Chapter 0074: Kitahara Isha Wants a Maid Bird!!

“Which one do you want for overalls and coswear!”

After collecting the money in your hand!

Kitahara Isha asked Minami Kotori.

“If you wear cos, the kind that suits the campus idol is good!”

“I haven’t thought about it yet!”

Nan Xiaoniao shook his head a little embarrassed.

The cos suit is a school idol, naturally because she has been trying out this type of clothing recently.

Only, some are not very smooth!

If she can get ready-to-wear clothes from Kitahara Isha, then she will definitely be able to get a lot of inspiration.

“I know!”

Kitahara Isha nodded slightly.

Since he knew about Minami Xiaoniao, he naturally knew the reason why Minami Xiaotori chose the campus idol costume.

On the contrary, a few people from Qiansha Shouye were slightly surprised when they knew that Nan Xiaoniao chose a campus idol cos.

However, they are not surprised to think that the sweet-looking and cute Minami Xiaotori is indeed suitable for this cute type of school idol cos.

“If the overalls don’t come up, how about I give you an idea?”

When Minami Xiaotori was thinking about what work clothes to ask for.

Kitahara Isha tries to give Minami Kotori an idea.

“Of course you can!”

I heard Kitahara Isha say this. Nan Xiaoniao was slightly stunned at first.

Then, without hesitation, he nodded.

She really trusted Kitahara Isha’s vision.

And, there are also some good 903 Kikitahara Isha’s recommendations.

“Do you think… How is the maid outfit? ”

“I’d love to create a signature maid in my shop!”

Kitahara Isha expressed his ambitions.

To say what work clothes are best for Minami Bird. He felt that it must be a maid pretend!

Although this is suspected of his private life!

However, being able to make a maid bird makes yourself happy. Even if it is a private job, so what!

“Female, maid pretend?”

Kitahara Isha’s proposal surprised Minami Kotori a little. Subsequently, there were some surprises.

Wearing a maid costume or something seems to make people feel a little ashamed. However, what to say.

She is still quite interested in maid costumes.

Otherwise, when I came, I wouldn’t have thought that if I traveled here in Kitahara Isha, I would try it at the maid’s restaurant in Akihabara.

It’s just that Kitahara Yixia took the initiative to mention the maid costume, which made her a little shy.

And the signature maid or something, which also makes her very shy!


“It turns out that Kitahara-san likes this one!”

The few people who also heard Kitahara Isha proposed a dry sa shouba all looked different, especially Kitagawa Kaimeng!

At this moment, he even joked about Kitahara Yixia with a funny face.

“However, I’m a little biased than my classmate!”

“Why can Kotori be the signature maid in the store, we can’t?” Kitagawa Kaimei pouted.”

The maid pretended to be something, she didn’t expect it before.

Now that it is mentioned, she is also interested in maid clothing. Wearing a maid outfit is also a super nice cos, okay!

If you can become the signature maid in Kitahara Isha store, it will not be bad!

“Because you guys don’t fit!”

“Little Peach wants to help me make desserts, Sashouba’s personality is not suitable for the type of signature maid!”

“As for you, the hot girl smells too strong, and it is not suitable for a maid!”

“It’s a little bird, sweet looks, a kind character that makes people feel very familiar!”

Kitahara Isha shook his head.

After ‘belittling’ a few people in Kitagawa Kaimeng, he immediately ‘held’ Minami Kotori.

“It’s like… Also! ”

“Little birds are indeed more suitable than us!”

I heard Kitahara Isha say this.

Kitagawa Kaimeng was stunned.

However, I have to say that Kitahara Isha said very reasonably.

Even Akane Kubo Momo and Dry Sasa Shouye felt the same.

Moreover, for the signature maid or something, they are not interested in it, because… Not your favorite style!

As for Megumi Kato?

At the moment, they seem to have forgotten it! They are not to blame for this!

Perhaps… Megumi Kato unleashed her own passive invisibility! This makes their perception also subconsciously blocked!

“Didn’t… Nope! ”

Nan Xiaoniao, who was held up to the sky, blushed and looked very embarrassed.

However, in this way, it made her eager to try the ‘signature maid’.

If this can make Kitahara Isha’s shop better, she is still very willing to help Kitahara Isha.

Moreover, it is also a workout for herself, or the kind of workout she wants!

“So that’s settled?”

Seeing Nan Xiaoniao’s look of intention. Kitahara Isha followed the seductive path.

“…… Well! ”

Minami Xiaoniao nodded with a red face and did not refuse.

“Okay then!”

“I’ll give it to you before my next part-time job!”

“Even the cos suit you want!”

Kitahara Isha smiled. With Minami Bird’s promise.

I always feel that my certain X-fetish has been satisfied.

“No, it doesn’t have to be so fast!”

Seeing that Kitahara Isha has the intention of handing over the cos suit to himself tomorrow.

Minami Xiaoniao waved his hand again and again.

If she let Kitahara Isha process a little more because of this, she would naturally be embarrassed.

“Don’t worry!”

“Kitahara does it super fast!”

“Last time my work clothes and coswear were handed over to me the next day!”

Akane Kubo Momo turned to Minami Kotori.

“That’s right, that’s right!”

Kitagawa Kaimon echoed.

Although her cos suit fell on her hands every weekend, this speed is already super fast.

On the contrary, it is dry yarn shou leaves! At the moment, she did not make a sound.

Because…… She hadn’t even thought about what Kitahara Isha would do to co-serve herself.

And her overalls were also readily available in Kitahara Isha’s store at the beginning. However, Kitahara Isha’s speed of making coswear is very fast, and she knows it.

It’s just that now that Akane Kubo Momo and Kitagawa Kaimon have affirmed, there is no need for her to speak again!

“…… This way! ”

Nan Xiaoniao was slightly startled.

Kitahara Isha’s super fast efficiency once again made her worship of Kitahara Yixia even better.

After all, if she was allowed to come by herself.

Even if it’s just a piece of clothing, if it is not processed and added, it will take at least two or three days.

Some jobs require caution, and she can’t be fast. Not to mention, there are a lot of designs to be made.

This takes a lot of time!

Kitahara Yixia can be so fast, how can she not be envious and admired. It’s no wonder that Kitahara Isha was able to make such an excellent cossuit!

“Then please ask the Kitahara store manager!”

Minami Kotori bowed to Kitahara Isha and thanked him.


“Just leave it to me!”

Kitahara Isha nodded at Minami Kotori. After this!

He asked Minami Xiaotori and a few people to clean up the shop. Then, they pulled Minami Xiaoniao into their work group. Wait until everything is done!

They went home and finished their day’s work!

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