Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 124: Tai Chi Hall, the fear of Princess Anyang

The Princess Anyang's mansion.

Cao Zhengchun took a large number of Dongchang guards and surrounded the Long Princess House.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty invites you to go to the Tai Chi Hall for a comment."

Cao Zhengchun looked at Princess Anyang and said softly. When Princess Anyang heard this, her face changed slightly: "Bold, which dog slave are you, dare to preach the imperial decree?"

"False decree?"

Cao Zhengchun's expression remained unchanged: "If the miscellaneous family has any false imperial decree, your Highness will naturally know when he arrives at the Taiji Hall." Princess Anyang looked at Cao Zhengchun and sneered: "My palace recognizes you."

"You are the governor of the East Factory, a dog by your majesty."

When Princess Anyang realized this, the heart she was holding suddenly let go.

In the eyes of Princess Anyang, as Cao Zhengchun, she would never dare to do anything to her.

"A running dog dared to bite his owner." "What a courage!!"

Princess Anyang shouted angrily.

Her Anyang eldest princess is of the royal blood of the Li family, and she is the sister of today's son.

In the entire Chang'an City, who would dare to be so rude to her?

Cao Zhengchun led the East Factory Superintendent and broke into the Long Princess's Mansion without authorization.

"My palace gives you a chance, kneel now."

"Otherwise, this palace will inevitably impeach your domineering work in the East Factory before your majesty. Based on the relationship between this palace and your majesty, you know what will end your minion at that time, you know!"

Princess Anyang looked at Cao Zhengchun and sneered.

Princess Anyang had heard that Governor Cao of the East Factory was the emperor's confidant.

But what about this?

It's just a dog.

How can she reach her position in the heart of the emperor.


Cao Zhengchun sighed softly.

When Princess Anyang saw this scene, she thought Cao Zhengchun was going to be softened, and her face was proud.

The ministers of the DPRK and the Central Government were afraid of Dongchang, like a snake.

But she is different from Princess Anyang.

Even Cao Zhengchun, the governor of the East Factory, had to kneel down in front of her Anyang and beg for mercy.

However, Cao Zhengchun's next sentence made Princess Anyang's expression condensed.

"The Zajia originally planned to give her Royal Highness a dignity for the sake of the royal family."

"But now it seems that Her Royal Highness, Princess Long, doesn't plan to appreciate..."

A trace of pity appeared on Cao Zhengchun's face.

Even though the status of Princess Anyang is special, she has touched the emperor's bottom line...

Anyone who touches the bottom line of the emperor can be imagined.

Not to mention that Princess Anyang is just a princess.

Even if the queen mother of the dynasty stepped on the emperor's bottom line, she would not be able to retreat...

Princess Anyang frowned: "What do you mean?"

"The identity of the palace..."

Princess Anyang hasn't finished.

Cao Zhengchun waved his hand: "Take down Her Royal Highness Princess Long and send it to Tai Chi Hall."

As soon as Cao Zhengchun finished speaking, the surrounding Dongchang guards bit their heads and set up Anyang Princess.

The guards of the East Factory were afraid of the power of Anyang Princess.

But they feared Cao Zhengchun even more.

Offending Princess Anyang is dead at best.

But if Cao Zhengchun frowned, it would be hard for them to die.

"What are you doing?"

"Who gave you the courage?!"

"Do you know who this palace is?"

Princess Anyang struggled hard.

Regardless of it, Cao Zhengchun glanced around his eyes: "Block this place so that no one can enter or leave."

After Cao Zhengchun finished speaking, he took a small number of Dongchang guards to the palace.

Only the guard and servant girl with a panic face...



Tai Chi Hall.

Early Tang Dynasty.

The civil and military officials followed both sides of the imperial road and entered in turn.

When the court and all the officials are all in place, the Emperor of Tang, dressed in a dragon robe, will be in the court!

"Long live your majesty, long live long live."

The civil and military officials said in a loud voice.

"Flat body."

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and said coldly.

The simple word ‘flat body’ made the court and the officials panic.

The ministers can stand on this court, naturally knowing how to figure out the holy will, but at this moment, what they feel from the words of the emperor is monstrous anger.

The emperor was angry, and a million corpses!

In the hearts of the civil and military officials, I have long felt the consequences of being angry with the emperor...

Now, when realizing the anger of the emperor, none of the court officials trembled, because no one knew whether they could walk out of the Taiji Hall alive.

"what happened?"

"Why don't Aiqing talk anymore?"

Li Si glanced around, and his voice became colder.

Li Si's words made the legs of the officials weak.

The courtiers knelt on the ground with a thud, shouting in panic: "Your Majesty calm down."

"Quite your anger?"

A hint of chill appeared on Li Si's face.

"Since you know, I want to calm down my anger!"

"Then you can know why I am angry?"

Li Si suddenly got up and scanned the audience fiercely. No minister dared to look at the emperor.

All the courtiers trembled all over and their faces were disturbed.

At this moment, the minds of these courtiers quickly flashed through all the things they did.

Could it be that some of them angered your Majesty?

The civil and military officials were extremely frightened...

at this time.

The servant **** quietly walked to the side of the emperor and whispered.

Li Si said softly, "Let him in."


Cao Zhengchun walked into the Tai Chi Hall.

"Your Majesty Qi, the man has already taken it, just waiting outside the Zhengchun respectfully said.

"Come in!"

Li Si sat back on the dragon chair again and said.

"According to the purpose."

Cao Zhengchun withdrew from Tai Chi Hall.

This scene was seen by the court officials.

At this moment, these courtiers all knelt down on the ground, even though they had all kinds of doubts in their hearts, who would dare to ask the emperor at this time?

After a while.

Cao Zhengchun walked into the Tai Chi Hall again.

Behind Cao Zhengchun, followed by two Dongchang guards.

The two guards held the Princess Anyang in their hands.


The two guards directly threw Princess Anyang on the ground, and then respectfully exited the Tai Chi Hall.

In their capacity, it is forbidden to stay in the Tai Chi Hall for a long time.

The princess Anyang was dizzy and dizzy. When she waited for her reaction, she was already in the Tai Chi Hall.

"here is?"

Princess Anyang was slightly surprised.

She looked around quickly, her face not surprised but happy.

With the eyes of the princess Anyang, even if she has never been here, from the surrounding civil and military officials, one can infer what place it is.

Tai Chi Hall.

The place where the emperor's early reign.

Princess Anyang looked up and saw Li Si sitting high on the throne of the dragon chair. She was overjoyed.

"His Majesty."

"Your Majesty is the master for me!"

"These dog minions in the East Factory dare to be rude to this palace."

Princess Anyang said pitifully.


It was the emperor's indifferent gaze that greeted Princess Anyang.

Princess Anyang felt something was wrong.

She glanced around again and found that all the officials were kneeling on the ground, shaking all over... "Your Majesty..."

At this moment, the princess Anyang suddenly felt a trace of fear...

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