Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 153: Taiwei's suggestion

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Cao Zhengchun met with the emperor and reported something.

   "Your Majesty."

   Cao Zhengchun respectfully said: "Nangongqing of Cihang Jingzhai, want to see your majesty."

   "Nangong Qing?"

   Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

   If it weren't for Cao Zhengchun's reminder, Li Si had almost forgotten such a person.

  Before, Nangongqing tried to do something against the emperor in the palace.

   However, before Nangongqing made a move, he was directly broken by Dugu Sword Demon.

   In order to make Nangong Qing live forever in pain, Li Si did not kill the opponent, but shut him in the Dongchang dungeon.

   Nangong Qingjian's heart was broken, and for her to live, it was a torture.

   Originally, Li Si thought that Nangong Qing would spend his entire life in pain.

   But now it seems that the other party is recovering well?

   can take the initiative to propose, to see the emperor.


   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair.

   According to Dugu Sword Demon, once the sword heart of a swordsman is broken, even the idea of ​​living will be lost.

   But Nangongqing is obviously not like that.

   Or, is this the method of Cihang Jingzhai?

   Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Cao Zhengchun saw that the emperor was lost in thought, and did not dare to disturb the emperor, so he could only stand in place, waiting for the emperor's answer.

  Because Nangongqing was a prisoner ordered by the emperor.

   So when Nangongqing wanted to see the emperor, Cao Zhengchun would go into the palace and report to the emperor.

   "I don't have time now."

   "Let her stay in the dungeon."

   Li Si pondered for a moment, then said.

   At the beginning, Li Si was still a little interested in Nangongqing.

   That's why Li Si called Nangong Qing into the palace.

   Can Nangong act boldly and dare to act on the emperor?

   Since then, Li Si has no interest in Nangongqing.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Cao Zhengchun withdrew from the Palace of Longevity.

   Li Si watched Cao Zhengchun leave, a strange light flashed across his face.

   "Ci Hang Jing Zhai?"

   Li Si sneered in his heart.

   Ci Hang Jingzhai, on behalf of Tianxuan Emperor, has already touched Li Si's bottom line.

   Regardless of the background of Ci Hang Jing Zhai, in Li Si's heart, Ci Hang Jing Zhai no longer exists.

   Soon after Cao Zhengchun left, Taiwei Yang Qinglin asked to see him.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin was appointed by Li Si to assist the cabinet, assisting Zhang Juzheng to take charge of the cabinet.

   It was almost an instant that Yang Qinglin went from being a lieutenant to a scorching power minister on the court.

   It's just that Taiwei Yang Qinglin was not complacent.

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin knew in his heart that everything he had was given by the emperor.

   If one day, the emperor wants to take it back, it will only be a sentence.

   Therefore, after serving as the cabinet's assistant, Tai Wei Yang Qinglin not only did not relax, but also demanded stricter on himself...

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin's only thought was to live up to his majesty's trust.

   Li Si looked at Taiwei Yang Qinglin, and said, "Aiqing has recently entered the cabinet. Is there any fatigue?"

   Hearing the emperor’s question, Yang Qinglin was full of horror: "It is the duty of a courtier to share worries for your majesty, how dare you be tired?"

   "You can talk."

   Li Si smiled and said casually: "What is the reason for you to come to me this time?"

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin heard the words, and his spirits were shocked: "My Majesty, the minister wants to implement the separation of powers in Hexi as soon as possible..."

Before   , Taiwei Yang Qinglin and Li Si suggested that the two powers should be separated instead of the side joint system.

   This matter Li Si also mentioned in the court.

   It's just, but it has not been implemented...

  Because the selection of candidates has always been a problem.

   The essence of the separation of the two powers is to divide the power of the Jiedushi into two, divided into civil rights and military rights.

   Civil rights are admirals, and military rights are general soldiers.

   In this way, the commander-in-chief and the admiral supervise each other, and naturally it can greatly reduce the scene of the place not following the emperor's order.

  It’s just that, regarding the separation of powers, the ministers of the DPRK and China have been arguing over the issue of candidates...

   "Tell me what you think."

   Li Si said to Yang Qinglin.

   Yang Qinglin heard the words, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the minister thinks that the number one scholar in the imperial examination, Wang Mu, and Tanhua Chenhe are more suitable."


   Li Si looked at Yang Qinglin.

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin's expression became more respectful: "Your Majesty Qi, first of all, Wang Mu and Chen He are both inferior children, and there is nothing behind them..."

"carry on."

   Li Si nodded slightly.

   Yang Qinglin means very simple.

   The generals and the admiral are in charge of the military and political powers. If the family powers behind the two have a good relationship, can the emperor trust them to supervise each other?

   Furthermore, Li Si was not at ease when he handed over the military and political power of a place to someone with a complicated background.

   Maybe after a long time, it will become a new jundu.

   However, Wang Mu and Chen He are inferior children, they have nothing and the relationship is simple.

   Let them accept the positions of commander-in-chief and admiral, and Li Si doesn't have to worry about secret collusion...

  Even, Wang Mu and Chen He would be grateful to the emperor...

   In this way, it kills two birds with one stone.

Taiwei Yang Qinglin took a careful look at the emperor and found that the emperor had no expression before continuing: "Secondly, even if the two people really thought about developing their own forces in the future, they had no background, even if It takes decades to cultivate."

   "In the system of separation of powers, the generals and admirals in various places are rotated every few years, which cuts off the possibility of them cultivating local forces."

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin respectfully said.

   "As for a colleague in the DPRK, Wang Mu and Chen He said that Wang Mu and Chen He were too short of seniority and were unable to take on such a large task, and it was totally groundless."

   "Your Majesty, based on the veteran's observation of these two people during this, there is no problem with the abilities of these two people."

   "Wang Mu acts well, takes one step and thinks three steps, Chen He has a deep mind and considers everything comprehensively."

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin did not hesitate to praise Wang Mu and Chen He.

   "In that case."

   "Just do what Ai Qing said."

   "If the results are good, the next one will be implemented in Shuofang."

   Li Si also wanted to see how the two power separation system is.

   Although it is envisaged that the separation of the two powers can completely replace the Jieduzhi system and increase the emperor’s control over the border, it can be envisaged, and reality is reality.

   Before seeing any results, Li Si was not completely sure whether the separation of powers had other defects...

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin withdrew from the Hall of Longevity, and began to prepare for the implementation of the separation of powers and inform Wang Mu and Chen He...

   After Yang Qinglin left, Li Si flipped through some royal classics.

   After setting up the cabinet, Li Si has a lot of leisure.

   General memorial, the cabinet chief Zhang Juzheng can handle it himself.

   There are not too many important memorials left to be dealt with by the emperor.

   Li Si didn't need much time before he finished processing.

   after a moment.

   approached the **** and said, "Your Majesty, the broken crossbow has been sent to Chang'an."

   "Broken God Crossbow?".

   Li Si was slightly curious.

   He would like to see the broken crossbow that claims to be able to shoot gods and demons!

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