Chapter 362 The attack of the black cat!

And just after Evan returned to the real world, the familiar door of space opened all over the world.

All kinds of monsters came out of the gate, but they soon started crazy action! These monsters are from all over the world.

These monsters from the Magic Flute World are countless: beasts, birds, sea beasts! The number is very large!

Half of them are sea beasts.

These beasts live in their original world and combine with Rufus, who gives them the magical powers they need to survive.

Without their magic, these beasts are still beasts.

When they are teleported to the real world, they quickly realize that there is not a single drop of magic in this world! In this world, there is not a single drop of magic. Not even a scarf, let alone magic.

Without magic power, like fish without water, the demon beasts cannot last long, and from the loss of magic power, they will not die for a long time.

It was because of this threat of death that the beasts lost their minds and became furious! In just one day, all the beasts were attacked.

In just 24 days, there were attacks all over the world! Numerous beasts attacked everyone who saw it.

News of the attack came from many countries.

And of all the countries or regions attacked, the oceans suffered the most! These sea beasts are much larger than other countries.

These sea beasts are much larger than those on land: from seahorses more than ten meters high, to sea dragons tens of meters long, to sea turtles like small islands! The attacks of these sea beasts are all to protect them.

The next day, these beasts attacked!

Long Guo received a cry for help from Neon!

When the sea beast came ashore, several countries as islands were naturally attacked the most.

These sea beasts have large bodies and tough skins, and ordinary firearms are useless, and heavy weapons must be used to complete the task.

One-tenth of the territory of the Neon Kingdom was wiped out in one day, and the coastal areas were almost wiped out.

If the sea beast continues to attack in this way for ten days and a half months, then it is very doubtful whether Niang can still exist.

People in this world don’t know that these beasts can’t live long without their magical powers. In three or four days at most, they will exhaust their magic power and die on their own.

In addition to some overseas islands being attacked, sea beasts also appeared in the inland sea of ​​the Dragon Kingdom, but when these sea beasts appeared, there was a group of tyrannosaurs not far away. .

Then….these sea beasts found that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was even more ferocious! Their attack power was also stronger. Before they even approached the tyrannosaur group, they were scorched by a powerful, lethal beam of light.

The Dragon Kingdom’s satellites monitored the tyrannosaur group, and after they discovered this scene and forwarded the video, the top leaders of the Dragon Kingdom were unanimously happy that they did not directly attack the tyrannosaur group, because if they did, There would be no natural line of defense at the moment.

If they had, there wouldn’t be that natural line of defense.

All is well now.

The Dragon Kingdom only needs to deal with the magical monsters that appear in the inland, and the damage from them is also very small.


Long Guo also got a bunch of monster corpses for nothing, not even dead.

Time went back to when Evan had just returned and entered a state of epiphany, the beasts began to descend.

A group of magical beasts that looked a bit like cats but were much larger, with purple-black fur and two wings on their backs, appeared outside the Guanghai Mountains in the Dragon Country.

Known for their agility, purple-winged cats are about one meter tall and five meters long, while their tails are about two meters long.

Their attack power is very powerful, they can use shadow magic, and they are natural killers.

There are 13 of them. After coming to the real world, these purple-winged cats quickly felt the gap in the magic around them. Like other beasts, these purple-winged cats were quickly provoked and began to attack all creatures in front of them.

As they crossed the mountains and it was already dark, a large group of cats smelled people and other creatures in the air, and a group of purple-winged cats started rushing towards the viewing platform, trying to attack the viewing platform!

At this time, troops have been deployed around the observation platform, and some defense facilities have been set up.

The soldiers standing guard at the top of the watchtower did not notice the approach of the purple-winged cat. These big cats are naturally good at shadow magic and will use it instinctively even when provoked. Shadow magic is good for concealment and works better in the dark.

Soon, these big cats appeared at the army fortifications, flapping their wings one by one, swooping over the guardrails with ease, sneaking into the barracks, ready to hunt their prey!

But right now!


A magical force spread from inside the viewing platform! It went through the bodies of those big cats and sent a jolt in them!

Wake up!

Feeling this magic, these big cats came out of the rampage.

“Buzz buzz~

After the swaying magic started to hit wave after wave, these big cats immediately let out a comfortable whimper, and then…

“Huh? There are monsters outside!!!”. Raise the alarm!!”

“Jingle Bell!!!”

Some of the big cats even came out of their hiding places because they were so comfortable, exposing themselves to the soldiers!

In an instant! The entire barracks was blown up! Soldiers 453 immediately drew their guns and rushed in! Without a word, they started shooting at the big cat!

“Da da da”! “Da da da”

The soldiers who can be stationed here are first-class figures in the army, and their marksmanship is above all impeccable.

In the face of not small purple-winged cats, they shot almost without exception.



Shadow energy seemed to envelope the big cats like liquid, and bullets could not hit them. Then, the roar of the leading purple-winged cat sounded, and all the purple-winged cats flew out of the barracks immediately! They flew to the viewing platform! 1


“Oh no! We can’t let these monsters go. Fight!

The garrison commander looked at the action of the purple-winged cat, his face darkened; if any harm was done to the people on the observation deck, the consequences would be disastrous!

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The newly installed machine gun started firing, which is the strongest firepower in the garrison today. Just now, the purple-winged cat was in the barracks, so he couldn’t fire for fear of accidental damage, but now there is no such worry! The two machine guns roared at the same time!


The leading cat let out a low roar, and the team dispersed immediately, but the four big cats could not escape quickly and were hit by machine guns.

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