Final Academic Test, 1st Place, Silver Imperial Travel.

Looking at the ranking of grades posted on the school bulletin board, Shinomiya Kaguya sighed silently.

Because of her prominent family background and her habit of showing a sense of alienation when facing others, Miss Kaguya was watched from a distance with cautious eyes from the other students present, and no one deliberately approached to talk to her.

Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t care about this, on the contrary, she liked the situation of not being disturbed by people who were not interested.

The girl just sighed that the guild leader was as strong as ever, and he was so strong that it was difficult to have a mind to surpass, and he could only keep catching up.

Fortunately, he still occupies the second place, the closest to the position of president.

Shinomiya Kaguya’s mood at this moment is both relaxed and troubled.

She is not the type who has too strong a sense of victory and defeat, and even loses actively in the competition when necessary, so as to achieve some other goals.

But Shinomiya Kaguya is still proud.

Because often as long as she shows a serious attitude of coping, she can beat her opponent in most things.

In terms of learning, Shinomiya Kaguya had already given his full strength, but he still couldn’t shake the first place throne occupied by the guild president.

From the beginning of unwillingness, now there are some habits, and even honor.

Shinomiya Kaguya’s gaze slowly wandered around the list, and finally found Fujiwara Chika’s name near the middle.

Her ranking dropped several places.

Considering that Chika Fujiwara invited herself to go shopping with Kei Shiragin, allowing her to have further contact with her future sister, Kaguya Shinomiya felt that she should comfort the other party who had made a small regression in her grades.

After all, this is a drop in rankings, not just a drop in grades, and there is no doubt that it is a regression.

When Kaguya Shinomiya, who had the idea of comforting Chika Fujiwara, returned to the student council office, he heard the other party complaining to Silver Miyuki.

“President! People obviously listened to your words and did not review well, why is it worse than the previous exam? My pocket money is going to be reduced! ”

“It seems that you care more about your pocket money than using the exam to test your true strength.”

Silver Miyuki’s words made Fujiwara Chika move.

“Huh? That one…… I’m very concerned about both. ”

“In that case, I do have some responsibility. The final exam is followed by the holidays, and if you have anything you want to buy, I can make your wallet. ”

The silver royal line gave in so crisply and neatly, but it made Fujiwara Chika quickly wave his hand.

“It’s okay, I’ll just ask my sister to help me buy things then.”

Chika Fujiwara quickly put the matter aside.

In fact, her pocket money will not necessarily go down.

Recently, my father’s mood seems to be quite good, it seems that the family has obtained a piece of cake, and it is related to himself, and he should not reduce his pocket money because of this decline in performance.

However, let’s review it next time.

The real strength of the guild leader and Kaguya is very strong, and their own strength is insufficient, so they really have to improve before the exam.

“By the way, the president said before that he would go to the cooking school with us during the holidays, I checked it before, there seems to be no powerful vocational school nearby, do you have to go to a farther place at that time?”

“Sort of.”

Far Moon Gakuen is in another world.

Silver Miyuki thanked Shinomiya Kaguya, who had made black tea for himself, and then continued.

“I’ll be in charge of picking you up then, and I’ll be back in a day, so you just need to pay a little attention and don’t eat too much before you go.”

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya was actually a little disappointed.

Disillusioned with what Silver Goyo said was “return within a day”.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who has mastered enough family power, is now very free to move, and even if he goes out with Silver Goyuki, he will not be constrained by his family.

Therefore, after accepting the invitation of the Silver Imperial Travel, Shinomiya Kaguya fantasized about spending the night with the Silver Imperial Traveler more than once, and was embarrassed and happy about it.

Now disillusioned.

“…… Oh. ”

Shinomiya Kaguya replied with a slight disappointment.

Although if they really spend the night together, Shinomiya Kaguya may not have the courage to take the initiative at all, and even constantly evade when Silver Goyuki takes the initiative, but when she really finds that she is disillusioned, she will still feel low.

However, Chika Fujiwara was in the opposite mood.

“That’s fine, I was still a little hesitant about how to tell my parents.”

Shinomiya Kaguya raised his eyebrows and discovered the details.

Chika Fujiwara hesitated to “what to say to her parents” rather than “whether to accept the invitation”.

Unlike Shinomiya Kaguya, who draws a line with her family and has always been a good girl, Fujiwara Chika, who does not have much say at all, means that even if Silver Goyuki really invites them to go out together, or even spend the night outside, she will not refuse, and will even find a way to convince her parents?

As a love rival, it is a very formidable opponent.

Shinomiya Kaguya took a deep breath and decided to show his strengths in other aspects besides courage, lest the silver goyuki be completely snatched away by Fujiwara Chika.

“President, do you need to bring some ingredients then?” I can let the people of the Shinomiya family drive alone or even send a special plane to send it over, which can ensure the freshness of the ingredients to the greatest extent, and there should be more choices. Whatever the president wants to eat, I can do my best to collect it for the president. ”

At this moment, Shinomiya Kaguya has a feeling of buying a smile.

It’s just a gender swap of the joker in the allusion.

Miss Kaguya, who controls the information network of the Shinomiya family, knows that there is no special cooking school in the Neon territory, and she plans to use the power of the Shinomiya family to try her best to make this journey more perfect.

After all, it was the first time I had hung out with the president for reasons other than official business.

If the only flaw is that this trip is not a two-person world, in addition to his future sister Bai Yingui, there is another girl.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Fujiwara Chika, who was enjoying drinking the black tea he brewed, and was a little helpless.

She felt like she was getting used to it.

If one day, Fujiwara Chika disappears from his life, it will be a pity, right?


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