Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 137: The terrifying power of the emperor's alchemy

In the Taiji Hall, the Armed Forces Shangshu was deeply shocked by Hubu Shangshu's words.

The book of the Ministry of War never expected that a mere commercial tax would bring such a level of tax to Datang!

As one of the six divisions, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, a member of the third rank of the Korean Middle School, naturally knows what the words of Shangshu of the Ministry of War represent!

For today's Datang Empire, it is simply an earthshaking influence! Even in the heyday of Emperor Xuanzong, the annual tax revenue of Datang was far less than 50 million taels!

What's more, according to the Hubu Shangshu, this is only a commercial tax...

The Bingbu Shangshu is incredible. "Really?!"

Bingbu Shangshu stood up staggeringly, looking at Hubu Shangshu in shock.

The Hushang Shu nodded, and said calmly: "My Husband is in charge of national taxation, don't you believe me?"

"I believe!"

"Of course I believe it!" The Armed Forces Shangshu burst into tears with excitement.

Although, he did not know how the emperor achieved this level.

However, as a loyal minister of the Great Tang Dynasty, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, as long as the Tang Dynasty can prosper, will be obsessed with death.

"Then I just..."

It was suddenly thought of Shang Shu of the Ministry of War of the advice he had said to his Majesty in the court hall.

At this moment, the Ministry of War Shangshu knew how outrageous he was...

The Hubu Shangshu pondered for a moment, and then said: "With regard to commercial tax, this is your Majesty's ordering me to do it. It is currently in progress, and I hope you will keep it secret..."

"This is natural!"

Shangshu of the Ministry of War solemnly said with a solemn expression.

"In that case, I will leave first."

Hubu Shangshu arched his hands and said.

The Bingbu Shangshu hurriedly replied: "My lord, please, thank you my lord for answering my questions!"

The book from the Ministry of War is a thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If there was no such thing as Hubu Shangshu, he would have misunderstood your Majesty...

In the view of the Minister of War, his own life and death is a trivial matter, but if his majesty is delayed because of his stupidity, then it is a huge matter.

After Hubu Shangshu left, Hebu Shangshu remained silent for a long time and finally made a decision.

Shang Shu of the Ministry of War is going to go to the Hall of Longevity in person to confess his ignorance to His Majesty...


Li Si returned to the Hall of Longevity.

"Shuofang Jiedushi?"

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair with a sneer on his face.

Shuofang Jiedu made a rebellion and conspiracy, hoarding 400,000 troops, intending to break through the city of Chang'an, which just gave Li Si a reason to send troops.

The Ten Great Jeddahs in the world served as the border gate for Datang, and the territorial aliens invaded and worked hard.

If Li Si used the Ten Jiedu for no reason, it would definitely chill the hearts of the soldiers in the world.

But it's different now.

Shuo Fang Jiedu makes rebellion first.

At this time, it was normal for Li Si to dispatch troops to calm down.

"It's just that King Liang and the 400,000 army are just for Shuofang Jiedu."

Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, thinking silently.

Li Si realized that Shuofang Jiedu's subordinates had the power of the gods and demons, and of course he would not only send out King Liang and an army of four hundred thousand!

Li Si's real follow-up is still the gods and demons!

As for King Liang and the 400,000 army, it was only Li Si used to test the cards of Shuo Fang Jiedu.

Today, Li Si has mastered a total of four gods and demons!

Cao Zhengchun needs to sit in Chang'an and can't make a move.

The male tyrant wants to subdue the arena. If the male tyrant is allowed to come forward this time, it will inevitably reveal that the tyrant is the emperor's subordinate.

At that time, the martial arts of the rivers and lakes, knowing the details of the hero, will definitely resist the hero...

In this way, Li Si's plan to completely conquer the martial arts of the rivers and lakes may come to nothing.

The male tyrant can take action, but it must be based on the situation without knowing it.

However, the two armies are fighting, and there is a lot of attention. If at this time, it is obviously inappropriate to let the hero show up.

As for Bai Qi...

Bai Qi masters the field of killing gods, and is the most suitable candidate.

However, Bai Qi has already played in the Hexi Border Pass.

Since Shuofang Jiedu dare to rebel and raise troops, he must have a way to deal with Bai Qi. If Li Si still summons Bai Qi back and sends it to Shuofang, then he will let Bai Qi jump into the pit...

Li Si put his right hand on the armrest of the dragon chair and said softly, "Dugu Sword Demon."

"Caomin is here."

A black robe man walked out from the shadow and said respectfully towards Li Si.

Li Si looked at the lone sword demon.

The Dugu Sword Demon is the second heavenly **** and demon, and has reached the state of ‘no sword, no self’.

The strength of Dugu Sword Demon is only stronger than that of Xiong Ba.

If Dugu Sword Demon went to Shuofang, Li Si would feel relieved.

"I give you a task."

Li Si's eyes fell on Dugu Sword Demon and said.

"Your Majesty, please."

The tone of Dugu Sword Demon did not fluctuate in the slightest.

As if in the heart of Dugu Sword Demon, there was nothing but the sword.

Li Si's eyes were calm, and he slowly said, "Go out to the palace and follow King Liang, disguised as King Liang's guard."

"Before Shuofang uses the power of the gods and demons, don't make a move."

As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Dugu Sword Demon bowed and said, "The Caomin complies with the edict."

After Dugu Sword Demon finished speaking, he left the Eternal Palace and disappeared into the palace.

With the skill of Dugu Sword Demon, if you want to leave, the entire palace, even Chang'an City, with hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops, no one can stop The way of the Dugu Sword Demon, with breath alone So that the sword heart of the invincible descendant of Cihang Jingzhai like Nangongqing was broken, which can be said to be monstrous.

Of course, it may be that Nangongqing himself is a swordsman.

However, as soon as the Dugu Sword Demon leaves, the defensive power around the emperor will inevitably be greatly reduced...

Thinking of this, Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly ran the emperor's qi refining technique, and a mysterious and mysterious'qi' began to permeate, and it made sense with the four directions.

Li Si has a feeling that as long as he has a single thought, he can use the Datang National Games to bless himself!

You know, how vast is Datang Guoyun?

Even today, the Datang Empire is at a low point and the fortune of the country has declined, but it is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Even if the national fortune that Li Si borrowed was only one thousandth, or even one ten thousandth...

But with this national fortune, Li Si is not afraid of ordinary gods and demons at all.

Of course, Li Si can only borrow this national fortune within the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

"This is the ability of the emperor's Qi refining technique?"

Li Si guessed in his heart.

For a long time, the emperor's refining technique has been relatively tasteless. Apart from enhancing Li Si's physical fitness and improving Li Si's role in resisting beauty, it has basically no effect.

But at this time, after Li Si practiced for more than three months, the emperor's qi refining technique finally showed incredible abilities.

Borrow a country's national transport?

How incredible is this? !

The national destiny is illusory, but the emperor's refining technique can materialize the national destiny and bless it on Li Si. "This is only one-thousandth, one-tenth of a ten thousandth of the national fortune, so that I can be fearless of ordinary gods and demons. If it is one-hundredth, one-tenth or even the entire national fortune, my strength... "

A trace of excitement appeared on Li Si's face!

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