The awakening of the Evil King’s True Eye does not affect the turmoil in the outside world.

Bai Ze deliberately made trouble to leave the bird swimming ten flowers, one reason is selfishness, and another reason is that Sicily has fallen into chaos.

Going to Sicily for further study?

It is estimated that before learning anything, he encountered a mafia melee.

Compared to the turbulent spell world, the mafia world is also unstable.

Sicily, the place of origin of the mafia, is even more so.

The change of the leader of Pengele, the traces of the son of the rainbow in the old times, are not easy things to handle.

But these are urgent.

It’s useless to be in a hurry.

The old Rainbow Sons all have several game consoles nestled in the Avengers prison!

Looking for what?

Can’t find it!

Ribaun and the others concentrated on preparing for the battle for the ring.

The sooner the heir of the Ten Dynasties is decided, the sooner the chaos in Sicily will end.

Compared to the original plan.

This time, there was a lot of foreign aid and theater watching.

Aside from the rest, the eight children of the rainbow gathered together.

Among them, Lal Milch and Cola Nilo themselves are very good instructors, teaching countless outstanding graduates and excellent teachers.

The two simultaneously assisted Ribaun in teaching Sawada Tsunayoshi and his guardians, and the effect was very good.

“Cloud, cloud, is Cloud Guard Battle really a lark senior?”

At halftime, Tsunayoshi Sawada learned of Ribaun’s arrangement and was frightened.

“Also, do you want me to invite Senior Skylark myself?!”

“Is there anything wrong with the leader personally inviting the Guardians to fight side by side?”

“No, no, no, nothing wrong…”

‘Do I dare say there’s something wrong with your look?’ How dare I! ’

“But Senior Skylark will really bite me to death! It will definitely be! ”

“There is no need for a leader whose strength is weaker than the guardian to exist!”

Ribaun wiped his pistol, “If you can’t do it, just die.” ”


Sawada Tsunayoshi wanted to cry without tears, but felt the murderous body of the little baby but immediately took action.

…… Already scared to the point of forming a conditioned reflex.

Although he was complaining in his heart, thinking about whether he could change a teacher, after all, the other Rainbow Children did not look so ghostly, but his actions were very honest.

“Reborn and Sawada have a really good relationship.”

“I want to take a disciple too.”

‘Where do you see that we have a good relationship!!! ’

Sawada Tsunayoshi glanced at the lively Rainbow Sons and shouted in his heart.

He doesn’t want a ghost teacher!!!

It is a pity that Sawada Tsunayoshi’s ideas were completely ignored.

Not only to be ignored, but also to …

Beaten up by Bajir.

He was violently beaten by Ribaun.

Bitten and killed by Kyoya Skylark.

Being …

What a miserable (good show)!

But it’s a pity.

Although the training of the little babies has achieved some results, some Balian is not easy to mess with.

In the first battle of Haru, Sasakawa defeated Luslia.

In the second Battle of Thunder, the two sides were Blue Wave and Levy.

Balian’s Levi was cruel and did not pay attention to everything except his loyalty to Xanxus.

Even if the enemy is a weak child, he can be ruthless.

Blue Wave is not weak either.

Although he is only five years old, he is already an excellent killer of the mafia family Povino.

It’s just that sometimes I cry….

“Yes, be patient… Woohoo! ”

Can’t help it!

Blue Wave pulled out a bazooka from the blaster’s head.

I don’t know how such a small explosive head can hide such a large bazooka.

The purple bazooka is a little larger than the Blue Bourbon.

After being beaten to tears by Levi, Blue Wave aimed himself at the ten-year rocket launcher.


Ten years later, the blue wave appeared!

“Watch Lord Lanbo beat you!”

Blue wave he is confident A went up!

Blue Wave he was beaten to tears again!

Audience: “…”

It’s helpless.


Ten years later, Lanbo was so angry that he used the ten-year rocket launcher again to shout out the twenty-five-year-old Lanbo.

Twenty-five-year-old Blue Bo appeared confidently.

He looked around.


Twenty-Five Blue Waves: ???

Were there so many people on the scene of the Ring War?

Why are the children of the rainbow all there?


It should be said that why are the children of the rainbow all playing games?


Remember this was the serious Pengellet Heir Duel Match!

Children of the Rainbow: Uh-huh, so what?

Twenty-five Blue Wave didn’t have time to ask, and hurriedly confronted Levy.

Twenty-five Blue Waves had grown strong enough to defeat Levy.

It’s just that the exchange time of rocket artillery for ten years is only five minutes.

Five minutes without time.

Before Twenty-Five Blue Wave defeated Levy, the five-year-old Blue Wave was suddenly replaced back.

Battle of Thunder, defeat!

Immediately afterwards, the battle of Arashi, also lost!

Two successive failures hit Sawada’s group somewhat.

But in the next battle of rain, fog, and clouds, Yamamoto Takeshi, Rokudo, and Skylark Kyoya all won!

Laugh to death – Balian has no cloud guard at all!

In other words, before, Kudaime was very willing to pretend that he was not strong enough to be captured to play Gora Mosca.

But where can the current situation make the ninth generation of Pengelle disappear for a while?

So Balian and his party could only find a power source again to start the real robot Gora Mosca.

Military robots are loaded with countless weapons, constantly ‘suddenly’, and all kinds of artillery shells, mines and bombs are released.

Even the compressed particle cannon has it!

Gora Mosca is strong.

But seeing that the teaching buildings of Hesheng Middle School were bombed and collapsed one after another, the school’s sexual lark Kyomi directly launched a violent bombardment!

The robot is broken.

Balian:…… Isn’t it just demolishing a few buildings for you, right?

Four wins and two losses.

It stands to reason that only seven rings have already been fought in total.

But the final battle of the chiefs is the point.

How strong is the Guardian?

The leader is not strong, everything is in vain!

Therefore, the leader Sawada Tsunayoshi was warmly received by the tutors.

Tsunayoshi Sawada: “Uh… Is it possible to refuse? ”

Ribaun: “Then you should die now!” ”

…… That’s still it.

Tsunayoshi, I, still save my life.

‘Ding! ’

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