In my heart, Takuya Kimura can compete with you, Ye Zijun!"

  "But you don't know each other!"

  Ye Ziye didn't understand, but he still thanked Akiyama Hitomi for his high evaluation of himself.

  Hearing his question, Akiyama Hitomi also put on a serious face and said word by word.

  "Jun Ye, you have to remember that whether it is a man or a woman, as long as he is kissed by a good-looking person, even if he doesn't know each other, it is definitely not a loss! How many good-looking people can there be in this world? Most No one has ever been treated like this in their entire life!"

  "Isn't it a loss..."

  Although he knew that this was a fallacy, Ye Ye Ye still thought about it seriously, because there was no other way.

  After a while, he decided to accept this truth, he was not at a loss, but this was his first kiss, so scribbles always made him feel a little uncomfortable.

  However, he felt that he might not have an intersection with Arturia, so he decided to bury this matter in his heart. .

Chapter 26

  After another half an hour, the pet cafe was already lively, and basically every chair was full of people.

  And after explaining the truth to Ye Ziye, Akiyama Hitomi did not leave the bar, but ordered another cappuccino for herself.

  At this time, she couldn't see the depressed expression on her face at all. She smiled and talked to Ye Ziye from time to time. It seemed that she was not ready to leave tonight.

  She occupies the best position and is the closest to Ye Ziye. Although the other guests are dissatisfied, they can't say anything. Who told them to come late?

  "Jun Ye, if only that story happened to us just now!"

  Akiyama Hitomi hadn't come out of the false story yet, her eyes were full of peach blossoms, as if she was imagining that something was going on between herself and Ye Ziye.

  Ye Ziye ignored her, there were more customers in the store, and he had to prepare coffee.

  Akiyama Hitomi seemed to be a little dissatisfied, there was a flash of determination in her eyes, and she took out a [-] yen bill and slapped it on the table.

  "I've decided! Ye Jun, go and play a violin for me!"

  As soon as these words came out, the store became quiet again. Most of the customers looked at Hitomi Akiyama, while a small number of people who came to the store for the first time were a little confused.

  "Are you sure?"

  Ye Ziye stopped making coffee, looked at Hitomi Akiyama, and confirmed it again.


  Looking at the [-] yen on the table, Akiyama Hitomi also felt a little distressed, but she still nodded.

  This is the rule in the store, but this rule was only established when Ye Ziye came, and few people knew about it, and it happened that Akiyama Hitomi was one of them.

  Because of some chance, Nami Kudo knew the fact that Ye Ziye would play the violin. In order to increase the traffic, she decided to broadcast it as a reserved item every night.

  And Ye Ziye was naturally unwilling. He was a barista, not a violinist. Kudo Nami just wanted him to sell his hue.

  Finally, after democratic consultation, the two decided that as long as there are guests willing to pay [-] yen, then Ye Ziye can play.

  This somewhat perverted price was also set by Ye Ziye, because he didn't think anyone would spend [-] yen to listen to a barista playing the violin.

  But it turned out that he was wrong. The day after this rule was established, someone spent [-] yen, and today is the second time.

  And the [-] yen is divided between Ye Ziye and Kudo Nami [-]-[-]. If someone is willing to take this advantage, he is also happy.

  After all, his violin is lv2, and he is quite proficient. As long as he is not an expert in this industry, he basically cannot pick out any faults.

  As for how to obtain this skill, he obtained it in his previous life. As for the piano skills necessary for the protagonist, Ye Ziye does not.

  Because he couldn't get in touch with the piano, which cost tens of thousands at every turn, more than his own small living room. Since he couldn't see it, let alone learn it.

  The pianos I occasionally see are upright pianos, but they are very rare. Other children will rush over as long as they see them. Ye Ziye doesn't like crowds, so he often plays violins that no one cares about.

  After going back and forth, he also learned it. In his previous life, he was often pulled out to perform. In addition, he watched videos of this aspect when he came back, so his proficiency was so high.

  "Jun Ye, give you a violin!"

  Nakamura Nanning walked downstairs at this time, holding the violin in her arms. This is Kudo Nami's, and she can play it too, but it is not as good as Ye Ye Ye.

  "Thank you."

  After taking the violin, Ye Ziye thanked him and walked to the window seat, where there were the fewest people.

  At this time, the store has completely quieted down, and they are all staring at Ye Ziye, their eyes are full of expectations.

  At any time, good-looking people and elegant instruments are a perfect match, and the atmosphere is right now, and everyone wants to see it.

  And Akiyama Hitomi, who was sitting in front of the bar, also held her head proudly, enjoying the grateful glances from the people around her. She had never received such treatment in the company.

  "What song do you want to listen to?"

  Ye Ziye looked at Akiyama Hitomi, this question was asked of her, because this is the person who ordered the tune.

  And Akiyama Hitomi was stunned for a moment. She didn't know the violin, and she had never heard of violin music. Now let her say a song, she really didn't know.

  "Whatever, just choose a song that Ye Zijun is best at."

  Akiyama Hitomi pretended to be calm, she didn't want to be seen by others that she didn't understand.

  And now it was Ye Ziye's turn to be in trouble. If he had been in the previous life, he would still be good at and not good at it, but with the existence of the system, he could basically pull out any style of music.

  Therefore, there is no such thing as good or bad, which basically depends on his mood.

  Looking at Ziye Ye on stage, Nakamura Nanning was a little worried. When Ziye Ye played last time, she was resting and didn't hear it, so she was so active today.

  But now that Ye Ziye was in such a difficult situation, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

  "Sister Nami, is Ye Zijun okay?"

  Unlike her, Kudo Nami seemed very calm and nodded vigorously.

  "Don't worry! Ye Zijun's violin is amazing!"

  After speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, thinking of the scene of that day, under the moonlight, the boy playing the violin radiated light all over his body! .

Chapter 27

  Ye Ziye didn't hesitate for too long and quickly made a decision that he wanted to play Schubert's "Avemaria Ave Maria"

  This is a very classic song, and it can even be included in the top ten famous songs in the world.

  In fact, Ye Ziye's favorite is Canon in D major, but the playing time is too long, his physical strength is not acceptable, and Ave Maria is also a very good piece.

  There are two versions of this piece. The Ave Maria for the violin is about the rising sun breaking through the clouds, the holy light pouring out, and the flowers rushing up.

  When the cello is twilight, the world returns to silence again, and Maria in the dark appears gentle and tired, with a sense of the world.

  What Ye Ziye wants to play is the violin version, which is a bit funny. In his previous life, he had never touched this piece at all, but with the help of the system, he could learn by himself.

  His fingers stroked each string gently, from start to finish, as if he were a lover.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, his plain expression became a little serious, the reflection in his eyes had nothing but the violin in front of him.

  When he put the violin in the correct position, a feeling of incomprehension poured into his heart, guiding him to play.


  The sound of the violin sounded, and there was no suddenness behind this quiet cafe, and the clouds flowed smoothly.

  All the guests were staring at Ye Ye Ye, no one was drinking, and there was no sound of porcelain colliding.

  Nakamura Nanning's big eyes didn't blink, as if he was afraid of missing a certain moment.

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