Chapter 70 analyzes the conditions under which it is impossible to clear the level!.


As soon as a man with a very large number of teeth opened his eyes, he was blinded by the wind and sand.

“Where is this? I remember… Oh! ”

Kazuya Hyoto suddenly remembered that he had just subdued the unknown alien.

Because the other party’s special ability is to control trees, he proposes that the other party go to the desert to plant trees.

“Hey! You, go plant trees! ”

The tone was casual, like treating a slave.

But looking at the man opposite him, his originally very handsome face was a little embarrassed.

Hearing the order, the man felt a little resentful of his casual attitude, but he could only hold his face and obey the order.

“Hahaha, hurry up! Hurry up! ”

Kazuya Hyoto laughed heartily, seeing that the disgusted man had exhausted his powers because of his orders.

“Hahahaha, good! Come! Prepare for the hob array! ”

The subordinates who appeared out of nowhere immediately arranged a hob array.

“Put him up!”

Kazuya Hyoto smiled bloodthirsty.


The screams were terrible, covered in blood and flesh.

Seeing that the man who gave him such a big and faceless man was treated like this, Hyoto Kazuya showed a tyrannical sneer. He laughed out loud.

He laughed happily. He…

“Ah! What’s going on!!? ”

When Kazuya Hyoto came back to his senses, he found himself lying in the dense mass of knives. Role substitution!

The blade of every knife under him is extremely sharp, even if only the hair gently floats by, it can cut off and cut the flesh. Not to mention the human body lying directly on it?

Just a touch, immediately skin and flesh bloom! Kazuya Hyoto rolled in pain.


The more you roll, the more you tumble among the knives.

Not long after, he was actually divided into pieces by knives, and there was more air out than intake.


“I’m not willing to!!!”

“I’m not willing to!!!”

Kazuya Hyoto roared angrily, roaring continuously in the sword formation. Xu is because his unwilling mood is too strong.

The picture changed suddenly.

Familiar cruise ships, familiar venues, familiar crowds.

At this time, Hyoto Kazuya had forgotten Fang Cai’s pain in the hob formation, and only felt that from the mind to the body, the pain and itching all over his body. But he didn’t care to think so much.

The pain eroded his spirit and made him more and more irritable.

He shouted angrily: “It’s you, rob my woman?!” ”

It is clear that he has only seen it once, but the man who is particularly impressed is standing on the opposite side. The other person is leisurely, like chatting at home.

“So what? You can’t even keep a woman like this. ”

“Abominable! Damn it! Damn it!!! Young Master Hyoto was furious. ”

“Come man, catch him!”

A group of bodyguards rushed up to surround the men. The man smiled indifferently and slowly raised his hand: “Shenluo Tianzheng.” ”


The bodyguards were all pushed away, and the venue was bombarded.

“Up! Give it all to me! ”

Kazuya Hyoto shouted like crazy.

Seeing that the bodyguard was hesitant, he directly snatched the gun and rushed up, about to shoot the man. Snap!

The man clapped his hands.

Huge trees burst out of the ground in an instant, entangled him!

“This again, this again!”

For some reason, Kazuya Hyoto always felt that this scene seemed familiar, but he couldn’t remember it.

“Have you ever put aside your grudges?”

The man suddenly asked.


“Don’t let go!”

“Give me death! Die! Die! ”


The man nodded lightly.

I saw that the trees gradually grew, and the gaps between the trees became smaller.

Kazuya, who was entangled in trees, gradually became strangled, had difficulty breathing, and felt suffocating pain in his limbs. Kazuya Hyoto had red eyes, and kept chanting in his mouth: “Die!” Give me death! Die!!! ”


The bones were strangled.

After a while, Kazuya Hyoto’s flesh was crushed.

The soul and the flesh turned into pitch-black smoke, entwined with endless murderous aura and resentment. Huh–Shocked by the death method of this young master with many teeth, when he came back to his senses, the creatures who were watching this screen intently saw that the screen turned dark.

It then fades away.

The screen disappears, heralding a person’s death.

The creatures who had selected this “live broadcast room” at the beginning suddenly had an itch in their throats and almost vomited.

“It’s terrible! Terrible! ”

“Has anyone seen Master Hyoto’s live broadcast room? It’s terrifying! ”

“Lean! I feel like I’m tied up too, and my body hurts! ”

“I remember that the chairman of the Diai Group is Hyoto? It’s miserable! ”

“Miserable what? Diai Group is so disgusting, I say okay when I die! ”

“There is a big guy to analyze what to do when you encounter Young Master Hyoto? If we encounter it, maybe we can learn from this saying in the hearts of many people. ”

One of the most reliable of the various speculations arose: “According to that handsome guy, we call him NPCa.” ”

According to NPCa’s last sentence, asking him “Have you ever let go of a grudge”, I guess the condition for clearing the level is “let go of the grudge”.

Here you can analyze the role of the Reaper field, that is, generate different scenes, and if you reach the conditions, you can clear the level and leave. According to the diary, a certain amount of intelligence or force is required.

So intellectually, you and your enemies turn each other into a fight, or subdue each other, or really stand inside and feel a special place, such as looking for a key or something, it should be solved.

“Besides, as long as the NPCs are killed or subdued, they can pass the level.”

The above statement takes into account many aspects and is one of the most convincing conjectures. But the convinced began to despair.

Shinra Heavenly Signs + Tree Realm Arrival? How does this combination subdue NPCs? Hit the head?!

Intelligence clearance seems simple, but force is so difficult, where can intelligence be simple? To be fair, if they are against their enemies, ninety percent may not be able to solve it! Suffering.

Saddened. Despair!

Conditions that are simply impossible to clear the level! No wonder the Reaper Realm is dangerous!

Once you don’t clear the level, you die; The more people who die, the stronger the Shinigami realm.

The trade-off… Sooner or later, the world will fall!

There are also people who have a good attitude and notice something else.

“Does anyone know who shot him? Lying groove, Shinra Heavenly Sign and the Tree Realm have descended! Could it be that the big guy of the Fire X Ninja also crossed over like Yuhabach? ”

“No way, I guess either he’s a fan of Fire X Ninja, or the level is randomly generated.”

Most people don’t take it seriously.


“Groove! Look at the 999 live broadcast room! Isn’t that man the NPCa in the live broadcast room of Young Master Hyoto?! ”


“Drop! This picture… It’s Uchiha Annihilation Night! ”

“Hurry, come and see!”

Everyone called for friends and friends, and they all clicked on the 999 live broadcast room and put it to the maximum observation. And this live broadcast room corresponds to Bai Ze’s illusion!

Everything in the live broadcast room was also recorded in detail by all stenographers, informants, etc.


“Where am I?”

Under a building, the blond man was a little confused. But he quickly remembered the contents of that email. ”


Descend Zero climb stairs quickly.

On the roof.

The man with short black hair and the man with curly hair confront each other. Suddenly, the curly-haired man said, “Give up suicide, Scotland, you are not a man who deserves to die here.” ”


“I’m Shuichi Akai, an undercover agent of the FBI infiltrated organization, and like you, a hunting dog that wants to bite those guys tightly.”

Zhufu Jingguang, codenamed Scotland, nodded.


Duh. Footsteps sounded. The two looked towards the staircase. Boom!

Akai Shuichi hurriedly turned his head, only to see a shot from Zhufu Jingguang aimed at the heart.


And the owner of the footsteps also appeared in front of him. It’s Bourbon.

He saw Zhufu Jingguang killed, and walked over with bated breath.

“Rye! You guy! ”

“Haven’t you heard?”

Akai Shuichi, codenamed rye whiskey, quickly sorted out his mood and said with a grim expression: “This guy is a lackey of the neon public security.” ”

“The collection of the chest pocket was also pierced, so that his identity was lost.”

“It’s like killing a ghost, it feels really unpleasant!”

Akai Shuichi’s voice was cold, but his eyes became extremely heavy when he turned around.

Bourbon, who turned his back to him, watched his little friend bathed in blood, and it was painful.


When Bourbon opened his eyes again. He appeared again under the building.


He chanted his name and rushed to the roof again!



Years after receiving the blood-stained letter, Zhufu Gaoming finally confirmed the death of his lost brother through the live broadcast room.

“That night… Alas…”

Shuichi Akai, who currently goes by the pseudonym Okiya, sighed.

“Fortunately, Scotland, no, you see, the organization will soon be wiped out.”

At the same time, there are many people watching this live broadcast room.

But the atmosphere between the audience is clearly very sad.

“There isn’t a single bad guy on the roof of this building!”

“So many undercover agents, why can’t you be honest? In this way, Zhufu Jingguang does not have to die! ”

“You know it’s undercover! Because he is undercover, no one can tell his identity! Once exposed, how do you not say it, your family will definitely be retaliated! ”

“It’s a pity, originally Akai Shuichi was able to let people go…”

“This is undercover, they are lone travelers in the dark.”

“Salute! Zhufu police officer! ”

“Salute! Zhufu police officer! ”

xN police officers, especially the same students in the police academy who wondered why Zhufu Jingguang and Zhu Gu resigned as soon as they graduated, took off their police hats one after another to pay tribute to the victims.

If it weren’t for the exposure of the live broadcast room, even everything that Zhufu Jingguang did would not even be known to his family. That’s a forerunner knife worthy of their respect!.

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