Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 157: King Liang's Spicy


   King Liang opened the secret decree.

   There is only one word on the secret.

   But after King Liang received the secret order, he had unprecedented confidence in his heart.

  Because King Liang knew that this secret decree represented the will of the most powerful man in the world.


   King Liang seemed to be infected, and his face also showed killing intent.

   As far as the emperor's eyes can be, it is where he fought in blood!

  Hexi is like that.

  Shuofang is even more so!

   King Liang thought quickly in his heart.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu's family members and relatives, a total of more than 100 people.

   In addition, there are also people who have a relationship with Sakufang Jiedushi.

   These people add up to thousands.

   King Liang walked out of the barracks and came into the cell.

   "Your Highness."

   The soldier guarding the cell respectfully said when King Liang arrived.

   King Liang's eyes were calm, and he said, "Is it all in there?"

   "Your Majesty, don't worry, you won't be able to run away if you are guarded by me."

   The soldier patted his chest and said.

   "But what should these people do?"

   The officer asked suspiciously.

   King Liang stared, and said softly: "Kill all."

   As soon as King Liang’s voice fell, the soldier's pupils suddenly shrank: "All... are killed?"

   The soldiers are unbelievable.

  Because at this moment, Shuofang still has hundreds of thousands of survivors.

  If this is the time, the mass murder of Shuofang Jiedu's relatives and family members might cause riots...

   "Are you worried about the descendants?"

   King Liang glanced away, and immediately knew what the soldiers thought.

   "If they dare to change, then kill it!!"

   Liang Wang has a cold tone.

   This command was given by the emperor.

   Even if the corpse mountain and the blood flow into a river, Liang Wang will execute it to the death.

   Although King Liang promised Shuofang Jiedu, he would not directly kill his subordinates.

   But if these people take the initiative to riot, don't blame King Liang for being cruel.


   The soldier guarding the cell swallowed and whispered.

   He seemed to have seen the next scene of Shofang shaking.

the next day.

   King Liang personally escorted thousands of people to execution.

   During the execution, hundreds of thousands of troops were distributed everywhere in Shuo Fang, and anyone who had changed was directly suppressed.

   For a time, the whole Shuo Fang was violent.

   Thousands of people who were executed were filled with regret.

   When Shuo Fang Jiedu launched a rebellion, they also raised their hands in agreement, and even took the initiative to offer advice, wanting to gain a merit from the dragon...

   It’s just that they didn’t think about what the consequences would be if the rebellion failed?

   How easy is it to build the Tang Emperor’s counter?


   Imperial Palace.

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   The attendant **** walked in quickly, and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the chief minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, please see you.


   after a moment.

   Zhang Juzheng walked into the Hall of Longevity.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   Zhang Juzheng worshipped the emperor.

   Li Si looked at Zhang Juzheng and said, "Aiqing will get up."

   "Enlighten Your Majesty."

   Zhang Juzheng got up and said, "The minister has already refined the'testing method', please have a look."

   Zhang Juzheng took out a memorial from his cuff and held it on his hands.

   The "testing method" was Zhang Juzheng's early leadership and proposed to formulate evaluation standards for officials in the world.

   At that time, Zhang Juzheng just said it roughly, but did not mention the specific content of the assessment.


   Li Si came interested.

   approached the **** and presented the memorial to the dragon case.

   Li Si opened the memorial and glanced at it.

   "Your Majesty."

   Zhang Juzheng continued: "The main content of the'testing method' is that the cabinet and the six ministries set a time limit for the officials of the world."

   "And register three account books separately, one in six, one to the cabinet, and one in the royal family."

   "The six ministries conduct monthly inspections on the tasks undertaken by their officials, and each completed one must be posted, otherwise it must be truthfully declared."

   "The Sixth Department reports the implementation status every six months, and the violations are limited to cases for discussion."

   "Finally, the cabinet will verify the inspection work of the six departments."

   Zhang Juzheng bowed and said.

   Li Si nodded slightly after hearing the words.

   If it is implemented in accordance with Zhang Juzheng's "test-achievement method", it will be possible to hang a knife on the heads of officials in the world.

   By then, the efficiency of Datang local officials will inevitably be greatly improved.

   Orders issued by the court will also be forbidden.

   It’s just that Li Si can also see that Zhang Juzheng’s'testing method' is very harsh.

   There is no human touch at all.

   Everything is in accordance with the rules.

   This way, it will undoubtedly make the bureaucracy in the world dissatisfied...


   These questions are nothing in Li Si's eyes.

   Dissatisfied with bureaucrats in the world?

   This world is Li Si's world.

   The country of the Tang Dynasty is also the country of Li Si.

   If you are dissatisfied, you can resign and return to your hometown.

   If you don't want to resign, follow the rules over there.

   Li Si's complexion faintly, looked at Zhang Juzheng, and said majesticly: "Ai Qing, immediately convey the'testing method'."

   "If anyone has an opinion, tell him, come to the palace and talk to me."

   Li Si has made up his mind to thoroughly rectify the officials of the world.

   The officials of Chang'an City are fine.

   At the feet of the emperor, they dare not mess around.

   Where are the local officials?

  The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Which of these local officials is not the same as the earth emperor?

   The people are oppressed.

   The two silver coins set aside by the court were secretly deducted.

   Even the official duties of an official cannot be completed on time and in quantity.

   Li Si has long been pursuing the hearts of officials in the world.

   However, Li Si has always focused on issues related to the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, such as the Jiedushi system and the land system.

   As for the official issue of the world.

   can only be pushed back temporarily.

   It's not that Li Si didn't want to solve it.

   It's the problem that comes one by one.

   If the system keeps on letting go.

   The disaster of the Tang Dynasty destroying the country is right in front of us.

   Compared with the problem of the world's officials is nothing.

   But now, Zhang Juzheng's "testing method" has appeared.

  With the restriction of ‘testing the law’, do officials all over the world dare to be so unscrupulous?

   Zhang Juzheng withdrew from the Hall of Longevity, and at the order of the emperor, conveyed the "testing method" to the world's officials.

   With the emperor's backing, Zhang Juzheng is not afraid of all challenges.

   After Zhang Juzheng left.

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, sneered again and again.

   I would like to know, who on earth will be unable to bear to jump out!

   just let me take action and solve you all!


   Outside the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

   A group of blond and blue-eyed foreigners trudged hard.

   "When are we going to go?"

The white man headed by    puffed and sat on the ground.

   His lips are chapped, his skin is withered, and he is extremely depressed.

   At this moment, after tens of thousands of miles, their group finally reached their limit.

"adhere to!"

   "You must stick to it!"

   "Just, is it really useful to stick to it?"

   Just when despair appeared in the hearts of white people.

   An exclamation sound rang in my ear.

"Oh my God."

"what is that?"

   The white man moved his head stiffly, looking towards Yuan Chao.

   I saw a majestic border, standing at the end of the line of sight. .

"this is?!"

   The white man opened his eyes wide.

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