Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 178: The choice of Beiting!

Above Chaotang.

   Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, and Shang Shu Zunzhi returned.

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, looking down at the civil and military manchuria, and his eyes were calm.

   For Li Si, the Confucian scholars in the Tang Dynasty are nothing more than a little trouble.

   is nothing at all.

   If those Confucian scholars are honest, guard their own self, and act according to the words of the emperor, Li Si doesn't mind giving them some sweetness.

   But if these Confucian scholars do not understand their identity and try to negotiate terms with the emperor, Li Si doesn't mind going to burn a book to confuse Confucianism.

   The court officials lowered their eyebrows and bowed their heads, not daring to look directly at the Emperor Tianyan.

   In the eyes of some officials, the Confucian scholars were brave enough to test the emperor for their own benefit.

   The emperor of Tang Dynasty can test it?

   How about Turkic country?

What is the result of   Shuofang Jiedu?

   The former was almost wiped out, now shivering under the mighty power of Tang Dynasty.

   The latter's family, young and old, as well as those who touched off their relatives, were all executed!

  Those scholars think they live long enough?

   When the courtiers thought of the emperor’s thunderous methods, their scalp numb and cold sweat broke out.

   For a time, no minister came forward to start the music.

   Li Si sat high on the throne of the dragon chair, and said casually: "All Aiqing has something to say, don't stand still."

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the civil and military officials suddenly reacted.

   The majesty of the emperor is too heavy.

   Even though the court and officials would stand on this Tai Chi Hall every day, they would still fear and tremble in front of the emperor.

  Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry stepped out, and said, "His Majesty, the case of selling illegal salt involved more than 8,000 workers, of which 500 were middle-aged and large officials in Chang'an City, and 7,000 were businessmen..."

   Xingbu Shangshu said loudly.

   Cao Zhengchun was originally responsible for selling private salt.

   However, there were so many people involved in the case, and the matter had already come to light. All the arrests had been arrested, and Li Si ordered Cao Zhengchun to transfer all of them to the Criminal Ministry.

   After all, Dongchang was the emperor’s eyes and ears, helping the emperor to monitor Baiguan and Chang'an.

   Wouldn’t the gains outweigh the gains if all the energy of Dongchang were put on such things?

   "All the principal offenders, those who have been cut off, those who are accomplices, those who are in serious circumstances, who have the same crime as the principal offender, and those who are in lesser circumstances will be exiled.

   In one sentence, Li Si decided the order of tens of thousands of people.

   The court officials did not dare to say a word.

   No one is willing to intercede for the officials involved in the case.

   "Comply with the purpose."

  Xingbu Shangshu bowed and retired.

   Li Si scanned the audience and said, "Is there anything else Aiqing?"

   The civil and military officials glanced at each other, and said, "The minister is fine."

   "The minister is fine."

   "The minister is fine."


   Li Si waved his sleeves.

   The attendant **** immediately walked out, shouting loudly: "Retreat to the court."

   As soon as the voice of attending the eunuch's voice fell, Li Si got up directly and walked out of the Tai Chi Hall.

   After the emperor left, the courtiers dared to raise their heads and leave the court in order.

   After returning to the Criminal Department, Shangshu of the Criminal Department immediately called several of his subordinates and told them that starting from today, immediately began to deal with all the personnel involved in the illegal salt trafficking case.

   According to the person involved in the case, the sentence was executed and exiled.

  Shangshu of the Criminal Department strictly followed the instructions of his majesty and did not dare to have any favoritism.

   Otherwise, if your Majesty discovers that the prison is now in prison, I am afraid that the prisoner is his Shangshu...



   North Court.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong expressionless.

   In the entire Jiedu Mansion, except for a few confidants, all the subordinates were retired by Zhao Gong.

   At this moment, Zhao Yun is sitting on the main seat. If you look closely, you can find that his body has been trembling slightly.

   The Emperor of Tang Dynasty gave him a cup of poisonous wine.

   In the past few days, Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong think about a problem.

   If Zhao Gong drank this glass of poisoned wine, would Emperor Datang let his family and relatives go?

   Finally, Zhao Gong got a conclusion.


   no matter what angle it belongs to.

   The Emperor of Tang will never let go of his family and relatives of Zhao Gong.

   Since ancient times, emperors have borrowed mercilessly.

   Even more so today.

  For Jiangshan Sheji.

   For the stability of Beiting.

   His Zhao Gong family must die to death.

   A trace of madness appeared on Zhao Gong's face.

  Since everything is dead, whether he chooses to drink or not, the result is the same, why didn't Zhao Gong fight it once?

  Although, Zhao Gong knew that since the Emperor of Tang Dynasty gave him a choice, he must have blocked his way.

   But Zhao Gong is not reconciled.

  He Zhao Gong sits in Beiting to defend the Tang Dynasty against foreign races. Why did the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty not even give him a chance?

   Zhao Gong took a deep breath and got up suddenly.

   "Come on."

   In Zhao Gong's eyes, there was already a decision.

   "The subordinate is here."

   "Contact the other Jidu Envoys and tell them, are you waiting to be uprooted one by one by the Emperor Tang, or stand up and resist?"

   Zhao Gong's face was gloomy.

   Zhao Gong knew that by doing so, he was standing on the opposite side of the Tang Empire.

   It's just that Zhao Zheng has no choice.

   At the order of Zhao Gong, several of his confidants all left Beiting and headed towards the other major territories.



   Song family mansion.

   Cihang Jingzhai disciple Jingyue said goodbye.

   Jingyue came to Lingnan Song Family to convey the meaning of Cihang Jingzhai to the head of Song Family.

   Now that the task has been completed, she naturally has no need to stay.

   As for the head of the Song family, he did not give a clear answer...

  What a joke.

   Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, is a **** and demon!

   Even though Jingyue was a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, she didn't have the courage to urge a **** or devil.

   For Jingyue, as long as she brings the words of the Lord Zhai, there is nothing else.

   As to whether the Song family agreed in the end, that was beyond her control.

   Jingyue now just wants to get back to Cihang Jingzhai as soon as hope..."

   "I hope the Lord of the Song Family will fulfill his promise."

   "Otherwise, the Lord Zhai..."

   Jingyue thought silently when she left the Song family mansion.



   Datang Border.

  In the cell.

   Several foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes were locked in it.

   At this moment, these foreigners are uneasy.

   They are not far and hard, crossing thousands of miles, setting out from their country, looking for the mysterious country in the east.

   But several foreigners never expected that before they arrived, they were discovered by scouts at the border, then surrounded by a large army, and then locked up in this cell.

   Although several foreigners did not know why this result occurred, they vaguely realized that something was wrong.

   They rushed to thousands of miles to see the heaven and the kingdom, to see the emperor, and to convey their kindness....

   But now, they are locked in this dark cell.

   This is too far apart from what they thought.

   just. .

   Even if they are not reconciled, they can do nothing.

   At this moment, they can only wait, waiting for the trial of the Tang Empire.

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