Chapter 0077 – Sawamura Eiri, who was choked!!

Kitahara Isha’s scheme succeeded!

In this regard, Sawamura Hideri is a little confused! After the confusion, it is indignation!

But that’s it!

After glaring viciously at Kitahara Isha!

Sawamura Hideri can only take revenge on his own small book! Kitahara Isha, you remember for me!

“Bang bang bang-”

Also when Hideri Sawamura chose to compromise! Only a knock was heard outside the door. Heard this knock on the door.

Sawamura Eiri was first stunned, and then a little panicked. How come at this time, there are still people looking for Kitahara Isha! It’s just that Hideri Sawamura discovered something worse.

Where does the strange smell come from? Ah, this is all right! She seems to already know!

“Kitahara Isha, you wait for me!”

Sawamura Hideri gave Kitahara Isha a warning with his eyes! This guy, it’s too much!

“I’ll open the door!”

In Sawamura Hideri Riki’s murderous gaze. Kitahara Isha smiled and went to open the door.

“Sebanjian Douqia Yaji Ichi Qi”

Dirty room that needs to be cleaned up!……

The person who came outside the door, even if he didn’t open the door, Kitahara Yixia knew who it was! In this family, besides him and Sawamura Eiri, who else will there be? Nothing more than… Shiina is really white!

“Zhenbai, are you hungry?”

“Or do you want to take a shower?”

After opening the door, Kitahara Isha asked Shiina Mahaku behind the door!

Shiina Mahaku’s sudden visit made him feel that there were only these two possibilities!

“Can’t find the English pear!”

Shiina Mahaku’s mouth came a faint but slightly doubtful word. She originally wanted to go to Sawamura Eiri’s room to find Sawamura Eiri. But…… Didn’t find anything.

Or maybe she didn’t know where Sawamura’s room was.

“Furashi pear?”

“She’s in my room!”

“We’re talking about comics!”

Kitahara Isha began to compile the vain sub-fiction.

Although Shiina Mahaku came to find Sawamura Hideashi, he was a little surprised, but he could also understand.

Shiina came to neon, but he came to draw manga.

If it is said that Shiina Mahaku was fostered in the Sawamura family, the relationship with the Sawamura family is one of the reasons for Shiina Mahaku’s parents.

So, the fact that Hideri Sawamura is a manga artist is another reason.

With the help of Hideri Sawamura, isn’t there ready-made guidance? That’s what Shiina’s parents think!

This is also what Hihara Isha learned from Sawamura Hideri.


I heard Kitahara Isha say this. Without the slightest hesitation!

Shiina Mahaku walked directly into Kitahara Isha’s room.

Then, I saw Sawamura Eiri who was still vomiting something on the side of the trash can.

Shiina Mahaku directly stepped forward and called out the name of Hideri Sawamura.

As for the sentence ‘Can you teach me to draw manga?’, she couldn’t say perhaps, she felt that Hideri Sawamura already knew.

“Wait for me!”

Sawamura Hideri, who knew Shiina’s true intentions, gave an answer. It’s just that it’s a slightly fierce kind.

In fact!

Sawamura Eiri’s reply was indeed full of indignation. So much so that when he looked at Shiina Mahaku, he was staring. The reason for this is self-evident!

Who let Shiina Mahaku be the culprit of a certain incident! She’s so bad!

She is also willing to teach Shiina Mahaku to draw manga or something, which is already very good!


In the face of Sawamura Eiri’s indignant reply, Shiina Mahaku was obviously a little frightened.

Still, she nodded.

Then, he honestly sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Sawamura Eiri. After a long time!

Sawamura Hideri Pear is finally cleaned up!

During this time, she also ran to brush her teeth and rinse her mouth. This is the complete clearance!

“Show me your comics?”

After cleaning up, Sawamura Hideri and Shiina Mahaku asked for a manga drawn by Shiina Mahaku himself.

If you want to know where Shiina Mahaku’s manga is, you must first look at Shiina Mahaku’s manga.


Shiina Mahaku handed over the manga he had been holding in his arms.

Since she came to Sawamura Hideri for advice, of course she was already ready: “Hmm! ”

Sawamura Hideri nodded.

Immediately, she took the manga in Shiina Mahaku’s hand and began to review them one by one.

And Kitahara Isha, in the slightly angry gaze of Sawamura Hideri, rubbed Shiina Mahaku’s manga, and also read it.

Not often!

Sawamura Hideri and Kitahara Isha both finished reading the manga drawn by Shiina Mahaku. Also after reading Shiina Mahaku’s manga.

I saw that Sawamura Hideri, whose eyes were a little sour, expressed his opinion. However, it is more like ‘criticism’ than opinion!

“What are you painting?”

“You can’t be considered a comic at all!”

“What about your process, the process is completely gone!”

“There is no process of the story, and it can’t be regarded as a comic at all!”


Hideri Sawamura points out many shortcomings in Shiina Mahaku’s manga. To say that what is lacking is the process of the story in her mouth.

At the beginning, although she was not good at drawing comics herself, there was a complete process in the good story, but the plot was a little sparse.

And Shiina Mahaku’s manga is the kind where everything from the story to the process is a mess.

For example: the male and female protagonists only know each other, they already have a good feeling, and then kiss? In the future, it is even more direct cohabitation?

She and Kitahara Isha don’t bring it so fast, okay! Although there is an ingredient that she is tsundere!

Blah blah

220, she Sawamura Hideri is not tsundere, cough, cough!

Shiina Mahaku’s manga, in Sawamura’s opinion, is definitely the kind that is unbearable.

However, it cannot be said that it is useless. At least, the style of the manga is still very good. Even, it can be described as good enough to be terrifying.

This is also because Shiina Mahaku’s own painting skills are already very masterful.


Listening to the criticism from Sawamura Hideri’s mouth, Shiina Mahaku’s face became more and more lost.

It’s as if you’re going to cry out in the next second.

“Don’t be so upset!”

“Zhenbai, your comics, what is lacking is the process of the story!”

“Then, first find a story that you can understand, and then try to draw it to find this feeling!”

“In this way, your future comics will not be so… Sparse! Kitahara Isha patted Shiina Mahaku’s head and comforted. ”

Just, to the end.

Even if it was himself, it was inevitable to complain about Shiina Mahaku’s sparse manga: “Really? ”

Shiina Mahaku didn’t care about Kitahara Isha’s complaints. On the contrary, he was comforted by Kitahara Isha.

Her dejected eyes immediately glowed with a hint of vitality. Subsequently, he asked Bihara even more urgently.

[The previous chapter was blocked, and there is a high probability that it will not be released tonight, so I can’t stop it. ]

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