Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 173: Changan shakes!

Chang'an City!

   People are in panic!

   The guards of the East Factory were arrested in Chang'an City without any concealment.

   Official arrested!

   The firm was blocked!

  The businessman was caught!

   For a time, the whole Chang'an city was violent.

   Many upright ministers in the DPRK saw this scene, their eyes split.

   Since ancient times, civil servants and eunuchs have been on opposite sides.

   The civil servants looked down on the eunuchs, and the eunuchs hated the civil servants.

   It’s just that Dongchang is the eyes and ears of the emperor and the emperor’s cronies.

   Since the Dongchang Supervisor dared to be so arrogant, it must be his Majesty's intention.

  Under the imperial power, even if these ministers are not reconciled, they can do nothing.

   After receiving his Majesty’s order, Cao Zhengchun began to order the guards to thoroughly investigate the city of Chang'an.

   Dongchang inspecting Baiguan, inspecting Chang'an City is not a joke.

   Under the command of Cao Zhengchun, all the people involved in selling illegal salt were caught in a single net, and there was no fish that slipped through the net.

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and read the memorial.

   Even though everyone in Chang'an is in danger, Li Si still looks calm and motionless.

   Even if Chang'an City is in chaos, it is still under Li Si's control.

   The thousands and thousands of miles of the Tang Dynasty are all in the applause of Li Si, let alone a Chang'an city?


   Yongan Palace.

   The Queen Mother was drinking ginseng tea prepared by the imperial palace doctor, thinking about the world draft.

at this time.

   The female officer came to report.

   "The Queen Mother, Dongchang Supervisors were arrested in Chang'an City, and many ministers of the DPRK and China were imprisoned in the Dongchang..."

   What happened in the city of Chang'an, of course, cannot be hidden from Yong'an Palace.

   The queen mother heard the words, her expression condensed, she put down the ginseng tea in her hand, and sighed slightly: "It seems, whoever has dirty hands and feet has caused your majesty..."

   Only the emperor can order the mad dogs in Dongchang.

   Based on the Queen Mother’s understanding of the emperor, it must be the emperor’s discovery that Long Yan was furious.

   The queen mother knew very well that since Li Si became the throne, although many people have been killed, these people have the way to die.

  The emperor executed them, absolutely not for his own preference.

   Damn these people!

   "Queen Mother, what shall we do now?"

   The female officer couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"How to do?"

   The queen mother fell into deep thought when she heard the words of the female officer.

   After a while, the queen mother slowly spoke: "The Ai Jiayi's decree is passed on, during this time, Ai Jia puppet feels cold and does not see outsiders."

   The queen mother understood that the emperor had ordered so many people to be arrested, someone would definitely beg her.

   Instead of rejecting face to face, it is better not to see the other person...

   In the eyes of the Queen Mother, the people who came to beg her were extremely stupid.

   The arrest order was made by the emperor.

   What's the use of asking her for a queen mother?

   The emperor has been enthroned for more than four months.

   Haven't they figured out the character of the emperor in the past six months?

   Is it possible that these people naively thought that the queen mother could influence the emperor's decision?

   The Queen Mother refused all outsiders on the grounds that she felt the cold.

   This lets enter the palace, prepares to find some people who plead with the queen mother, such as the ice kiln.


   Taiwei’s residence.

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin frowned. He realized that something major had happened in Chang'an City, but Yang Qinglin had nothing to do with it.

   As the cabinet's second assistant, a minister who was trusted by the emperor on the court, the emperor Yang Qinglin couldn't guess what the emperor was going to do.

   At this moment, Taiwei had only one thought in his mind.

   With the king is like the tiger!

   In the city of Chang'an, the arrested ministers still held power in the first moment, but went to jail the next moment.

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin's heart trembled.

at this time.

   Taiwei's son Yang Mu ran into the mansion out of breath.

   "Father, it's not good."

   "Something happened in Chang'an City."

   "I heard that Shaoqing of Taichang Temple was directly crushed by the governor Cao of the East Factory..."

   Poplar stopped in front of Yang Qinglin and said quickly.

  " Governor Cao?"

   Yang Qinglin's expression changed, and he looked at his son: "During this period, you should stay in the house obediently and don't go anywhere."

   Yang Mu saw the tone of Yang Qinglin and said honestly: "Okay."


"I have a question."

   Yang Mu took a careful look at Yang Qinglin and couldn't help but say.

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin swept the poplar, and said, "Ask."

   "Just now, I saw many people who dare not resist in the face of the guards in the East Factory."

   "They know that they have a very low chance of getting out of the dungeon of the East Factory, but they still have no idea of ​​running away?"

"Why is that?"

   A trace of doubt appeared on Poplar's face.


   "Run away?"

   Tai Wei Yang Qingling sneered when he heard what his son said.

   "Mu'er, you have to be clear, it is today's son who caught them."

   "Who is the emperor?"

   "Lord of the world!"

   "Sit on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, hold the life and death of all beings in your hand."

   "The emperor wants to arrest them, did they resist?"

   "The emperor wants to catch them, where can they go?"

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin's words made Yang Mu suddenly realize.

   "Mu'er, remember the words of the father, the king let the minister die, and the minister has to die."

   "If there is a trick one day, Your Majesty will execute me, don't avenge me."

   "Not only don't avenge me, but also draw a long distance from me."

   "Only in this way can you have a ray of life..."

   "Finally, what I said to you today is rotten in my stomach, and I must not leak half of it."

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin had sharp eyes.

   Today, he wants to teach his son what an emperor is. Under the emperor, all are courtiers. If the emperor wants you to die, no matter how much you resist, it will have no effect.



  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si was about to rest.

   approached the **** and walked in and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Governor Cao is asking for a meeting outside the hall."


  " Follow the purpose ~ soon.

   Cao Zhengchun entered the Hall of Longevity.

   Cao Zhengchun knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the ministers arrested 126 officials, 1,500 businessmen, and sealed 53 business houses."

   "Your Majesty, in Chang'an City, all people involved in selling illegal salt are related to the Dongchang dungeon, waiting for your majesty's release."

   Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun and said, "Trial!"

   Li Si believed that Cao Zhengchun didn't let anyone go.

   But Li Si also knew that besides those caught by Cao Zhengchun, others must have escaped.

   The sale of private salt is related to Datang Guoben.

   Li Si will never let him go!

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Cao Zhengchun led the order to retreat.

   He will interrogate overnight, and then submit the results of the interrogation to the emperor before tomorrow morning.

   After Cao Zhengchun left the palace.

   Li Si slowly got up and walked out of the Hall of Longevity.

   The cold wind outside the hall was biting, but Li Si didn't care.

the next day.

   The early Tang Dynasty.

   The civil and military officials entered the Taiji Hall in turn.

   Li Si walked to the dragon chair throne, suddenly turned around and looked at the Manchu civil and military.

   Li Si wants the court officials to know that in Datang, there are some things they can touch, and some things they can’t touch!

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