“There is some information from the general association that needs to be identified and published. As a student union accountant in the middle school, I was worried that the forms I had made were not standardized, and I also wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help. ”

Bai Yingui replied with a normal expression, but secretly looked at Shinomiya Kaguya.

Just as Shinomiya Kaguya saw her for the first time, Bai Yingui also met each other for the first time.

Is it such a girl…

There is indeed a feeling of a super miss, even the action of making tea has a sense of art, and she is also undoubtedly a beautiful girl.

The appearance is delicate like a doll, the black hair is also quite smooth, and the figure…

Well, there is still a lot of room for development in terms of figure.

Bai Yingui knew very well that the other party liked Bai Yin Yuxing.

However, she did not come this time to see the appearance of Shinomiya Kaguya with her own eyes, but only to help deal with the work here while determining the information obtained by the middle school student council.

Bai Yingui has roughly understood that Bai Yin Yuxing has the power to break common sense, and there is also a rather powerful force under his command.

In this case, he should become very busy, after all, he also has to deal with the work of the student council.

Bai Yingui came to share the pressure of work.

“The president is attending the meeting of the club alliance, so the information will be handed over to me.”

With the ability of Shinomiya Kaguya, it is naturally a trivial matter to determine whether the information taken by Bai Yingui is wrong.

She flipped through the paper vigorously, preoccupied with the idea of appearing reliable enough in front of her future sister.

“That’s the club alliance meeting, right? There was once an external student council president who stabbed Louzi, and then he couldn’t live in Neon…”

Bai Yingui was a little concerned, although she had roughly understood that Bai Yin Yuxing was very powerful, she didn’t want to cause trouble.

That’s a hassle after all.

And Shinomiya Kaguya, who noticed the change in Bai Yingui’s expression, revealed a comforting smile.

“This rumor is really exaggerated.”

“Huh? Is it fake? ”

“Of course. It’s just that he went to a farther country because of his father’s job transfer. ”

The previous external student council president did provoke the VIPs of Shuchiin Gakuen, but in that incident, it was not the VIP who played the pure villain, and it was the president who really provoked the incident first.

At most, it’s just that the response given by the VIPs is a bit exaggerated.

In exchange for Shinomiya Kaguya, she will not be too benevolent.

As the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, although Shinomiya Kaguya does not agree with many of the ideas of the family, he is very much in favor of the fact that “the guy who offends himself should be punished as severely as possible”.

“This is completely degraded, right?!”

Bai Yingui is generally clear that with the neon social situation that is close to a lifetime employment system, once he is sent to a remote area, there is almost no possibility of a comeback.

She was not sad for the guild leader she had never met and didn’t even know her name very clearly, but she was worried that something similar would happen to Baiyin Yuxing, which would cause a fierce conflict.

Originally, Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to sigh, after all, the air in Siberia was thin, and she didn’t know how the potatoes planted by that family yielded, but she didn’t want Bai Yingui to be scared, and she finally changed her words.

“It’s okay, I’ll always be on the president’s side.”

Shinomiya Kaguya patted his almost ordinary chest to assure.

The girl who already knew that Silver Goyuki had the means to snipe at the Shinomiya Honji family, did not say that she wanted to protect Silver Goyuki, but said that she would side with him.

Is this attitude enough to reassure Bai Yingui?

I can say it even more firmly!

Just as Shinomiya Kaguya was thinking so, the door to the office opened and Chika Fujiwara ran in.

“Wow, Kei is here!”

Chika Fujiwara first used a very affectionate name, and then made a rather middle two pose towards Bai Yingui.

“Kill greetings!”


Looking at Bai Yingui, who was either calm or slightly worried when talking to himself, greeted Fujiwara Chika with a smile on his face at the moment, and gave a response to Nakaji in a similar posture, making Shinomiya Kaguya’s face stiffen.

And Fujiwara Chika is still very intimate with Bai Yingui.

“What’s wrong? Is it for play? ”

“No, today is because of work.”

Shinomiya Kaguya showed an extremely reluctant smile.

“…… You two have a good relationship. ”

“Because Kei and Moeha are in the same grade, they have come to my house from time to time to play before, and they are very good friends, right?”

Kei Shiraginji and Chika Fujiwara clapped a high-five.


“I used to play games together, by the way, recently the board game department has a new game, if you have the opportunity, you can play it together?”


The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, and listening to the cheerful conversation between Fujiwara Chika and Shiragingui, Shinomiya Kaguya only feels noisy.

She constantly comforted herself in her heart that these two were just ordinary friends, and she would do better in the future, becoming Bai Yingui’s sister and letting her use a more affectionate name for herself.

However, as if fate was joking with Shinomiya Kaguya, she had barely comforted herself when she heard Bai Ginkei’s affectionate name for Chika Fujiwara.

“Na, Sister Qianhua, I’m going to go shopping for clothes with Moe Ye this weekend, and Sister Qianhua will also come together?”

“I’ll go, I’ll go!”


Shinomiya Kaguya’s eyes lost their highlights.

When she was still racking her brains for how to have a good relationship with Bai Yinkei, Fujiwara Chika had actually reached this point-

Fujiwara-san just wants to take away everything he desires.

Greed is simply the embodiment of the original sin of greed.

Such a person will destroy the earth, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the cancer of the earth.

When Shinomiya Kaguya was thinking so brokenly, Fujiwara Chika suddenly asked her in a lively tone.

“Do Kaguya-san want to join you too?”

Miss Kaguya, who was still lifeless at the previous moment, became full of vitality in this instant.


Shinomiya Kaguya’s whole painting style seemed to have changed, his words and deeds became cute, and he came to Fujiwara Chika with brisk steps and rubbed it.

“Really, Fujiwara-san is such a good boy~”

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