Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 141: The beheading plan of King Shufang!

   "An Lushan Jeddu Envoy?"

   "The real method of cholera?"

   Shock appeared on the face of the scribe in white.

   In the past, during the Anshi Rebellion, Anlu Mountain Jiedu had a million soldiers, almost subverting Li Tangjiangshan.

   Although the Datang Empire finally suppressed the Anshi Rebellion, it also paid a heavy price.

   The three gods and demons sitting in the imperial palace went deep into the army of millions in order to kill the gods and demons under the Anlu Mountain Jiedu Envoy.

   In the end, the gods and demons under Anlu Mountain were killed, but the gods and demons of Datang suffered one death and two serious injuries.

   The two severely injured gods and demons left the Tang Palace directly and never returned.

   It can be said that in order to suppress the Anshi Rebellion, the foundation of the Tang Empire was almost exhausted.

   However, in the eyes of the white-clothed scribe, there are many doubts.

   For example, the three gods and demons of the Datang Empire joined forces to deal with one **** and demons.

   The final result turned out to be one death and two serious injuries?

   The three gods and demons work together, and it should be crushing one. How can one die and two serious injuries?

   As for the Million Army...

   If a **** and demon go deep into the army of millions alone, it is indeed possible to be consumed.

   But it is the three gods and demons who have penetrated into the millions.

   The combination of the three gods and demons is not as simple as one plus one.

  The scribes in white clothes are also gods and demons. Of course, it is clear that if the three gods and demons want to withdraw from the army of millions, the army of millions will definitely not be able to stop them.

   Just as the mind of the white-robed scribe was turning, Shufang Jiedu walked to the rear of the army: "Come with me."

   The white scribe heard this and immediately followed.


   was guarded by many soldiers.

  The scribe in white saw a huge crossbow.

  The crossbow bow is more than ten meters in size, and the whole body is dark, like a dark abyss, giving the white-clothed scribes a kind of creepy feeling.

   "Master, is this?"

   The scribe in white swallowed and asked in a low voice.

   "God Breaking Crossbow!"

  Shuo Fang Jiedushi stroked the crossbow arrows, his face was full of excitement.

   The white-robed scribe muttered in a low voice: "Broken God Crossbow?"

   "That's right!"

   "The crossbow arrows of the god-breaking crossbow are cast from thousand-year-old profound iron, and are designed to break the body protection of gods and demons."

   Shuo Fang Jiedu looked at the God Breaking Crossbow and said.

   "Thousand-year mysterious iron?"

   The scribes in white shuddered.

   The prison cell made of black iron for a hundred years is enough to trap a **** and demon in a short time.

   As for the thousand-year profound iron...

   I am afraid it is really possible to shoot the gods and demons.

   "During the Anshi Rebellion, the **** and demon of Datang died under the god-breaking crossbow."

   "It's a pity that An Lushan only forged three thousand-year-old mysterious iron arrows at that time. After shooting that **** and demon and severely wounding the other two gods and monsters, there was no black iron arrow."

   "Otherwise, Anshi Chaos is really hard to say!"

   "But I am different."

   "In order to deal with the Tang Empire, this time I have prepared ten thousand-year-old mysterious iron arrows."

   "The silver armored soldier, as long as he dares to show his head, I will let him taste the taste of the crossbow!"

  Shuo Fangjiedu makes you confident.

   He believes that no one can stop the God Breaking Crossbow in the world.

  God is no exception! ! !


  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and read the memorial.

   At this moment, the nearby **** walked in and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Hubu Shangshu is asking to see you outside."


   "Comply with the purpose."


   Hube Shangshu walked into the Hall of Longevity.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   Hubu Shangshuxing bows to the big salute.

   Li Si put down the memorial and said casually: "Flat body."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   The Minister of Household Affairs got up and said, "Your Majesty, this is after the cancellation of the checkpoint tax. The ministers have compiled statistics on the commercial tax collection of various places in the Tang Dynasty."

   Hube Shangshu took out a memorial from his cuff and held it in his hands.

   approached the **** and walked over and presented the memorial to the eunuch.

   Li Si unfolded the memorial, glanced casually, and said, "I see."

   Hube Shangshu saw the emperor's expression unchanged, and his heart grew in awe.

   From the view of Hubu Shangshu, the emperor had clearly anticipated that after the abolition of the checkpoint tax, the commercial tax would increase sharply.


  The emperor canceled the checkpoint tax for no reason.

   cancel the play?

   How could such a decision be made if it were not for your majesty to strategize?

   Thinking of this, Tobe Shangshu felt very ashamed.

   The Department of Household Affairs had thought that the emperor's cancellation of the checkpoint tax might have other purposes, but the Ministry of Household Affairs never expected that after the removal of the checkpoint tax, the commercial tax would soar to such an extent? !

   "The minister retires first."

   Hube Shangshu exits the Hall of Longevity.

   After Hubu Shangshu left, Li Si slowly got up and walked outside the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si raised his head and looked to the northwest, his eyes deep, he didn't know what he was thinking.




   King Liang led an army of four hundred thousand, arrived at Shuofang area, and confronted each other with the four hundred thousand army that Shuofang Jiedu transferred privately.

  The King Liang rode on the war horse, and wherever he looked, there was a black press. They were all soldiers wearing armor and holding weapons.

   These soldiers, with sharp-eyed eyes, showed their solemn intentions.

   This time, most of the 400,000 troops led by King Liang were soldiers who survived the First Battle of Hexi Border Pass.

   Therefore, even in the face of Shuofang's border, Shuofang's army, who has experienced many battles and often fights with foreign races, is not inferior.


   King Liang drew his sword abruptly and roared.

  In an instant, the ground began to tremble.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu made the same expression grim, and ordered to attack.

   Suddenly, nearly one million soldiers from both sides began to fight each other.

   This time Liang Wang did not take the lead and was on the front line.

   In the battle at the western border of the river, King Liang needed to stimulate the morale of the soldiers, so he ended up personally.

   But this time, King Liang thought he was no weaker than Shuo Fang Jiedu.

   Therefore, King Liang needs to sit in the rear and command an army of four hundred thousand.

  As the coach, King Liang has the heaviest burden on his shoulders. Any decision he makes may lead to changes in the outcome of the war.

time flies!

  The two armies keep fighting each other!

   The situation suddenly stalemate.

   Shuo's gentleness made his expression extremely gloomy.

   He had known for a long time that the coach sent by Datang this time was King Liang of Datang.

   It's just that Shuo Fang Jiedu couldn't think that under the command of King Liang, Datang's army was so difficult to deal with.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu made it clear to his heart that if he continues to hold on to such a stalemate, even if he wins in the end, it will be a tragic victory. At least half of the 400,000 army will be explained here.

   At that time, Shuo Fang Jiedu became a lonely man, what would he do to sweep the world and usurp Li Tangjiangshan?

  Shuo Fang Jiedushi absolutely cannot tolerate this.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu flashed his eyes with a hint of misfortune.

   In the eyes of Shuofang Jiedu, the reason why the Datang army has such a combat power is entirely due to the command of King Liang.

   If King Liang died.

   The Tang army is bound to be in chaos.

   At that time, Shufang Jiedu will enable nature to achieve a big victory. .

   At this point, Shuo Fang Jiedu made a thought in his mind.

   King Liang must die! ! !

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