“Condition one, bear the cost of the restoration of the sixth block, and the thirteenth block.”

“The second condition is to give Ye Se Xiayin a basic subsidy for a hundred years, and at the same time give her 200 million yuan in cash at a flat price.

The money was given to Hase Natsuin in the name of Hase Kensheng. At the same time, erase the role in which I participated. ”

“Condition three, bring a letter to the eldest princess Lavria.”

“Any objections to the above?”

Su Yang said.

And the slender youth shook his head gently, “No. ”

But there was a stunned look on the young man’s face, “Are you sure that as long as this kind of request is required?” ”


“…,” said Yase Kima. I understand. I can agree to the above conditions. ”

His side was indeed preparing to send Hase Kensheng to the royal family of Adikia and win them over to support him.

I originally thought that Su Yang would put forward more demanding requirements, but it was actually this kind of condition, although the block repair cost was very real there, and it was Su Yang’s own broken street.

I want to find someone in charge.

But there are only two blocks, so the cost of restoration is also affordable.

But conditions two and three are obvious.

Purely for the sake of Hase Natsuin.

Ye Se Xiayin, he also inquired about her information, he didn’t react at that time, but now he understood the other party’s signature silver hair and blue eyes.

It is the expression of the orthodoxy of the royal family of King Ardikia.

So it is very likely that the royal family was lost.

He knew very well what the letter that Su Yang’s condition three wanted to bring to the eldest princess Lavlia was, and it should be for Xia Yin to recognize his ancestors and return to the sect.

If Aldikia accepts Xia Yin, then his side is a facilitator, and it should also be possible to make the Kingdom of Adikia owe more favors.

It’s also a win-win for him.

So of course he will not refuse.


“Then Ye Se Xiansheng will be handed over to you.”

Su Yang then stopped obstructing.

Yase Jima’s people immediately controlled Hase Kensheng.

His hands were handcuffed with special silver handcuffs that sealed his magic.

“Wait a minute.”

Seeing that he was about to be taken away like this, Ye Se Xiansheng couldn’t bear it anymore.

“So what the hell are you doing this for?”

He looked at Su Yang and Na Yue puzzled.

Su Yang and Na Yue’s actions, well, it was obvious that they were going to sell him, but he was obviously more valuable.

Isn’t it strange that there are other ways to deal with it, but it turns out to be the most meaningless?

“Nothing.” Su Yang said calmly.

“Probably just your use of your simple niece’s actions makes people feel disgusting.”

“So we want to take advantage of you too.”

“Let me feel what it feels like to be sold.”

“Yase, don’t you take him away yet?”

“Got it!”

Yase Jima no longer grinded, and the commander put a hood on Ye Se Kensheng and left here directly with Ye Se Kensheng.


“It really sold for a bad price.”

Watching the person in the way leave, Nagetsu said softly. “You can obviously get more, such as negotiating with the Kingdom of Ardikia in person.”

“Then this time the lost price of the block of String God Island can be obtained.”


“Disappointed in me?”

Su Yang walked forward with his hands behind his head.

“It’s not.” Nagetsu said. “In the way of man, give back to others.”

“Su Yang, you did a pretty good job in this matter.”

“It should be said that it is worthy of praise.”

“Moreover, it is completely from Xia Yin, if I only consider my own interests, I will feel that I am looking at the wrong person.”

That month, the pink delicate high heels kept pace with Su Yang. “So I’m in a good mood.”

“I’m in a good mood to solve a problem.” Su Yang said, “Now that you are very idle, would you like to treat you to a meal?” ”

“It’s okay, but you know, I don’t really like eating outside stuff.”

“Yes, I’ll do it.”

“I also have to go home to feed the cats, so I have to go to the supermarket too.”

“You have a cat?”

“Five in total. One cat mother and four kittens. Originally, Xia Yin put it on the side of the monastery, but I took it back. ”

“You are really kind, but speaking of Natsuin Yese, I have probably met her before.” Nagetsu said.

“Once I saw her after school, the sky was drizzling, she didn’t have an umbrella herself, and found that a puppy was abandoned and thrown in the rain, so she squatted on the side, drenched herself in the rain, and laid her schoolbag flat to cover the puppy from the rain.”

“So I called the stupid dog. That is the guy from Cape Sasazaki. ”

“She was obsessed with Xia Yin, and after learning about Ye Se Xia Yin’s situation, she reported it to the management commune, and the commune’s charitable organization provided Xia Yin with humanitarian assistance.” Nagetsu said.

I see.

Kind people also meet good people.


And now the only person who feels strange is Xiandu Mu Aye.

After she appeared that month, she pretended to be dumb and just acted as a silent figure.

Even if she doesn’t speak, she can hear and know how things are going.

I also know Xia Yin’s past.

For the hard-hearted Aye.

Everyone else’s experience has nothing to do with her.

Actually, the same cannot be said.

She has her own ideals and goals, and for this goal, she feels that she can sacrifice anyone.

For example, it is also okay to casually sacrifice hundreds or two hundred thousand human beings as sacrifices.

But now.

I suddenly felt that everyone’s situation was different, and everyone was trying to live a life.

Can she really take the lives of others just for her own ideals?

Think so.


Something heavy fell on her head.


Then something heavy hit her cheek.

And then the uproar… It was raining in the sky.

“It seems that instead of going to the supermarket, it is more important to go back and take a shower first.” Su Yang said. “The rain on String God Island is a little too strong.”

In just a few seconds, the thin shirt was attached to the skin.

“…,” Na Yue, who had wanted to take out his umbrella, paused for a second.

“Indeed.” She thought it was a good proposition.

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