Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 135: Do you have other opinions?

Inside the longevity hall.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan looked increasingly gloomy.

The Shuofang Jiedu Envoy gathered 400,000 troops, and everyone knew what they wanted.

Li Si had known for a long time that the World Jiedu Envoy was unpredictable and ambitious, but Li Si did not expect that Shuo Fang Jiedu was so bold? ! In Li Si's view, even if Shuo Fang Jiedu had to go against him, he should not choose this time.

Today, the Datang Empire is defeated by the Turks, and the country is prosperous. Within the four seas, who is not afraid?

Shuofang Jiedushi's deployment of troops to rebel at this time was completely lowering his victory. Li Si didn't know it. After seeing Li Si ascended to the throne, Shuo Fang Jiedu made repeated moves, so that the originally shaky Datang Empire had a tendency to rise again, so naturally he couldn't bear it.

For Shuofang Jiedu, instead of watching Datang rise again, it would be better to fight hard.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Datang Empire is still under the influence of the An-Shi Rebellion, Shuo Fang Jiedu is 80% sure that he will be able to succeed.

Say it again.

Take ten thousand steps back. With the trump card of Shuofang Jidushi, even if it fails in the end, there is enough retreat.

It's a big deal to cede the land as the king, and join forces in the vertical and horizontal directions, and use the power of foreign races outside the border to confront the Datang Empire and stay away.

"Your Majesty, at this time, you only need to give an order from Shuofang Jiedu, and you can send your troops south to Chang'an City!"

Cao Zhengchun knelt and whispered, with a panic on his face: "The old slave is willing to protect Your Majesty with death!"


"very good!"

Li Si glanced around, looked at Cao Zhengchun, and said with a sneer: "Cao Zhengchun, I have ordered you to sit in the East Factory and suppress all changes in Chang'an City!"

Since Shuo Fang Jiedu dared to transfer troops without authorization, Li Si had a reason to calm down.

However, with the war, rumors and rumors will inevitably rise in Chang'an City, and a small number of caring people will fuel the flames, which may cause panic...

Li Si doesn't want this to happen. Only when the rear is stable enough can the frontline soldiers be invincible and invincible!

Cao Zhengchun naturally knew how to stabilize Chang'an City.

It can be said that doing these things with the means of the East Factory is simply accomplished.

There is no difficulty.

However, even so, Cao Zhengchun still did not care.

After Cao Zhengchun returned to the East Factory, he immediately ordered his guards to strictly monitor the changes in Chang'an City.

For a time, the whole Chang'an city was violent.

The ministers of the DPRK and China faintly realized that something major might have happened.

After Cao Zhengchun left the Hall of Longevity, Li Si's expression calmed down.

Today, Li Si has the strongest power in his hands and is the four gods and demons.

These four gods and demons were summoned by Li Si from the heavens and worlds. They were absolutely loyal to Li Si and would not have the slightest worry of betrayal.

Among the four gods and demons, Bai Qi is the heaviest killer, and Bai Qi's killing **** domain is extremely suitable for the battlefield.

It's just that, in Bai Qi's area of ​​killing the gods, dealing with the soldiers under the gods and demons, of course, there are many deaths.

But if it is the same level **** and demon...

Bai Qi's Killing God Realm can only influence, not crush, at best.

In the First World War in Hexi, Bai Qi slaughtered 300,000 Turkic cavalry.

In this situation, the Shuofang Jiedu still rebelled, and he must have a means to deal with the white rise.

The most unhelpful, can hold the white rise.

Under this circumstance, Li Si naturally would not directly send Bai Qi.

Regardless of Bai Qi or the other three gods and demons, Li Si's final trump card.

As an emperor, it is impossible to throw all his hole cards at once!


The next day.

Early Tang Dynasty.

The civil and military officials stood at the entrance of the Taiji Hall long ago and entered in turn.

After the court officials arrived, they found that His Majesty had not appeared.

The ministers on both sides of the royal road talked in a low voice.

Some courtiers believe that your majesty is unwell and the early court may be cancelled...

However, when the court officials discovered that King Liang had entered the Taiji Hall, an unknown premonition suddenly rose in their hearts.

King Liang?

Why did King Liang appear on the court?

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the princes shall not be in control of the military and shall not interfere in state affairs!

Only now, King Liang has entered the Tai Chi Hall, and joins them in the early dynasty...

What made the officials even more incredible was that the imperial guard outside the Taiji Hall did not stop King Liang...

In an instant, the courtiers shook their hearts.

In the whole world, there is only one person who can order the imperial guard.

That is the emperor.

In other words.

King Liang entered the Taiji Hall with the permission of the emperor.

These ministers suddenly realized that the emperor's delay in showing up in the Taiji Hall was probably because of King Liang...

Obviously, a major event happened in the Datang Empire.

This important event brought King Liang, a prince, to the Tai Chi Hall...

Just when the thoughts of the court officials were ups and downs.

Wearing a dragon robe, Li Si followed the golden imperial road to the court.

"See your majesty for ministers."

"Long live your majesty, long live long live."

The ministers bowed and shouted.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan scanned the whole hall with cold eyes.

He didn't speak, no courtier dared to look up at the sky, let alone stand up.

Just when all the ministers were panicking a cold voice resounded in Baiguan's ears.

"Flat body."

"Thank your majesty."

The ministers were relieved.


Before they were completely relieved, Li Si, who was sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, spoke again: "I just learned that Shuofang Jiedu has transferred away from the 400,000 army privately and pointed towards Chang'an City!"

Although the emperor's words were brief, the courtiers felt that the sky was broken.

Shuo Fang Jiedu made such a move more obvious.

Shuo Fang Jiedushi intends to use his sword against Chang'an and seek rebellion!

The officials in the Tai Chi Hall sweated coldly, and they were all horrified.

They never imagined that the emperor was the first to announce such a shocking change in the morning.

These ministers naturally would not doubt the authenticity of what the emperor said.

As the emperor, there is no need to deceive them on this matter.

In other words, Shufang Jiedushi is really ready to seek rebellion! !

"Your Majesty calm down!"

The ministers knelt down again.

"Quite your anger?"

Li Si snorted coldly, making the courtiers kneeling beside the imperial road numb.

An emperor's air that resembled a heavenly might enveloped their hearts.

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair and said, "King Liang."

"The minister is here!"

King Liang got up without any hesitation, walked to the group of officials, and bowed again.

Li Si looked at King Liang and said with great majesty: "I ordered you to lead an army of 400,000 to go to Shuofang, calm Shuofang, and kill anyone who resists!" As soon as Li Si's words fell, King Liang was shocked and said loudly: "Chen Follow the purpose!"

Li Si turned his eyes and looked at the courtiers who were kneeling on the ground: "Do you have other opinions?"

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