Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 168: Zhang Gong’s request!

   The world will meet.

   Xiongba frowned slightly: "Lingnan? What are the people from Cihang Jingzhai doing in Lingnan?"

   Sect Master of Patching Heaven Road bowed and said: "The subordinates are worried about being discovered, and there is not too much to let people follow."

   "After the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai entered Lingnan, they disappeared."

   Xiongba heard these words and fell into thinking.

   Vaguely, Xiongba realized that at this time, Cihang Jingzhai would definitely not send his disciples to Lingnan for no reason.

   "Are there gods and demons in Lingnan?"

   Xiongba raised his head and asked.

   "God and devil?"

   Sect Master of Mending Heaven Dao was slightly surprised.

   "As far as his subordinates know, the only place in Lingnan where gods and demons can sit is the Song family."

   "Lingnan Song Family."

   Sect Master of Patching Heaven said in a low voice.

  In the records of Butiandao, two hundred years ago, Lingnan Song Family was glorious for a while...

   "Lingnan Song Family?"

Xiongba pondered for a moment and waved his hand: "Let's pay close attention to the Lingnan area. If you find the disciple of Cihang Jingzhai again, you can directly capture it. The old man would like to see, what exactly is Cihang Jingzhai doing this time? ."

   A hint of coldness appeared on Xiongba's face.

   He didn't bother to guess what Cihang Jingzhai meant.

   Take down the disciple who went down the mountain directly, just know it from the opponent.

   As for whether this disciple of Cihang Jingzhai will truthfully tell Xiongba...

  Using the domineering means, to interrogate a disciple in a small area, it is natural to catch it.


  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si asked to serve the **** and sent the jade seal from the previous dynasty to the treasury.

   For Li Si, the remaining national fortune was lost. The biggest use of this jade seal is to watch...

   Just as Li Si was about to continue reading the memorial, the **** came in to report.

   "Your Majesty, Hube Shangshu is asking to see you outside."

   The attendant **** handed over and said.

   Li Si put down the memorial and said, "Xuan."

   after a moment.

   Hube Shangshu walked into the Hall of Longevity.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   Hube Shangshu bowed his respects.

   "Flat body."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at the book of the household department: "Aiqing, what can I do if you come to me?"

   Hubu Shangshu stood on the Hall of Longevity and respectfully said: "His Majesty, the minister recently discovered that my Datang merchant seems to be planning something secretly..."

   Above the court, the emperor asked the household department Shangshu to establish an institution to supervise merchants in the world.

   Hube Shangshu, according to the meaning of the emperor, set out to prepare for this matter.

   However, Hubu Shangshu finally discovered that with the abolition of the checkpoint tax, the status of merchants began to improve.

   These merchants seem to have become a little restless...

   Merchants earn a lot of money through commodity trading.

   After having money, these businessmen began to cling together to form major trading houses.

   Li Si narrowed his eyes when he heard the report from Hube Shangshu.

  In Li Si's memory, but he knows the merchant's methods.

   Merchants believe that money can move God.

  As long as they can make huge profits, businessmen dare to risk murder...

   For Datang, commercial prosperity can certainly provide a large amount of commercial taxes to enrich the Datang treasury, but if the merchants are allowed to develop, there will be endless troubles...

   That's why Li Si issued a series of government orders to the Husband to monitor those merchants.

   "You can feel free to investigate this matter. If you have any questions, please tell me at any time."

   Li Si said.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   The heart that Hube Shangshu was holding was finally let go.

   You must know that behind the big commercial firms in Chang'an City, there must be the powerful and powerful of Chang'an City.

   These powerful dignitaries may be ministers of the DPRK, or relatives of the emperor.

   In the face of these patrons, Tobe Shangshu was really afraid to move.

   But now, with the emperor's words, Hube Shangshu's confidence suddenly became stronger.

  Under the imperial power, even if you are a nobleman, you can only panic.

   Just when Hube Shangshu was about to speak.

   approached the **** and entered again.

   "Your Majesty, Zhang Gong of the Academy of Sciences is asking to see you outside."

   Upon hearing this from the Hube Shangshu, his face changed slightly.

   Academy of Sciences?

   Hube Shangshu knew that His Majesty established the Academy of Sciences by himself.

  The Academy of Sciences is independent of the six departments and only listens to the order of the emperor.

   "The minister will retire first..."

   The Hubu Shangshu did not dare to disturb the conversation between His Majesty and Zhang Gong of the Academy of Sciences.

   "It's okay."

   Li Si shook his head slightly.

   Hubu Shangshu received his majesty's will, so he could only stay in the Hall of Longevity.


   Zhang Gong came in.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   Zhang Gong’s eyes were bloodshot, and it was obvious that he had not slept for several days.

   But even so, Zhang Gong's face is still full of excitement.

   Li Si glanced at Zhang Gong and said casually, "Is Aiqing used to being in the Academy of Sciences?"

   Zhang respectfully said: "Your Majesty, everything is fine in the Academy of Sciences, but..."

   "Just what?"

   Li Si looked at Zhang Gong with interest: "What? What's the problem?"

When Zhang Gong heard the emperor’s question, he bit his head and said: "Your Majesty, there are many things that are not available in the Academy of Sciences today, such as certain metals and rare materials. When the minister is studying'steam', he needs to use these things... ..."

   "This is simple."

   Li Si smiled: "It just so happens that the Hubu Shangshu is here. I will let the Hubu Shangshu later, from the treasury, allocate half a million taels of silver to the Academy of Sciences."

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Hubu Shangshu's face immediately became bitter.

  In the view of Hubu Shangshu, five hundred thousand taels of silver is enough for Tang's officials to pay for several years...

   Now that the five hundred thousand taels of silver are smashed into the Academy of Sciences, of course Hube Shangshu feels distressed.

  If someone else dared to open such a big mouth all at once, the Hubu Shangshu would definitely blow his beard and stare...

   Just, this is what your majesty meant...

   The emperor ordered that Hubu Shangshu could only obey.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Zhang Gong's eyes lit up immediately.

   Five hundred thousand taels of silver!

   Zhang Gong has never seen so much silver in his life.

   However, Zhang Gong knew in his heart that the emperor gave them so much money to make him develop ‘steam’.

   If in the end, he Zhang Gong has not developed anything, I am afraid that his life will not be guaranteed.

  The richest person in the world is undoubtedly the emperor.

  The emperor sits on the mountain and holds Sheji in his you want anything?

   But the emperor’s money is not so easy to get...

   Although Zhang Gong does not understand politics, he knows that the most ruthless person in the world is the emperor.

   "Okay, if nothing happens, let's go down."

   Li Si said lightly.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   "The minister retires."


   Outside the Hall of Longevity.

   After Hube Shangshu and Zhang Gong left.

  Taiyiren held the sewn dragon robe in both hands and stared at the Hall of Longevity.

  Taiyi people have been thinking about how to get your majesty’s attention and how to climb onto the dragon bed...

   Even an alien princess can be blessed by your majesty. Why can she only watch her from the side?

  Taiyi people are not reconciled.

  Taiyiren discovered that if she still took the initiative to her Majesty, she would never achieve her goal.

   Therefore, Tantai Yiren changed their attitude.

   She began to feel detached from her Majesty.

   She began to approach Your Majesty from other aspects.

   For example, when your majesty is processing the memorial late at night, stew a bowl of soup and send it to your majesty...

   Like now, sewing a dragon robe for your majesty...

  Taiyi people believe that sooner or later, his Majesty will realize that in the palace, only she is the most suitable woman...

   Thinking of this, Tantai Yiren settled down, holding the dragon robe, and walked towards the Hall of Longevity.

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