Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 164: King Liang is back to Beijing!

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   "The hero?"

   Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun with a trace of interest on his face.

  Counting the time, Li Si has not heard of Xiongba for a while.

   The male tyrant was ordered to go to the rivers and lakes to establish a confederation of the world, wanting to hold the entire martial arts firmly in his hands for dispatch by the emperor.

   Let the hero dominate the rivers and lakes is a very crucial move for Li Si.

   Li Si also paid more attention to this matter.

   Otherwise, Li Si would not send a male tyrant.

   Xiongba is the **** and demon of the second heaven.

  This level of combat power, if used in other places, it will definitely be able to play the role of a needle in the sea.

   From this we can see the status of Jianghu in Li Si's heart.

   Since ancient times, the imperial court and martial arts have been two very different opposites.

  The imperial court is the imperial court, and the martial arts is the martial arts.

   Even if the court dominates the world, the martial arts still does not fall under the court...

the reason is simple.

  The warriors are mostly aloof, not subject to discipline, and the imperial court's constraints cannot limit those warriors.

   The imperial court can send troops to encircle and suppress it, but it does not pay off.

   One is that most warriors have their own sects.

  The sectarian locations are all built in places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

  Second, even if these sects were breached, those warriors would hide in the mountains and forests.

   Wait for the wind to pass before coming out.

  The problem is still unresolved.

  The most important thing is that there are gods and demons in the world of martial arts.

   In case the warriors are pressed into a hurry, and a few gods and demons jump out, the court is not afraid, but it will also find it troublesome.

   Besides, in the arena, most warriors have no interest in power.

   Most of those sects are only satisfied with their own one-acre three-quarter land, and they cannot threaten the imperial power.

   If things go on like this, the emperors of the past dynasties don’t bother to care about the martial arts...

   But Li Si knew that if he could hold the martial arts in his hands, it would play an unimaginable role in consolidating the imperial power.

   Since then, under the imperial power, the world has surrendered!

   "Your Majesty."

   Cao Zhengchun arched his hands and said: "The male gang leader has received news that he has regained the Mending Way and listed Mending Way as the intelligence agency of the Tianxiahui, to investigate all matters concerning the martial arts for the Tianxiahui..."

   Li Si nodded slightly after hearing the words.

The practice of    Xiong dominates, after all, is in the heart of Li Si.

   Slowly, slowly encroaching, is Li Si's main method of imposing on the martial arts of the rivers and lakes.

   What Li Si wants is a complete martial arts.

   instead of a broken martial arts war.

   Among the rivers and lakes, those martial arts people, of course, are rebellious, but if used well, they can also play an extraordinary role.

   Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun, and said, "What else did Xiongba say?"

Cao Zhengchun heard the question from the emperor and immediately said: "Returning to your majesty, the male gang leader also said that it has been determined that there are gods and demons in Cihang Jingzhai. As for how many gods and demons are, how strong are the gods and demons, the male gang leader is still investigating ."

   "The male gang leader said in the end that the ancestor of Cihang Jingzhai's ‘Dini’ had unfathomable strength, and he was suspected to be broken and gone."

   Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

   "I see."

   Li Si looked still, as if he had expected it.

   In Li Si's memory, this world is not a pure martial arts world.

   And the details of Cihang Jingzhai, Li Si has long known.

   "The old slave retires first."

   Cao Zhengchun withdrew from the Palace of Longevity.



   The next day.

   The early Tang Dynasty.

   The civil and military officials entered the Taiji Hall in turn.

   Li Si ascended the throne, stopped in front of the dragon chair throne, and sat down slowly.

   The court officials all bowed and bowed: "Long live your majesty, long live long live."

   Li Si's face was calm, and he slightly raised his hand: "All the love is flat."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   The ministers just got up, and the imperial guards walked into the Tai Chi Hall: "My Majesty, King Liang has returned to Beijing and is waiting outside the hall."

   The guard's voice just fell, everyone was shocked.

  The king of Liang led an army of 400,000 to calm Shuofang, which has spread.

   Nowadays, the prestige of King Liang is extremely heavy.

   Most courtiers were jealous of King Liang.

   In the eyes of these courtiers, King Liang belongs to the prince, and they are completely two factions.

   The more the King Liang is valued by his majesty, the more it will set off the incompetence of these courtiers.

   However, in the eyes of some ministers, the more prestigious King Liang is, the closer he will be to his death.

   Since ancient times, what is the fate of those who overpower the master?

  Even if King Liang is of royal blood, if the emperor has a grudge against you, he still cares whether you are of royal blood?

   The thoughts of court officials and officials were different.

   However, the emperor sitting high on the dragon chair has deep eyes and can't see the joy or anger at all.


   Li Si's voice spread throughout the Tai Chi Hall.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   The palace guard retreated.

   after a moment.

   King Liang strode into the Tai Chi Hall.

   "Chen Li Zhen, I have seen your Majesty."

  The dynasty of Liang drew the emperor's salute.

   "Flat body."

   Li Si's eyes fell on King Liang, and he spoke.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  Wang Liang slowly got up.

   It’s just that even if King Liang has stood up, he dare not look up at the sky.

   Li Siwang opened his mouth to King Liang and said, "Aiqing, tell me about what happened during the process of pacifying you."

   "Comply with the purpose."

   King Liang bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the minister put down the rebellion this time, and eliminated more than 50,000 rebels. The remaining hundreds of thousands of rebellious soldiers have surrendered. They are now under control."

   "The minister found 15 million taels of silver in the mansion of Shufang,000 sets of armor, plus thousands of siege weapons..."

   King Liang said this.

   Li Si gave a sneer, frightening the court officials.

   "Siege weapon?"

   "He Shuo Fang is located in the border, and beyond the border, there is an endless desert. What is his intention to prepare so many siege weapons?"

   Li Si sneered again and again.

  Although Shuo Fang Jiedu had long known that the wolf was ambition, Li Si still did not expect that the opponent even had a siege weapon ready?

   Is this always ready to come to Chang'an City?

   "Your Majesty calms down his anger."

  Liang Wang knelt on the ground with a thud.

   "Your Majesty calms down his anger."

   The court officials also knelt down, anxiously said.

   Li Si saw this scene, his expression a little slow.

   No matter how wolfish ambition Shuo Fang Jiedushi was, he was dead at this moment.

   Not only Shuo Fang Jiedu died, but his relatives, family members, and anyone who had died with Zhan, were executed by King Liang under Li Si's orders.

   "Get up all the time."

   Li Si waved his hand.

   After hearing Li Si's words, the anger eased slightly, the civil and military officials dared to stand up.

   Li Si put his right hand on the armrest of the dragon chair, looked at King Liang, and said, "King Liang will be rebellious and has meritorious service, rewarding a hundred taels of gold, and a royal iron scroll."

   The emperor’s words just fell. .

   The faces of all the court officials are incredible.

   Even King Liang himself, when he heard the emperor's words, his expression was filled with disbelief.

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