Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 101: In the harem, I admire your simplicity most

  In the Hall of Longevity, Li Si was thinking about the impact of abolishing the checkpoint tax.

   There is no doubt that once the checkpoint tax is cancelled, Datang's business will usher in rapid development.

   But at the same time, merchants need to be restricted.

   Otherwise, if the farmers all go to work as merchants, who will grow the land of Tang Dynasty?

   In Li Si's view, food is the root of today's Datang.

   You can’t destroy the Great Wall just because you charge more business taxes...

   Although commercial taxes are important, food cannot be relaxed.

   It's just that the degree of this needs to be strictly controlled.

   Otherwise, there will be hidden dangers...

   Just as Li Si was thinking about it, Taiwei Yang Qinglin and Hubu Shangshu glanced at each other.

   "Thank you Taiwei for reminding..."

   Tobe Shangshu whispered.

   Just now, if Taiwei Yang Qinglin hadn't stopped him, he would have bluntly remonstrated...

   For Hubu Shangshu, blunt admonition is normal, but if it is because of his ignorance that delays your majesty's plan, then his Hubu Shangshu will die!

   "Okay, go down."

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looked at Taiwei Yang Qinglin and Hubu Shangshu, and said.

   "Comply with the purpose..."

   Taiwei and Hube Shangshu leave the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si slowly got up and paced back and forth in the Hall of Longevity.

   The merchant must be restricted. This is Li Si's bottom line.

   However, this matter is not urgent for the time being.

   Li Si needs to see what the impact will be after the level tax is cancelled, and then restrict it.

   Any decision on measures must be based on actual conditions.

   Otherwise it's just empty talk.

   The same goes for governing the country!

   This is also the reason why Li Si approached Taiwei Yang Qinglin and Hubu Shangshu.

   After all, these two men are ministers of the Central Government, and they have good knowledge. Taiwei Yang Qinglin assisted the first emperor.

  Sometimes, let them listen to the side, Li Si may be surprised...


the next day.

   The Tang Empire announced the cancellation of all checkpoint taxes in the territory.

   This move made Datang merchants weep with joy.

   Datang’s business has always been suppressed by the checkpoint tax.

   Merchants have to pay a sum of money before selling the goods.

   Who can stand this?

   It’s just that the abolition of the checkpoint tax now means that these merchants have a much lighter burden...

   Although there are still various other commercial taxes.

   But those commercial taxes, at the very least, will not be incurred until the goods are sold.

   The commerce of the entire Datang Empire suddenly showed a thriving trend...

  Countless merchants took their goods and traveled around the world, and while reaping profits, they paid tax money like the imperial court...


  Eternal Life Hall.

   After two consecutive days of busy work, Li Si finally perfected the rectification of the commercial tax.

   Nowadays, Datang Commerce has no checkpoint tax restrictions, and the speed of development is jaw-dropping.

   Li Si has some expectations. When the business tax statistics for this month come out at the end of the month, what a surprise it will bring him...

   Li Si walked out of the Hall of Longevity.

   The breeze blew his face, making Li Si feel comfortable.

   "How long has it been since I went to Yongan Palace last time?"

   Li Si with his hands on his back, looking at the scenery in the palace, asked casually.

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the attendant **** thought of not wanting, and directly replied: "Return to your Majesty, it has been almost a month..."

   For the eunuch, the emperor’s affairs are more clearly remembered than his own affairs.

   If one day, the **** near the **** can't remember the emperor, it is time for the **** near the **** to change...

   There are thousands of eunuchs in the entire palace. Which one does not want to be the emperor’s side?

   "Swing to the Yongan Palace."

   Li Si rubbed his eyebrows and said.

   It is Li Si's habit to go to Yongan Palace to see the Queen Mother every month.

   In the entire palace, only the Queen Mother and Li Si have a true blood relationship.

   is also the queen mother, who is really thinking about the emperor.

   As for other people, they either fear the imperial power or want to use the imperial power to climb up.

   This is the emperor.

   The emperor has no friends.

   There is no such thing as a confidant.

   Under the imperial power, all are ants.

   Above the imperial power, there is endless loneliness.

   The news that the emperor drove Yongan Palace reached the ears of the Queen Mother.

   The queen mother suddenly smiled.

   "Come, accompany the Ai's family, and greet your majesty outside Yongan Palace..."

   The queen mother took the **** from Yong'an Palace and stood outside the palace in person, waiting for the emperor's arrival.

   In fact, the identity of the queen mother only needs to be greeted in the palace.

   It's just that the queen mother misses the emperor too much.

  Although, Yongan Palace and Changshengdian are not far apart.

   But the queen mother did not dare to disturb the emperor.

   The harem must not be involved in politics, which is the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

   If the empress dowager sees the emperor too many times, which delays the emperor's handling of government affairs, there will definitely be some upright officials impeaching the queen dowager.


  The emperor came to Yongan Palace.

   "I have seen your Majesty..."

   The queen mother leaned slightly.

   The other female officials and eunuchs knelt on the ground.

   "Mother Queen."

   Li Si and the Queen Mother walked into Yongan Palace.

   The two chatted casually.

   "Your Majesty, I heard from the Aijia, a few days ago, Grandpa Cao took a woman outside the palace to the Palace of Longevity?"

   As soon as the empress dowager's voice fell, Li Si's eyes were cold, but then he slowly came over.

   Cao Zhengchun took Nangongqing into the palace, and many court ladies and eunuchs saw it.

   It is normal for the Queen Mother to know about this.

   "I wonder how your Majesty and that woman met?"

   The Queen Mother looked forward to it.

   Li Si glanced at the Queen Mother and knew what the Queen Mother was thinking.

   "The that woman is the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai."

   Li Si sat on the main seat and said casually.

  "The descendant of Cihang Jingzhai?"

   The queen mother's face changed.

   Cihang Jingzhai is the leader of the righteous way, and has dominated the world of martial arts for two hundred years. Before the queen mother enters the palace, he is the man of the magic door. Why don't you know Cihang Jingzhai?

   "Don't worry, mother, I have nothing to do with Cihang Jingzhai."

   "Catch the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai into the palace, just want to ask something."

   Li Si had a few more chats with the Queen Mother, and then he was going back.

   After Li Si left Yong'an Palace, on the way back to the Hall of Longevity, he suddenly thought of something, and ordered to go left and right to Baihua Pavilion.

   Baihua Pavilion.

   Mumu is in the yard trimming a flower that is about to wither.

   Under the sunlight, Mu Mu has a thrilling beauty.

   Li Si looked at Mu Mu, and suddenly felt that he had done wrong to canonize Mu Mu as a beauty?

  Mu Mu is a naive woman who should spend her life carefree instead of getting involved in this harem.

   "The concubine has seen your majesty..."

   Mu Mu looked up and saw the emperor standing outside, she was shocked, hurriedly put the scissors aside, trot to the emperor's side, saluting timidly.

   "Mu Meiren."

   Li Si sighed softly: "Do you know, what do you admire most?".

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Mu Mu blinked, took a peek at the emperor, and lowered his head: "The concubine doesn't know..."

   Li Si looked at Mu Mu and said with emotion: "In the harem, I admire your simplicity the most."

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