In the Hall of Longevity.

  Tantai Yiren brought lotus seed soup, carefully came to Tianzi, and said softly: "Your Majesty, the slave maid deliberately stewed a bowl of lotus soup to make up for your majesty. Your Majesty drink it quickly, or it will soon be cold..."

   Li Si raised his head and glanced at the Tantai Yiren.

  The beauty was beside, and a faint fragrance pounced on her face.

   Before entering the Hall of Longevity, the **** who was close to the **** had come to report.

   Without Li Si's permission, Tantai Yiren would not be able to enter.

  Taiyiren looked at the emperor pitifully.

   When she did this, she was naturally looking for opportunities to approach the emperor.

   If there is no such reason, she might not even be able to enter the Palace of Longevity.

  Although, Tantai Yiren are nominally the emperor's personal maidservants.

   It’s just that the emperor has never had the habit of letting his maidservant serve him personally.

  Taiwan Yiren can hardly even meet your Majesty, let alone contact.

   Now, this opportunity is very rare. The Tantai Yiren looked at Li Si, her pretty face drooped slightly, and the blush extended to the Tantai Yiren's neck, as if shy.

   "This fairy..."

   All the performance of Li Si Jiang Tantai Yiren can be seen in his eyes.

  Taiyi people every time they see the emperor, they behave differently, bold and charming, shy and timid...

   It seems that Tantai Yiren is constantly testing the emperor, and she can become whatever the emperor likes.

  This kind of woman, in all dynasties and dynasties, can't get rid of the title of disaster to the country and the people...

   Unfortunately, it was Li Si that he met.

  While the emperor's refining technique is running, Li Si has a clear mind, and it is impossible to indulge in beauty...

   Li Si wanted to see how much Tantai Yiren could do to seduce the emperor.

   "Your Majesty, drink while it's hot..."

  Tai Yiren holding lotus seed soup, slowly approached.

   Li Si was about to stretch out his hand and take the lotus soup, but the Tantai Yiren said softly: "Your Majesty must be physically and mentally exhausted when handling government affairs. Let the servants feed your Majesty..."

After   Taiyiren said, he picked up the soup spoon, gently scooped up half a spoon of lotus seed soup, put it on his red lips and blew the heat...

   Li Si looked at the behavior of the Tantai Yiren, but he also felt interesting, so he didn't stop it.

   Since Li Si ascended the throne, no one has ever been so bold in front of the emperor.

  Tai Yiren personally fed lotus soup to the emperor, and every time he fed a spoonful, he had to blow it out with kisses. This scene is unspeakable ambiguity...

   Until Li Si drank a bowl of lotus soup, Tantaiyi slowly retreated.

   "Your Majesty, the slave and maid left first..."

  Taiyi people did not have any intention to stay, but instead proposed to leave from the Hall of Longevity.

   This surprised Li Si a bit.

  According to Li Si's previous contact with the Tantai Yiren, the other party should wish to climb on the dragon couch...

   "Do you think I don't like to take the initiative? So I intend to go for it?"

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, thinking with interest.


  East Factory.

   Cao Zhengchun sat on the hall.

   "Come on."

   As soon as Cao Zhengchun's voice fell, the deputy governor Du Kang stepped forward and bowed and said, "What is the command of the governor."

   Cao Zhengchun glanced at Du Kang: "The miscellaneous family needs to know all the intelligence of the seventh son Zhao Zheng from Beiting Jiedu."

   "Who has been in contact with, how is his relationship, and everything that has happened recently, big and small, detailed and simple, and everyone needs to know."

   Cao Zhengchun glanced gloomily at everyone.

   "I will follow the orders of the Lord."

   Deputy Governor Du Kang numbs his scalp and said loudly.

   The rest of the East Factory Supervisors said in unison.

   Cao Zhengchun waved his hand: "What are you still trying to do without asking the miscellaneous family to investigate?"

   Just when many guards were about to retreat, someone came in to report.

   "Supervisor, can you see me outside the Ministry of Industry?"

   When Cao Zhengchun heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   "Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry?"

   "He didn't obediently investigate the leak of gunpowder, what would he do with the miscellaneous family?"


  The meeting hall of the East Plant.

   Cao Zhengchun sat down with Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry.

   "I don't know if adults come to my east factory, what's the matter?"

   Cao Zhengchun looked at Shangshu of the Ministry of Engineering with a smile.

   If you did not understand Cao Zhengchun's person and methods, the Ministry of Industry Shangshu might think that Cao Zhengchun is just an ordinary eunuch.

   However, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry knew in his heart that if Cao Zhengchun was ordinary, no one would dare to claim to be cruel that day.

   Since the establishment of the East Factory, I don’t know how many officials have been put in jail.

   If it weren’t for something important to find Cao Zhengchun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry would never take the initiative to contact Cao Zhengchun...

   "Cao Governor."

   Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry squeezed a smile: "I wonder where the gunpowder found by Governor Cao was found in Chang'an City?"

  As soon as the voice of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry fell, Cao Zhengchun frowned: "What do you mean?"

   "Actually, I have thoroughly checked the owner of the Ministry of Engineering, but there is still no suspect."

  Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry said this, paused for a moment, and continued: "So, the gunpowder discovered by Governor Cao may not come from the Ministry of Industry..."

   Cao Zhengchun heard the words of Shangshu from the Ministry of Engineering and did not reply.

   To tell the truth, if it were not for your Majesty’s belief that the Ministry of Engineering Shangshu was innocent, Cao Zhengchun would have invited the other party into the Dongchang dungeon...

   Cao Zhengchun does not believe in Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, but he believes in the emperor.

  Since the emperor said that you are innocent by the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, Cao Zhengchun would naturally not doubt the emperor's words.

   "If you are an adult, the miscellaneous family already knows it."

   "Don't worry, Zajia will ask someone to thoroughly investigate this matter. If you really wronged the adult, Zajia is willing to make amends to the adult."

   Cao Zhengchun looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and spoke slowly.

   "Apologize and dare not take it."

   The Ministry of Industry Shangshu waved his hand quickly.

   How dare he let the evil star Cao Zhengchun apologize to him?

   "In that case, the miscellaneous family still has important things..."

   As soon as Cao Zhengchun said this Ministry of Industry Shangshu knew that this was letting him go.

   "That official will leave first!"

   Shang Shu got up and walked out of the East Factory.

   After Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry left, Cao Zhengchun fell into deep thought.

   Cao Zhengchun was thinking, is it true that the traces of gunpowder he found were not revealed by the Ministry of Engineering?



   Turkic King Court.

   Many tribal chiefs gathered.

   On the high platform of the royal court, the Turkic king and the Turkic national division sit upright.

   At this moment, as the Turkic King announced the "cooperation" with Datang, there was dead silence on the court.

   The tribe patriarchs are considering what the Turkic king said.

   If they agreed to the conditions of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty promised not to send troops to invade Turks.

   In this way, the Turks can get a respite.

   As for the colonial plan mentioned by the Turkic King, although there are endless troubles, if they can't survive the immediate barrier, they won't even have troubles...

   Just when the patriarchs of many tribes were about to agree, a man with a sullen expression suddenly stood up.

   The jealous man is the patriarch of the Huyan tribe.

   And the Huyan tribe was the first ten tribes that King Liang led an army to break.

   The Huyan tribe suffered heavy casualties under the massacre by the Datang army and was almost wiped out by the clan...

   At this time, how can the Jieya man hear that the Turkic King is about to make peace with Datang? ?

   He will never allow this to happen!

   He Hu Yanshi, wants revenge on Datang!

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