Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 106: When the emperor stepped on the peak, Ci Hang Jingzhai's panic!

   Chongwen Temple.

   Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looking down at the ten students below.

   Regarding "Jedu Shi" as the subject of the palace examination, Li Si has carefully considered it.

   So far, for Li Si, there are four things worthy of concern.

   The first thing is Datang’s Jidu Shi system. The problem that Jiedu keeps the system from losing its tail is a serious concern for the emperors of the past dynasties. Even Li Si came up with a method of separating the two powers to replace the Jiedu system, but it also takes time to implement it and cannot be too aggressive.

   The second thing is the Datang land system and commercial system. This matter Li Si has been handed over to Hubu Shangshu.

   The third thing is the launch of the Turkic colony plan, which is related to Li Si's plan to colonize the world in the future. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the colonial plan, Li Si sent Bai Qi to Turk to suppress all heretics.

   The fourth thing is the development of gunpowder. For Li Si, gunpowder was just the beginning. What Li Si valued more was the industrial system and even the scientific system after gunpowder.

   In Li Si's view, although the gods and demons system is powerful, but after all, it only pursues the power of a small number of people, but the scientific system can benefit all the people of Datang.

   And, when the Tang Empire conquered the world in the future, if there is not enough scientific system support, communication problems alone will not be able to solve...

   can't let the high gods and demons pass the message...

   Therefore, if there are conditions, Li Si is not willing to give up the scientific system.

   In the Hall of Chongwen, Li Si is full of thoughts.

  Although he is the Emperor of Tang Dynasty and sits on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, there are still too many things waiting for him to do, waiting for him to solve.

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, looking at the ten students in the hall.

   Among them, can anyone really assist him?

   Li Si has expectations in his heart.

   In Li Si's memory, the period of the Tang Empire was a time when talented people appeared in large numbers.



   Turkic King Court.

   The Turkic king left from the residence of the national teacher.

   "Could it be that the Turks are about to die..."

   The Turkic King looked up to the sky and sighed.

  Guoji's words kept echoing in his ears.

   Either agree to the request of the emperor of Datang.

   Either the entire Turkic nation will die together.

   If the Turkic King is alone, it will be a big deal with the Tang Empire.

   It’s just that the Turkic King is not alone.

   Behind him, there is still the Turkic royal court. The inheritance of the Turkic kingdom is determined by the Turkic king alone.

   The Turkic King, like the Turkic State Division, is not afraid of death, but he is worried that the Turkic State will die because of them...

   If that is the result, his Turkic king would be the sinner of the Turkic kingdom.

   "Datang Empire?"

   "Datang Empire!!!"

   The Turkic King sighed deeply.

   At this moment, he felt a deep regret in his heart. Why did he go to provoke the Datang Empire in the first place?

  Although the Turkic 300,000 iron cavalry invaded the border gate of the Tang Dynasty was the decision of the Turkic State Division, but if his Turkic King insisted on opposing it, it might be another result...

   "Come on."

   As soon as the words of the Turkic king fell, a Turkic guard stepped forward and bowed and said, "My lord, what's your order?"

   "Pass the lone order, summon all the tribe patriarchs to the king's court, there is only one thing to announce to them."

   After the Turkic King said these words, he seemed to be ten years old instantly.

   The Turkic King has decided to agree to the conditions of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

  Although, once that happens, the Turkic kingdom will live forever, surrender to the feet of the Datang Empire and cannot resist.

   Even dozens or hundreds of years later, the Turkic people on the grassland will probably forget the glory of their ancestors, and they will be proud of being the people of Tang Dynasty.

   Only at this moment, the Turkic King can only do this.

  Because, under the mighty power of the Datang Empire, the entire Turkic court had no choice but to surrender.

   "Oh, it's just that, after the army of the Tang Empire now destroys the three tribes, the tribes are panicked..."

   The guard looked at the Turkic King cautiously.

   The Turkic King frowned: "Did Tang not retreat?"

   "My lord, many people think that Datang's strategy is suspicious and they dare not relax..."

   Ken couldn't help but said.

   is not only the major tribes, but even in the Turkic royal courts, people are also in panic at this time, and they can't stay all day long.

   "A bunch of trash!"

   The Turkic King looked angry.

  With the strength of Datang, if you really want to destroy the Turkic country, why use the so-called suspicious strategy?

   Directly dispatched the silver armored soldier who killed 300,000 Turkic cavalry at the border of Hexi. Who can stop the Turkic nation?

   The Turkic King knew in his heart that even if it was a Turkic national teacher, if he really dared to stop the silver armored soldier, it would be a dead end.

   Not only that, according to what the national teacher said to the Turk King, there are at least three gods and demons like silver armor soldiers in the Datang Empire.

  Even, one of them was terrifying to the extreme. With just one move, he took the Turkic national division...

   If it were not for the national teacher to say it himself, the Turkic King would not even dare to imagine that there is such an incredible power in this world...


  The emperor steps on the peak.

   Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

  The woman in a white robe stood on top of the rocks.

   Since knowing that Nangongqing disappeared in the world, the woman in the moon-white robe has not moved.

   In the eyes of the white woman of the moon, only gods and demons can capture Nangongqing in such a straightforward manner.

   But the gods and demons in the world, the women in the moon-white robe don't know all of them, but at least they have heard of them.

   And the lord of the world, the lord of the world, the woman in the moon white robe, had never heard of it.

   In addition, before, through deduction, spent life dollars, deduced the position of Nangongqing, but was blocked by the national fortune, so that the woman in the moon white robe did not dare to make any rash actions.


   "I must save you as a teacher!"

  The woman in the white robe made a decision in her heart.

   "Come on."

   "Bring me a strand of Qinger's hair."

   Soon after the woman in the white robe finished speaking, a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai handed it up with a strand of black hair.

   "The technique of deduction..."

  The woman in a white robe looked at this strand of hair and fell into a deep thought.

The deduction technique of    Cihang Jingzhai, in addition to deducing the general trend of the world, can also deduct the position of a certain person.

   Even, with the help of deduction, with the help of hair, blood, etc., directly deduced the specific state of the owner at this moment.

   In the eyes of the woman in the moon white robe, because of the national destiny and want to hinder, it is impossible to calculate the position of Nangong Qing, but it can be completely skipped and indirectly deduced the state of Nangong Qing at this time.

   Then use this as a clue to get more information about Nangong Qing, and finally put forward the specific location of Nangong Qing.

   However, the latter's consumption of lifespan is far better than the former.

   Therefore, the woman in the moon white robe has been hesitating...

   But at this time, the woman in the moon white robe had already made a decision in her heart.

   "The technique of deduction..."

With the help of a strand of hair from Nangongqing in her hand, the woman in the white robe of moon began to rise in her mind.

"here is?"

  The woman in the white robe opened her eyes again and found herself in a'er? "

  The white woman on the moon saw Nangongqing in the dungeon at first glance.

And then.


   An extreme emotion surged.





   Life is better than death!

  The face of the woman in a white robe changed wildly.


   "Sword Heart is broken?"

  The woman in the white robe of the moon never expected that Nangongqing’s sword heart was broken?

   "Who is it?!"

  The woman in a white robe took a deep breath.

   At this moment, she used the technique of deduction, costing her life, and tens of thousands of miles across the hospital, descended on Nangongqing, and could perceive everything that Nangongqing had ever sensed.

   So, for the first time, the woman in the moon-white robe wanted to feel why Nangongqing was so...


   The next moment.

  The woman in a white robe saw a man in a black robe.

   The black robe man lay across the memory of Nangong Qing, like a magic sword, standing upright, exuding the mighty power of the world!

"this is?!!"

  The look of the woman in the white robe showed horror for the first time.


at the same time. .

   Emperor stepped on the peak.

  The woman in the white robe suddenly opened her eyes, spit out blood, her face was as white as paper, without a trace of blood...

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