On Monday, Shinomiya Kaguya took a leave of absence.

Not sick leave, but personal leave.

The silver royal line made the eldest son Huangguang, who originally took advantage of the old age and weakness of the head of the fourth palace family, and monopolized power, lose power, and now the situation of the fourth palace family is a little chaotic, the second son and the third son are busy competing for power, and the fourth palace Kaguya as the fourth daughter is also involved.

In fact, compared to the fourth palace Huangguang, the other three are not too greedy for power, and the fourth palace Kaguya is even more disgusted by this family custom that lacks human touch and takes interests as the code of conduct because of her own growth environment, but she has understood in this incident——

Since he is a child of a large family, there are some things that cannot be escaped, at least he must obtain enough strength to protect himself.

Shinomiya Kaguya had to take a day off, endured the pain of postponing the time to meet with Baiyin Yuyuki and even deal with the affairs of the student council together, and gathered part of the strength of the Shinomiya family under his command.

“Shouldn’t Chika do something to the guild leader while I’m away?”

It only took more than ten hours to collect about one-fifth of the family estate to Shinomiya Kaguya under his command by crisp and spicy means that was beyond his age, and he couldn’t help but think of the situation over at Shuchiin Academy during the lunch meal.

Now, if nothing else, the president is also enjoying ~ lunch.

Maybe in the classroom, maybe in the student union-office.

Under normal circumstances, the two may be similar, but now that I am the vice president of the company, I have taken a leave, and the work of the student union should be backlogged, and the president has a high probability of going to the student union office at noon to deal with affairs.

And is it possible for Fujiwara Chika to follow the past, and then say some ambiguous things to the president, or even directly make excessive moves to the president, in an attempt to misbehave?

Shinomiya Kaguya felt that the probability was extremely high.

No, this is no longer a matter of probability, as soon as the president goes to the office, it is almost certain that Chika Fujiwara will also appear.

Woo-woo, it’s just a typical villain, a bad woman, whose existence itself is wrong, like a role like the cancer of the earth.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was constantly using his imagination, suddenly fell into depression.

As for the lunch being tasted by a more professional team of chefs from the Shinomiya family, it was naturally the same as chewing wax.

Shinomiya Kaguya felt that this lunch was far worse than the bento box made by the silver royal act himself.

The next time must be further accelerated.

At least one-third of the family’s power must be gathered under your command. According to the calculation of Shinomiya Kaguya, such a force is enough to ensure his freedom and security, and it is also the largest force that he can control without changing his past living habits.

If you continue to expand, due to the previous events, the second and third brothers may still give in and not hinder their own power from growing, but in that way, they will also need to spend more time dealing with trivial matters in the family on weekdays.

Between power and love, Shinomiya Kaguya chose the latter without hesitation.

Outside of the wandering thing, she did not notice that Ai Hayasaka, who had come to the Shinomiya Hon’s house with her yesterday, seemed a little hesitant.

And now, Ai Hayasaka seems to have made a decision.

“Miss Kaguya…”


Shinomiya Kaguya subconsciously answered, and after finding that Ai Hasaka did not immediately continue to speak, he turned his head to look at her.

At this moment, Shinomiya Kaguya noticed Hayasaka’s expression.

“What’s wrong?”

“Miss Kaguya, if the Hayasaka family wants to attach themselves to you, are you willing to accept it?”

The Hayasaka family, to which Ai Hayasaka belongs, has always been a vassal of the Shinomiya family.

It is a vassal of the Shinomiya family and not someone from the Shinomiya family.

“For a long time, the Hayasaka family obeyed the orders of the head of the Shinomiya family. And because since a few years ago, the current head of the family has been sick in bed and ignores family affairs, the Hayasaka family obeyed the order of Shinomiya Huangguang, who had an absolute advantage at that time and was about to become the new head of the family…”

In fact, there are some things that Kaguya Shinomiya has thought of for a long time, but he has been avoiding it intentionally or unintentionally.

Ai Hayasaka may be the watchdog sent by the Hayasaka family to his side on the orders of Shinomiya Huangmitsu.

It is nothing more than wanting to pay attention to your emotional experience and ensure that there will be no twists and turns when you use yourself as a marriage tool in the future.

This is also the only valuable place that Shinomiya Kaguya can think of himself.

And now Ai Hayasaka took the initiative to mention it, and Shinomiya Kaguya was silent for a short moment, and then smiled.

He has long shown his feelings for Silver Goyuki to Ai Hayasaka, and there has been no reaction from the Shinomiya Honjia’s side, until he and Silver Goyuki took a special bus to school together and began to investigate each other after realizing it, then the answer is already obvious.

Ai Hayasaka, who is the watcher, and the Hayasaka family behind her, have been trying their best to help themselves hide it before.

“Although the Yellow Light of the Four Palaces has now lost its power, my other two brothers have used this to strengthen their own power, and the Hayasaka family should probably choose them, not me, who does not want to be the head of the family.”


Ai Hayasaka didn’t know if the eldest lady’s current words were rejecting herself.

She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Although Hayasaka loved herself and the Hayasaka family behind her did not leak any of Shinomiya Kaguya’s privacy, and even secretly helped cover up many things, it is still a fact that the Hayasaka family received orders from Shinomiya Huangguang to monitor Shinomiya Kaguya in the past.

“So, just go straight to it. How about I use the power of the Shinomiya family in my hands to help the Hayasaka family completely free from the influence of the Shinomiya family? ”


Ai Hayasaka’s eyes widened.

For the Hayasaka family, this is naturally a great thing.

Compared with more power, the Hayasaka family, who has always been unable to help themselves, actually wants to be free while preserving themselves.

“Your pressure has always been great, mainly from the situation of your own family, right? I’ll help you change it. Well, in fact, it is also a means of relying on the president. If it was just my strength, I might have to become the head of the family to safely free the Hayasaka family from the influence of the Shinomiya family, but what the president had done before had already made the Shinomiya family feel jealous, and I think no one else would do anything about it. ”


“Needless to say thank you, it just so happens that I just want to gain power, and I don’t want to spend a lot of time dealing with the work that this power brings, and those jobs are handed over to the Hayasaka family as an exchange inch.” _

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